Chapter 3

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[Maria's POV] 

I woke up to a banging at my door I rolled out of bed with just my underwear and my hair in a messy bun. I opened my door to see Drew standing there with a bouquet of white roses.  My favorite flower. I stared at them for a while until his voice broke me out of my trans.

"Hey," he said handing over the flowers with a tense look on his face.  

"Hi, thanks for the flowers," I said not showing any emotion. 

"Can I come in," he said awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. I stepped back to let him in. He walked in and looked around and then turned to me. I went into the kitchen a put the roses in a vase and on the table. I came back to find him sitting in the living room looking out the window. When he saw me he stood up. 

"So I wanted to know why you moved here," he asked me bluntly. 

I stood there shocked and rubbed my shoulders. It was still soar from being pushed against a wall. The memories started flooding back to me. I took a deep shaking breath and started to cry. I didn't want him to see me like this so I turned around and started to walk away from him. 

[Drew's POV] 

I started to kick myself for asking her that question. When she went quiet I noticed a scar or the top of one a scar while she rubbed her shoulder, her shirt went down. Where did she get that? I suddenly became protective over her. Why did I become that way? When she walked away I noticed a scar on her thigh, it ruined her brown skin. What happened to her I want to know? I followed behind her and grabbed her hand turning her around. She was crying, she laid her head on my chest and cried. I was stuck so I just held her.  Rubbing her back taking the vanilla smell of her hair. She was so much smaller than me.

"I moved here because I needed a new start," she said. 

"I don't care anymore just stop crying I came here to apologize for my rudeness but instead I'm making you cry," I said still just standing there holding her. She cried until she couldn't bare it anymore. I picked her up and carried her to her room. Placing her in her bed then I went downstairs. While I was traveling, I noticed that a way to relax in many countries was tea. I head to the kitchen to make some tea. A part of me wanted to know what made her cry so hard, while the other wanted to give her time. Once I made the tea, I put it in a thermos and placed it on her nightstand. Then I went back down stairs and started to find something for me to work on. It was an old house old houses always need something to work on.  Then I remembered the water pressure in the sink wasn’t the best so I went to that.

[Maria's POV] 

I woke up to the smell of lemon. I noticed the thermal and opened it to find lemon tea. I drunk it down in 5 minutes it would have been quicker but it was still hot. Music was blast through my house. I went down stairs to figure out where the music was coming from was coming from. When I walked in my kitchen I found I shirtless Drew under my sink. Wow he was hot. Why was I thinking that when he was rude to me? But he did bring me my favorite flower and made me tea so I guess I could look. They way his muscles moved amazed me. 

"Did you have a good nap, “asked Drew while coming from up under my sink. 

"Yea I did thanks for the tea. Why were you under my sink?" 

"Your welcome, and it wasn't running smoothly so I got bored and started to fix it." 

"Ohh well thank you for everything." 

"No problem." There was a silence then he spoke again," well I should be heading home now so bye." He said putting on his shirt. 

"Ok well umm I could really use some helping fixing this house so come by anytime." 

"Ok I will do." I walked him to the door and closed the door behind him.

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