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And that was the last time I had ever seen, or heard of Sunghoon again.

It was a huge mass of confusion, we had so many plans made together. It was supposed to be a summer of adventures, fun, and just joy.

So many of the things we had equally planned together - never came true, or I had to end up doing alone or with other friends.

The first week he didn't respond or didn't appear outside my house, I took it upon myself to see what was going on.

I took the bus towards his house, and since his parents were quite wealthy, they lived in a gated neighbourhood, huge houses, huge gates and many cars.

I made my way towards his house, staring through the gates. There were no lights on, obviously since it was midday, but more than that, there were no cars parked out onto the drive, no decorations on the outside, everything seemed more or less gone.

I decided I should ring the house to see what was going on - maybe they were renovating? Or maybe on holiday?

I pressed the intercom buzzer, waiting for a reply. And shortly after, a reply came to me.

"Hello? Who is this?" A female voice came from the intercom, vastly different from the familiar voice of Sunghoon's mother.

"Uh.. is Sunghoon here..?" I inquired, hoping it was a possible chance of relatives answering, or a maid or something along the lines of that.

"Who.. is Sunghoon....?" The lady sounded very confused, and my heart beat in nervousness.

"Well, there used to be a guy who lived here.. a family even?" I hoped that this was some kind of joke, but the gut feeling in my stomach told me that it certainly was not.

"Oh! The Park family?" Her words of recognition sparked some hope up in my chest, "Ah, they've moved! No longer live here, I'm sorry."

The next words that I heard just crushed my heart into pieces, and I simply left after that, making the walk of shame back home.

Moved out? They no longer live here!?

Where the hell did they go then??

I grabbed my phone, sat on the bus and immediately texting Sunghoon again - despite my previous texts which were still unanswered - I persisted.

eunseo: you moved out????

eunseo: wtf??? where the hell are you?

eunseo: what about our plans???????

I never expected a reply, and the reply never even came, but it hurt me like I had just got hit by a truck. Who knew somebody I knew for such a long time, could cut contact with such ease and lack of explanation.

The summer break had just started, and already, I was not looking forward to it.

As I tried to handle my fury, the anger inside just grew worse as a faint melody traced around me, the faint, gentle tune of piano, the slight tingle of a sweet yet bitter melody.

I turned to the person sat beside me, headphones on and listening to a song, that I could hear.

It was the exact song Sunghoon played on the piano for me, the last time I had ever seen him.

Clair de lune.

I rolled my eyes, wanting to just throw the headphones off this completely unsuspecting person and running off the bus, but I kept my composure, for everybody's safety.

As the quiet tune of the piano seeped into my ears, I just became more bitter, and more resentful. Everybody definitely expected some cute pictures of me and Sunghoon in the summer, everybody probably thought that I would be having the time of my life.

But instead, I was getting mad at this person for listening to a song that a guy innocently composed without the intention of making people mad.

It wasn't even the fact that he wasn't here anymore, or that he moved out spontaneously. It was solely the fact he told me nothing, zero. I had no clues, no leads, no heads up.

Just a stupid song and an embarrassing moment at the gates of his house - or his old house, dare I say.

Finally, the bus stopped at my stop, and I stormed off, desperate to get away from that song and sit in my room the whole day.

As I walked into the house, slamming the door shut behind me, my mother glanced at me, a small smile on her face.

"What's up? Sunghoon is grounded?" She chuckled, familiar too, with Sunghoon.

"I don't even want to hear his name." I threw myself on the sofa, turning on the tv and angrily crossing my arms.

"Oh? What happened? Did he get a girlfriend?" My mother gingerly approached me, a huge smile on her face as she was curious to know what spiked my bad mood.

"Pfft. I don't even know." I muttered to myself, not in the mood at all for this conversation.

Sunghoon was dead to me this day on.

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