Chapter 10

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<Christmas Day> 

*Drew's POV

I was having a dream of Maria. She was pulling her clothes off slowly. She looked so beautiful. Her skin was so soft. My dream started to shake. What the hell is going on? Then I heard her voice calling me. 


"DREW ITS CHRISTMAS." She said waking me up. I like the view she was straddling me shaking me. I just smiled at her. 

"I'm up now," I said kissing her putting my hands in her waist. 

"Bunny, mom and dad are here," her brother said calling her down. She groaned moving away from my lips and her position on the bed. She was wearing my shirt. Wow she looked hot. When she was out of the room I got up and ran to lock the door. As soon as it was locked I went to my bag and pulled out the ring box. I had bought her a gold ring with a diamond in the middle. It had a vintage 1920's feel to it. I bought it before I left. I hope she says yes. I took a bath and put on my clothes. This was my first time meetingMaria's parents and I was a little nervous. I stuffed the box in my pocket and headed down stairs. Maria's sister Gwen was the first to see me. She took my hand and led me to the living room. Maria was holding Mika in her lap messing with some new toy. She moved Mika and walked over to me. Her parents looked up and looked at me.  

"Mom, dad this is Drew," she said her mother got up and hugged me. 

"It's nice to finally meet you Tom and Gwen have said a lot about you," she said with a warm smile. 

"It's nice to finally meet you too," I said returning a smile. Her father got up and walked over to me. He stood right in front of me. 

"Did you kill him good," he asked me making eye contact the entire time. 

"One snap sir," I said holding on to Maria's hand. He came up to me giving me a hug. 

"Good job son," he said hugging me then Maria. He whispered something in her ear. I wonder what he said. We started opening presents. Mika got a lot of toys thanks to Maria. Everyone else got a decent amount of clothes and shoes. We were cleaning up when I finally got the balls to make my announcement.  

"Maria can you come here for I second," I asked as I sat on the couch. She walked over and sat down. I got up and got down on one knee. Her sister screamed making everyone rush in the room. Maria looked like she could pass out. 

"Maria I've only known you for a little while, but I love you. I trust you with my heart. From the beginning you have been the only woman that makes my heart skip other than my sister. When I'm away all I think about it coming home and seeing you. I don't ever want another man to take you away or hurt you. I will and want to protect you for the rest of my life. You are my light I love you. I want to ask you, Will You Marry Me," I said opening the ring box. Maria was crying along with the rest of the woman in the room. The men looked proud which made me smile.  

"Yes," Maria said after se wiped her face. I put the ring on her finger, kissed and hugged her.  

"Just don't hurt me," she said between tears. 

"I will never hurt you I promise," I said rubbing her back. 

"I need to call Amy now," she said laughing which made me and my sister laugh. Maria's family were confused. 

"She's like my mom she watched me grow up," I said which made them understand. The rest of the day went by smoothly. Every one was happy. Amy scream Maria's ear off then came to the house with a not so pleased Anna who tried to come on me but I pushed off. My boys came and celebrated one cause I'm engaged and to cause Mark's wife was having a baby. It was a good Christmas. It was two in the morning when everyone left. Everyone was heading up stairs to go to sleep when Maria's dad pulled me back. 

"I like you. I can see how much you love her by the why you look at her. You look at my daughter like she is a jewel. I trust that you will take care of her. Thank you," he says. 

"Can I ask a question," I said making him look at me weirdly. 

"Yea what is it?" 

"Why did he go after her?" He sighed then leaned on the wall. 

"His business was failing. He was drunk and high. So he decided to take his anger out on her. When he came here I guess he was mad he didn't succeed the first time. The man was a control freak. He wanted everything his way. I could sense that when I first saw him but I ignored it cause of Maria. She loved him. But now I see more love I her eyes then her mother and I share. She will stay by you." He finished what he was saying a turned to go upstairs. I was mad that, that bitch of a man did that to her over something so stupid. But nothing would make sense to me for a man to abuse a woman. But he was a bitch of a man. I went upstairs to find Maria looking at her ring. She looked at me and crawled to the end of the bed. I walked over to her taking of my shirt. She gasped. I looked down. I forgot that I still had battle scars. She got up and started tracing them. 

"It's ok they don't hurt," I said looking down at her. 

"Are you sure," she said looking into my eyes. 

"Yes I'm sure." She got on her toes and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around her waist, while she wrapped her arms around her neck deepening the kiss. I walked forward making her run into the bed. I pushed her up near the headboard of the bed. Kissing her on her neck. I helped her pull off my shirt leaving her in her underwear. 

I pulled off my sweat pants. And looked at her. She looked so beautiful. I put my hand into hers and just looked at her. 

"Are you sure you want to do this," I asked caressing her face not wanting to let go of this moment. 

"Yes I'm sure I trust you," she said kissing me. I pulled her up to un-strap her bra throwing it on the ground. We stripped until we were completely naked. She looked down at my member making me laugh. 

"You're pretty big," she said shyly. 

"Only for you," I said kissing her. I turned us around so she was on top. She pushed down on me making us both groan. I kissed her lips moving down to her shoulders taking in her scent. She was beautiful. I moved so I was on top again. I pushed deeper in her making her moan. She was like a flower I had never had before. I didn’t know how to stop myself from doing everything my brain thought of. She would be mine forever. She smelled like honey and peaches. It made me happy just being in her presence. I kissed down her stomach and up again. The moans she made drove me crazy. I made sure the love we made was slow and breath taking. We made love for hours being happy together.

  After we got done I just watched her sleep dreading the call saying it was time for me to go again. But it wouldn't happen to soon. I woke up the next morning happy. Maria's family left and my sister and nephew went back home. It was just Maria and I and we enjoyed every moment of it. After a month of being home helping her plan the wedding, as much as I possibly could before I had to leave. By then my stuff was at her house and everything was set up. I was happy that next time I come home I will be getting married and will have a home with the love of my life.

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