Chapter 2

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*Drew's POV* 

I don't know why I was being so harsh to this new woman in town. I guess it was the war rubbing off on me. The not trusting people even the ones in my hometown I place I grew up in. I was glad I could come home for a year. Which is not likely in the Marines. They always need you but they told me to go home. I didn't understand why till I got home. My sister had breast cancer. She was my light, my day. Rose had taught me everything. Our parents had died when she was sixteen and I was ten, she took it upon herself to raise me and feed me. She did everything to make sure we were ok. She still did normal teenage things like have a boyfriend and go to prom, after I told her she needed to think of herself. I even persuaded her to take courses at the community college. When I became a marine she got scared but I told her I would be fine. Eventually she got use to me leaving every other month and being gone for double. She was the only woman I needed in my life. But while I was gone Rose had a baby, it wasn't just us two anymore, it was now Mika and us. He was a quiet, kind and loving little boy. I loved him like a son and if anything happened to my sister he would be my son. I was driving down the rode from the Diner after I recently picked up my sister when she looked over at me then turn her head back to the road. 

"What is it," I asked her knowing what she was going to talk about. 

"Why were you so cold back there to Maria?” she asked. 

Bingo I knew it, “Because I don't know her and why is she here in this town of all towns?" 

"Well would it kill you to be nice for once you haven't been out with a girl in years, just one night stands." 

She was right about that it had been years. The last girl I was serious with broke my heart and my arm. The thought made me shiver. "No it wouldn’t." 

"Then tomorrow I want you to go over her house and say I'm sorry for my rudeness and can I help you with anything." 

"Why would she need help with anything?" 

"I don't know but she moved in that old house north of town." 

"Oh that old place why would she want that." 

"I don't know she wants something to fix." 

"I guess."

We pulled up into our house to see Mika running outside. Amy was watching him while I ran some earns and get Rose. Amy was this crazy 46-year-old woman who took it upon herself to become our mom after our parents died. She kept the child protective services off our backs and made sure we had everything.

“Hey Mommy,” I said hugging Amy while Mika ran to Rose.

“Hey boy,” Amy said walking into the house.

We all followed behind her and sat in the living room. Mika stayed glued to his mom all the time. It was cute to see how protective he was of her. Mika’s father dipped when he found out Rose was pregnant. She wasn’t heart broken cause she got what she wanted out of their friends with benefits deal.

The last I had heard of him is that he moved to California and was married with kids. He had been one of Rose’s close friends growing up. His name was Robert Delfine.

“So this boy over here wanted to be mean to the new girl in town Amy,” Rose said to Amy.

“What,” Amy screamed.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be,” I said defending myself.

“Yeah right you’re crazy boy,” Amy said.

“Yeah be nice to her when you go apologize tomorrow she’s been through something and she’s not telling,” Rose said.

Thanks to Rose the whole night I wanted to know what Maria, the beautiful girl, could be going through.

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