Chapter - 9

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Sri POV :

It's been a month since Naina left from delhi and I already miss her so much . As we have decided we both gave the entrance exam of the university and today is the result day which scares the hell out of me .

A person like me always gets chills when it comes to just 2 things .
1 - the studies with its bestie exams
2 - those street dogs which come out of nowhere and scare me .

Usually I like dogs , not all dogs scare me . I like playing with them but those dogs which give a staring competition to me when I walk on the road alone , makes me a scared cat in front of it .

Anyways, Naina as always isn't scared of the result as she is a topper . If I say this topper dialogue to her then she will give a flying chappal to me but she is good student who works hard.

But on the other hand , her best friend, the most interesting person is a one day batsman. So I am really scared , what if I don't get selected into the college.

All our dreams will be scattered.

To keep my brain distracted from theses negative vibes I got up and made my bed . I went to the washroom and got ready for the day .

Today my mood was to wear a simple white  top with a blue jeans. A perfect pair .

After getting ready I go down stairs and joined my brother who was sitting on the sofa and doing something on his phone . I sat beside him and laid my head on his shoulders .

His biecep is really hard as he is a gym freak . He builds a strong body and definitely looks good. I don't know whose the lucky girl to marry her , she is getting a great husband.

As I lay my head on his shoulder he asks " yo bro what's up , why does your face look like so stressed today. "
" The day has arrived bro , my future will be decided whether I have to study in a prestigious college like you or go and marry a rich guy who can buy me everything " .

After completing those words I get a tight slap on my head  from my mother who gives me my morning tea .

"Why do you always find a reason to escape from the studies. Mark my words Sri you won't be married unless you are settled in your life "

Ok here we go again .

" Sumi , why are you scolding sri in the early morning. Look she just woke up . Do you want your daughter to have a bad day ."

" Ohhh, so is it ok if I scold her in the afternoon. "

Bang , here goes my savage mom with her one liner . After hearing her words my brother starts laughing and rolls on the sofa only to get a cold glare from my dad .

" What I meant was to stop you from scolding her , not to change the timing ". " Whatever,  your words doesn't stop me . I m going to prepare breakfast. Tell me want you all want to have ."

" I want to have dosa " i say quickly as I hear her words .
" I want oats ." Says my boring brother with his boring breakfast.
" Anything which makes you ease " flirts my dad with my mom and she blushes and moves into the kitchen .

It's normal for me and my brother to listen my dad flirt with my mom as it shows how much do they love each other. They are so cute.

As I was thinking about them I hear my brother screaming at me .

" Sri are you even listening to me "
" Sorry , yes I m what were you talking ".
" The results are out bro ."

My heart just skips a beat and I get scared. My brother takes the slip form the drawer of the table which have my hall ticket number to check the results .

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