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"What's going on? What's the cheery smile for?" I was still very confused, I felt completely lost.

"I'm so fucking happy Eunseo, I could literally marry you right now." Sunghoon was literally a second away from doing cartwheels on the way back towards the car.

I just looked at him, a little bewildered at his excitement.

"Uhh, do I still not get an explanation?" I wondered when I'd be finally on board with this whole thing.

Instead, Sunghoon stopped, looked at me and placed his hands on my cheeks, giving me the most happiest kiss on my lips ever. I have no idea what was wrong with him right now, but oh well?

We made it towards the car, and the two of us sat inside, Sunghoon put the papers the other way round so that I couldn't see what was written on the front. He placed them in the compartment between the two seats.

Lord knows how bad I was holding myself back from just looking at them, but I wasn't going to spoil my own surprise.

"I can tell you're so tempted, you're doing well at holding back." Sunghoon chuckled, glancing over at me with the hugest smirk on earth.

"It's driving me crazy, can I not see it? Not even a little corner?" I looked over at him with beady eyes, pleading him with such a convincing smile.

Sunghoon chuckled, I just knew from that chuckle he'd respond with such an answer that would completely put me off even wanting to see the paper.

"Beg for it a little harder and maybe I'll change my mind." Sunghoon replied, a smug tone protruding off his words.

Aaaand here it was.

My smile dropped, and I just stared at Sunghoon, folding my arms as he held back his own laughter.

I should've seen something like that coming.

Damn it, I'm not the most patient person in the world. Like, I confessed my love to this guy so quickly, what made him think I'm patient enough to handle this much anticipation.

It was beginning to agitate me so much that I even considered I should actually beg a little.

"You fucking perv." I scoffed, a little smile on my face from his comment. Okay, I'll give it to him, it was kind of funny.

"Aw, what, so you're not going to beg for it?" Sunghoon continued, and I just looked over at him.  Casually driving, not a single care in the world, while his words were driving me absolutely batshit crazy, he was just here acting as if this was totally normal.

"Sunghoon, I'm on the verge of displacing you outside of your own car." I chuckled, facing forward while trying to internally calm myself.

Sunghoon gave a low laugh, moving one hand to my thigh, resting it there comfortably.

"Oh please, I'd love to be handled by you." Sunghoon kept making these completely out of pocket remarks, and while I was biting my tongue to not just pull over to the side of the road and throw him in the backseat, he was just sat there, chuckling and smirking.


After some time, we made it back to the office. I still had no idea what this entire trip was about, and what this wise man was talking about, but whatever.

While we were walking into the building, Sunghoon kept staring at me, such a huge smile on his face.

"Why.. are you looking at me like that...." I couldn't help but get flustered from all his staring and all his previous remarks - even though I was in a relationship with him, everything he did felt as if I had fallen in love with him for the first time.

"Hey, stay off tomorrow. I have something in mind for the two of us tomorrow." Sunghoon gave a bright grin, and despite his annoyingly ambiguous words, I gave a smile.

"Does it have something to do with that paper that seemed to make you the happiest man in the world?" I inquired, sounding a little bit salty at the end.

We stepped into the elevator, and Sunghoon gave a chuckle.

"You're jealous over a piece of paper?" Sunghoon raised a brow, planting a kiss on my forehead.

"Pfft, no." I scoffed, moving a strand of hair out of my face, "Will you answer my question then?"

"Mmm, Eunseo, you still have a lot to learn. I won't tell you." He jeered, such a cunning smile on his face.

I gave a brief laugh, I couldn't be mad at this guy even if I tried.

"Yup, you're right, my fault." I rolled my eyes as he grinned, still staring at me.

p.sunghoon → clair de luneWhere stories live. Discover now