Chapter 1.

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"I don't want to marry him! he might just be a perverted snob for all I know! please I beg of you father I dont want to be his spouse.." Grian pleaded, his pleas didnt work on his father tho. The decision was already made. Grian had to marry The prince of the Xelian Kingdom.

He didn't want to marry this man! What if he was like his last boyfriend? He didn't want this to end like his last relationship.. Grian continued to plead to his father, begging him to cancel this arrangement. "Enough, Grian." His father simply replied, his voice was cold and stern, which made Grian shiver a little. His father got up, and left the dark and now quiet room. The silence was painful. Grian stood there, just staring at the chair his father sat in, the only noise that still could be heard was the dim, blue, fireplace slowly burning the wood in itself to a crisp. Grian sighed, his breath was shaky and he just wanted to give up and run away. He hated this life, everyone adored him, yet.. He still felt hated and unwanted in the palace. Grian turned around and started walking to the door to leave the office himself, he was rather dissapointed. Why does he never listen to me? He thought to himself. He let his fluffy and soft mantel wrap around him, as he walked down the halls. It was always cold in the Kingdom of Vanos, as it always seemed to snow, as if the kingdom was cursed. Well, thats what Grian always thought, atleast there rarely  was any sun, so he didn't get a sunburn or something. He might be very pale, but he liked it. As it made him look cute. Thats what he thought. Even tho anything would be visible on his skin, from the smallest scratch to his cherry-red like blush..

Grian just wandered trough all the halls of the massive palace, it had a rather icy theme. Which fit the kingdom perfectly. He stared at the massive paintings, wondering about how this marriage would go. The more he thought of it, the bigger and the heavyier the pit in his stomach grew. Suddenly, he felt two rough to the touch, yet gentle hands get placed onto his shoulders. His body froze and he quickly turned around. "Scar, you scared me! Gosh.." He said to the man with a sign of relief in his voice as he faced him, they were practically the same height, which was nice for grian, as he was pretty short. His dark thoughts quickly dissapeared as Scar started to Speak. "Come on, cheer up a bit. You seem so somber today, got anything to tell me?" Scar said, he made sure to use a gentle voice as he could see that there was something bothering Grian. "I'm fine, Scar. You should stop worrying about me alright? I'm perfectly fine on my own." grian said with a sigh, his voice was still a bit shaky, but he made sure to come off as calm and reasuring to Scar. He didnt want The duke to worry after all. He gave him an faint smile, as Grian already felt drained from his previous conversation, but he still wanted Scar to know he was fine on his own and didn't need help.
"Fine, but if you reach your lowest point then you know who to come too, im worried Grian. Please, you're my friend." Scar said with a sigh, as his hands slowly slid off of Grian's shoulders, they slowly glided down Grian's small and frail arms and reached his hands, Scar had a firm grip on them. "Promise me that, Grian." His icy blue eyes were filled with concern as he spoke, he knew there was something wrong but he wouldn't force Grian to tell him anything if he was uncomfortable.
"..i promise you that. But i have something i uh, need to do. So i'll see you later, Goodbye Scar." He said while trying to get out of Scar's strong grip, Scar seemed dissapointed and reluctantly let go, he was relieved and quickly ran off, catching a small glimpse of one of his dearest friends face, which was filled with dissapointment and concern. He didn't want to share this with Scar, Scar always helped him when he was feeling down, and Grian felt so guilty and dirty because of that. Putting the weight of his problems on someone elses shoulders.. He couldn't bare seeing someone else having to deal with his problems..


It was becoming rather late, Grian was getting himself ready for bed. Hoping that all the feelings would go away after this 'nap', ussually that didn't happen, but he just wanted to feel 'fresh' again. As the warm shower he took didn't help his thoughts, sitting in the gorgeous garden filled with flowers didn't either.. he just wanted this pit in his stomach to dissapear, it made him feel like absolute shit. every second when he wasnt distracted the thoughts of his marriage with this strange guy came back, filling up his mind as if it was just some ocean. he layed down on his soft and big lavish bed, burying his face in one of the many snowy white or the icy blue pillows, he just stared at the painting on his ceiling, like he always did as his mind flooded with thoughts.. After a while Grian's eyes became droopy and his room became colder and darker, he just wished the darkness could swallow him up for once and get him away from all the problems.. After a bit his body was completely drained. He let out a small quiet but squeaky yawn, which sounded quite silly. But his voice was also squeaky, so it made sense. Grian shut his eyes as his eyelids were getting heavyer by the second, and drifted off to sleep.


Mumbo sat in his own office, were he would work every day when he actually became king. his nails slowly dug into the dark oak desk, leaving small marks of where his nails had made indents. He had multiple of these on his desk, from other times.. He just stared at the marriage contract he would have to sign later which was laying on his desk, reading trough the words again and again. Mumbo probably knew everything already and could repeat it word too word. He hated this idea, how could his Father just make him marry another man like that? he wouldn't protest tho, as he knew that wouldnt change anything. So he just whent with it. he got up, from his big chair, and let the paper lay on his desk, he walked out if his office, with a frown on his face. He ussually had the same serious expression, but this whole arrangement made him pretty annoyed and upset and he couldn't really hide it. He walked down the halls as his dark red and black mantel just hung behind him. The castle had an dark and eery theme too it, which fit mumbo perfectly. Mumbo's Knight quickly followed after.. "Sir-" The Knight said, stutterring a little, but mumbo quickly cut him off. "Not now, Iskall." Mumbo said with his stern voice, it was cold and kind of monotone. he had a deep and rather frightning one, which could be very usefull at times.

"Please- Your father wants you too meet The Vanos Kingdoms Royals tonight.." the swedish man said, with his accent.. he came from a small town called Sweden. (i would say country but that wouldnt fit the storyline..) Mumbo's ears perked up as His Knight told him this. he turned around and looked Iskall right into the eyes. "meet them?" Mumbo said, he seemed a bit curious. Iskall nodded, his ussual cheerful and happy demeantor returned.

"Alright, then.." Mumbo sighed, and started walking again, leaving his Knight alone in the hallway.

i have to meet them?.. tonight? Mumbo muttered to himself. he sighed, and whent to prepare himself, so he atleast would look presentable..

After a while, Mumbo was finnally done, he sat in the carriage with his parents. as they took off too the kingdom of Vanos, he was a bit nervous, as he didn't want to meet them.. he zoned off burying himself deep into his own thoughts.. until his mother shook him, "Hurry up, were here." Mumbo seemed startled and snapped back into reality.. he really had to meet them now..

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