Chapter 9

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*Maria's POV 

The months have been flying by. Rose, Mika and I have all grown close. I watch Mika while Rose goes to work and help him with his homework. Mika is a sweet kid who loves transformers. Because of him I can name off other robots and not just bumblebee and O. Prime. It was quite a learning experience. We were all sitting down stairs talking when there was a knock at the door. Rose just looked at the door scared. I got up and slowly walked to the door. Rose told Mika to get ready for bed. I opened the door to see my brother and sister standing there smiling. 

"Hey what's wrong you don't want to see us," my brother asked hugging me. 

"No it's just I thought… Never mind," I said kissing him and my sister. When they were inside I noticed someone was still outside by their car. The person stood up and looked at me. It was Drew. I started to run to him I didn't care it was cold outside and I only had on a sweater, leggings, and some socks. He was here. I jumped into his arms as he just held me. 

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming home," I said just holding on to him. 

"I wanted to surprise you and your brother is the reason. I didn't know." 

"So your home for Christmas?" 

"Yes I'm home. You've missed me huh." 

"Yes I have," he picked me up and threw his bag on his shoulder as we walked to the door. 

"Why don't you have on shoes or a coat it is freezing out here?" 

"I saw you and my hormones got the best of me." He walked through the door laughing at me. He put me down only to be attacked by his sister. 

"Oh my god I thought something happened. Oh my god your home my baby is home," she said kissing him. 

"Well if I knew I would get this welcome I would do it all the time," Drew smirked. 

"It's only cause you scared me don't do it again," Rose said walking to the kitchen. We all sat at the table as Rose cooked us an early dinner. Drew told us about the war as we ate and filled in my siblings about what happened before we left. My brother was not happy that I didn't tell him, but he was also happy he didn't have to worry anymore. Once we were done my sister cleared everything and started talking to her newflavor of the month. We were all sitting in the living room talking well Drew, my brother, Mika, and I were talking. Rose came I with her bags and said she needed to be home. Mika followed his mom after he gave us all a hug and kiss. We sat in silence as the door closed.  

"Mom and Dad are coming on Christmas Eve and leaving the day after Christmas," my sister said entering the room. 

"Ok," I said as she started walking away to the guest room, "wait one second young lady. I want to talk about this boy." 

She groaned and walked back to us sitting down. Drew laughed at how she just kept her head down not making eye contract. 

"So what's he like," I asked putting my head on Drew's chest. He adjusted himself so he was comfortable. 

"He is tall, dark, and handsome," she said laughing at herself. My brother and I had no emotion what so ever. 

"So he's black," my brother said leaning back in his chair. 

"No and yes. He's mixed, black and mexican." 

"Are you having sex," my brother said getting to the hard question right away. 

"Umm.... yes," my sister said it quietly hoping my brother wouldn't freak out. 

"What!?!?! Hell no, no you're only 18 no. At least be Maria's age, no." My brother started pacing he wasn't happy. His younger sister didn't have her v-card, but she hasn't since she was 16. 

"Are you using protection. At least tell me you aren't having sex with random guys," I asked her locking eyes with her. 

"I'm not that stupid Maria. I've been dating him actually on and off. Plus I've known him since the 10th grade." 

I sighed my sister was growing up. She wasn't the girl with pigtails anymore. 

"Just be careful ok I don't want anything to happen to you. Now go," I said dismissing her. My brother just sat down and looked at me. 

"Are you'll having sex too," he asked nervously. 

"No we aren't we haven't known each other that long," I said as my brother sigh and came to hug me. He ended up laying on me like a pillow. 

"Thank god that would be to much for me to handle," he said getting up and going up stairs. Wow ok. I looked at Drew who was just smiling at me. 

"What," I asked Drew. He moved us to where he was laying on top of me between my breasts. 

"Nothing it's just I really like your family." I smiled at him and rubbed his hair. I loved his eyes and his accent. They were the sexiest things about him. He picked me up and walked upstairs. 

"You know I can walk right," I said smiling down at him. 

"Yea but this is more fun."  

He walked in my room and sat me on the bed. I looked up at him and kissed him gently wanting to take in the moment.  

"I've missed you so much," he said resting his head on mine. 

I kissed him again and got up to change clothes. I put on a long t-shirt as Drew took off his pants and shirt. I walked back over to him pushing him on the bed. I laid on top of him caressing his hair. 

"I've been waiting to long to be back in your arms," I said kissing his cheek then moving to his nose then his lips. I could feel his partner on my butt. I feel asleep laying on top of him listening to his heart.

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