Chapter 7

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It was the day of the wedding and I was excited. Drew was a groomsmen so he was wearing his marine uniform. I put on a red and black dress. It was red at the top and black at the bottom. It went to the floor and had a lace back. I paired it with black platforms. We were at his house getting ready and he was look sexy in his uniform. 

"You like what you see," he asked smirking at me in the mirror in his room.  

"Yes I do actually," I said walking over to him helping him straighten everything up. He rested his arm on my waist as I put on his hat. Drew looked amazing, his accent wasn't helping how attracted I was to him at that moment. 

"You look beautiful, spin for me," he asked moving his hand to his side. I spent around once slowly I heard him mumble wow quietly. I don't think I was suppose to hear that so I acted like I didn't. 

"Oh my god ya'll look so gorgeous," said Rose standing in the door way with Mika behind her. She motion for us to stand together so she could get a picture. After what felt like thirty million pictures Drew told her we needed to go. We got in the car and drove to a plantation house. It was beautiful and elegant. We walked inside and instantly got stared at. Drew led me to my seat and kissed me on the cheek then went to the groom. I was still getting some looks from the woman in the room. A middle aged woman came ad sat beside me and tapped my shoulder. I turned to her and smiled. 

"So you and Mr.Drew," she said smiling. 

"Yea we are dating," I answered back thinking that's what she wanted. 

"Ohhh that's great. You seem sweet he's a good guy you know. Oh my name is Amy I've watched Drew grow up. This town is small so I've watched alot of people grow up. See all these woman here are jealous of you cause you're beautiful and you're with Drew. Drew wouldn't want them even if they tried," said Amy. 

"Thanks I'm Maria." 

"That's a nice name. Drew and Maria. Ohh ohh are you the new girl that he was mean to? Wow funny how thing change. Well whatever I like you two together invite me to your wedding." I laughed at that then notice the wedding was starting. Drew came in with a blonde who didn't seem to want to let it go being the gentleman that he is he didn't respond to her touch. The wedding went on it was beautiful the bride look gorgeous and so did the groom. If Drew and I weren't together I would so try to date the groom. All of the men were hot what was with these marines. Once the couple did their final walk Drew started to walk to me only to be stopped by some girl. When she put her hand on his chest he looked at me and my blood started boil. He moved her hand still looking at me trying to get away from her. She turned his head only to have it right back where it started. He got away and walked to me and took my hand. The girl was shooting daggers at me I just leaned my head into Drew's chest. When we got to the car Amy was there waiting on us.  

"Amy can you control your daughter," Drew said clinching his jaw. 

"That bitch I wish I could ever since she went to college she's has been a whore," Amy said. Drew opened the door for Amy then me. He got in his truck then started heading to the reception in the woods somewhere. I leaned over to Drew to ask," Was she the one that stopped you after the wedding." He shook his head yes. I looked straight ahead he held my hand kissing it. 

"Awe look at you two. When are you getting married? Ohhhh grand babies well sort of grand babies. I mean I did watch you grow up," said Amy in the back. Drew and I started to laugh at her.

 We finally got to our destination and got out the car. Amy went over to scold her daughter who was making out with one of the groomsmen. Drew and I sat down but not long after did his friends started to come over.  

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