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As we walked into his company building, everybody immediately stared at us, bowing and gawping eyes. They began whispering, staring, stopping and admiring.

Well, this was a lot of unwanted attention right now.

I felt a little awkward, and truthfully, a little nervous. With the amount of eyes printed onto me, I felt as if somebody was bound to pounce on me for being so close to Sunghoon right now.

It felt as if it was illegal to be of the opposite gender and stand within so close proximity to him. I could tell from a few faces, they were unsatisfied with me being here, and it made my stomach churn.

Damn, I haven't even spoken and people already seem to hate me here.

I was in a daze, walking, or I thought I was, along Sunghoon.

But with a drag of the wrist, Sunghoon brought me back to where we were supposed to be walking, it snapped me out of my trance and thoughts as he laughed at me completely being side tracked.

"You don't know where you're walking?" Sunghoon gently whispered, leaning down slightly as he held my wrist - walking towards the elevator.

The whispers around the ground floor seemed to increase at that, and I quickly shook my arm off his grasp.

"Why do I feel like everybody is looking at me, do I look bad? What's going on?" I panicked, whispering back to Sunghoon, who just stopped and observed my face, his eyes trailed from my eyes, to my nose and then to my lips.

He glanced at my outfit, and then back at my face for a little while.

His hands made their way on my collar, carefully fixing a little section of the collar that was standing slightly upright. His touch around my neck caused a spike in my heart beat, I could already feel my body beginning to become hotter as his hands stayed situated around my neck a little too long.

"No, you look perfect." He chuckled, pressing the elevator button to open, it opened quickly, of course - since it was the little special elevator his company had.

I felt flustered over his compliment, so simply, I just stepped inside the elevator silently, not even responding to his comment because I know I'd fumble over my words.

He pressed the button to go up, and as the elevator began riding upwards, I turned to look at the mirror behind me, pulling out my lipgloss and dabbing some on my lips.

As I was making sure my lips were cute, I glanced over to Sunghoon in the reflection, who just stared at me in the mirror as I did so. He had a proud smile on his face, his eyebrows gently raised as I made eye contact with him through the mirror.

The way he looked at me just then made me want to take back all my grudges and 'hatred' towards him, but as I collected myself, I realised I refuse to do so.

I cleared my throat softly.

"You gonna keep staring or what?" I snapped, which actually didn't cause him to look away. Instead, he raised a brow lightly, staring at me with an indescribable look on his face.

The eyes, the smirk of his pink lips, his entire facial symmetry. Everything, that look made me almost press for the emergency button on the elevator.

"If you don't mind." Sunghoon folded his arms, leaning on the wall of the elevator as I just rolled my eyes, continuing to apply my lip gloss and gently dab my lips.

I tried my best to ignore his staring at me, but it was just so fixated and intense that I couldn't simply ignore it. It had made me so nervous and I think I would've rather took the stairs instead.

"I do mind." I put my lip gloss back into my bag, turning away from the mirror and facing front.

"I can tell." Sunghoon responded with a tone of satisfaction. Damn, and he knows his impact too.

I looked over at him as he still continued to stare at me, his head slightly tilt to the side, his jaw carved so sharply. I stared at his face, and then his intricate jaw, then back to his eyes.

Now seriously, whatever this guy ate during his childhood, I need that, because how could a guy be so fine?

"God you're insufferable." I huffed lightly, pulling out my phone and casually scrolling on it.

"I love it when you're so obviously flustered. It reassures me that you don't hate me." Sunghoon chuckled as I glanced away from my phone, shooting him a nasty glare.

"How do you know I don't hate you?" I scoffed, trying to make it seem like I hate him - although I never really have.

The doors pinged open, the two of us walking out and immediately being greeted by some of his workers.

A female worker began walking over to us, and Sunghoon put his hands softly on my hips, standing behind me. He leant down slightly, whispering in my ear.

"I know you don't." He spoke, his words sent chills through my body. And with that, he took his hands off me, walking off towards the worker that came up to him with a clipboard of some work.

p.sunghoon → clair de luneWhere stories live. Discover now