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Out of pure excitement, my body itself woke up waaay too early.

Sunghoon said his driver would be here at around 11, and currently, it was six in the morning. Six in the goddamn morning.

I had five hours to prepare and do whatever I wanted to, but what the hell was I going to do when I only had one thing to look forward to?

I couldn't even get ready, because Sunghoon specifically told me not to get ready until a package came to my house.

I wandered around my house a little while, giving huffs and puffs of boredom. Time was definitely going to pass extremely slow now that I actually had something to look forward to.

Maybe I should go for a run? Something I would've never thought to do in a lifetime.

Or maybe I should do a deep clean of my house? Something I also, would've never thought to do in a lifetime.

Instead, I decided to waste some time binge watching series, channels, all sorts of things. I honestly have never been more bored in my life - and that took me aback personally.

I used to be a huge workaholic - albeit unwillingly - with little to no time for myself. And now look at me, being able to waste time so freely.

Even the current workplace I am in now, every day I do a whole lot of nothing. I guess my life has taken a good turn ever since Sunghoon came back to me.

Cutting me out of my series marathon, a knock on the door startled me. I shot up, this must've been the package Sunghoon was talking about.

I stood up, opening the door and taking the box that was laying on my porch. It didn't seem the heaviest, but definitely wasn't the lightest either.

I wondered, what the hell was in here?

So without a second thought, I rushed inside my house, situating the mysterious box onto the table and opening it.

As I opened it, my cheeks rose, as did my smile. My mouth dropped, and my eyes lit at the clothes before me.

No way.

This man was actually insane in the head.

Before me, lay a neatly folded replica of my high school uniform. The exact same, the colours, pattern, school badge. A sticky note lay on top first.

And on top of the sticky note, lay a name badge, the ones that we used to have to wear on our uniforms.

I picked the badge up along with the sticky note, my smile was refusing to drop a single bit.

My eyes scanned the writing, none other than Sunghoons, scribbled onto the note.

'Before I get an angry text from you, asking if you 'really have to wear this', the answer is yes, you do, so please take back your angry text and put the uniform on

See you soon

Best boyfriend in the world'

I chuckled, I didn't even type up an angry text. But whatever, I was literally willing to wear the uniform. I just couldn't believe he managed to get it down to the exact uniform.

Without another second of procrastination, I took the neatly folded uniform out of the box, heading straight to my room and dressing up in my uniform as if I was getting sixteen year old Eunseo ready for school once again.

As I finished getting changed, I stared at myself in the mirror.

It was bewildering to me how much a young teenage girl can form into an adult, with an adult life and priorities.

Where the hell did time even go?

A smile that refused to collapse remained stained onto my face as I just continued observing myself in my uniform. I really couldn't fathom what was going on, I had no idea where Sunghoon was going with this, but one thing for sure, I could not wait to see him in his uniform too.

Ugh, the memories it will all bring back. I think I'm going to cry just thinking about it.

Another hour passed by, and the clock nearly struck time. Finally, a beep outside of my house signified that the driver was here.

I wasn't sure why Sunghoon, himself, wouldn't pick me up. But I guess it just adds to the suspense.

I dashed out of my house, in my old high school uniform, so ready and so excited for wherever I was going to be taken.

Maybe we're going to an amusement park? Or maybe like a picnic date, who knows? I don't.

The driver silently drove off, not saying a single word, probably as instructed by Sunghoon.

And before I even knew it, I was being dropped off on the outside gates of my old high school, Sunghoon waiting there for me, too, in his school uniform.

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