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"Oh, Mr Park." Mr Jang slid his phone in his pocket hurriedly, bowing as he stepped in the elevator, staring me down as if I was some kind of meal.

He had a smirk on his face, standing beside me. Way to make it even more awkward.

"It's Sunghoon." Sunghoon corrected Mr Jang with a less know-it-all smirk on his face.

I clenched my teeth together, trying to just bare this awkward moment. He was so frustrating and I hated it the most in the world.

He took out his phone, typing something in his notes. I glanced occasionally to the side, just out of curiosity.

It made me wonder too, did he have a girlfriend? Maybe a wife or a family already? Considering his wealth, I wouldn't be surprised if he did. Maybe he's really living the life we used to talk about in school, whatever though, why would I even care anyways.

I liked him, past tense, I used to like this guy.

But now? Not at all.

Sunghoon randomly turned his phone screen to my direction, with intention of me to read it. I looked over at it, seeing the words written on the screen.

'are you free anytime this week? how about we talk without this work atmosphere?'

I could give him an answer, but instead, I just looked back forward, facing the elevator doors and not replying in any way at all.

He gave a chuckle, typing something on his phone once more. Though, I had to admit, it was quite entertaining how he was trying his best.

But still - not a chance.

He turned his phone screen to me again, a new message written.

'alright then, if you're going to be like that, how about your number? you could give it me willingly or put me through the joy of finding it myself'

As I read that message, I looked up to him, giving him a glare and a dirty look, facing back forward without any clear response.

Sunghoon gave a quiet laugh, Mr Jang looking over to him as he wondered what he was laughing at.

Sunghoon suddenly dialed for a number, it picked up quickly. The elevator doors pinged open, and Mr Jang left first, me after him.

"Hey Liu, I have a job for you, could you please find me the details of.. .. ." His voice faded away as we walked further from him, but I just wanted to hear the rest of the sentence.

The details of who? Me?

No way.

He would not.

I rolled my eyes, overthinking this, yes sure, he might be a little loco in the head today - but surely not to the extent where he gets people to get my details. Literally no way.

With a sigh, I head to the car, sitting in with such a cloud of confused emotions. I was conflicted with today, maybe I should find it in my heart to forgive him - after all - it has been a good few years.

But then again, another part of me doesn't want to forgive him, and that side is most prominent. Sure, I'll feel bad from time to time, but that doesn't take away the actual hatred I feel for him.

Somehow, seeing him be all successful and have such respect makes me respect him less, and hate him more. Not to mention the embarrassment of coming here with my bitch of a CEO.

I crossed my arms, arguing with myself mentally, god. I still couldn't believe that out of everybody it just had to be him, seriously, this world was totally against me.

I was fine for the recent years, his name rarely popped up in my head, only during late nights when I reminisced over silly school photos that were still in this old digital camera I always took photos with during my teenage years.

Every three pictures, there were always pictures featuring Sunghoon and I. It wasn't a joke to how much he was in my life during my teenagehood.

It felt bittersweet, seeing him again, did make me quite relieved, but at the same time, did not.

To make matters worse, the world seemed completely against me.

"Ooh, this is good." Mr Jang switched the radio to classical, the first song playing was the piano song Sunghoon had played on the last day I saw him.

Goddamn it, was this Clair De Lune song absolutely everywhere nowadays? Has it solely resurrected with the purpose to just remind me of a painful past?

If not, then why was everything around me relating to Sunghoon?!

I vowed to never like that song, without the memory of Sunghoon being attached to it, the song was very cute, but I just couldn't stop associating the song with him - constantly.

So hearing this song play, was like somebody scraping dry chalk against the chalkboard, not a nice feeling at all.

I just hoped that this would seriously, be our last meeting, I don't think I can face him anymore.

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