Chapter 3.

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Grian quickly nodded, he knew the both of them had to get allong soon anyways, so why not make the best of this and hopefully leave a good impression?

Grian found Mumbo so.. proffesional, and found himself a bit embarrassing, as he was quite childish sometimes. He didn't know mumbo liked that about him, that he was actually different. Mumbo reached out for Grian's hand, waiting for Grian to grab his. Grian thought for a second and reluctantly grabbed Mumbo's hand, he felt his soft palm brush up against his.. it felt so comfortable, it was the same feeling of comfort that he had with scar, but he just met this guy, and he knew scar for like.. forever. He found this all a little confusing, and let Mumbo drag him allong.

The day was going great, the two of them actually got to know eachother. they didnt quite like eachother just yet, but they were making progress, which was great! they shared many interests, yet they also had many differences.. Grian found Mumbo rather nice, a bit frightning, but nice overall. Mumbo on the otherhand found grian.. different, he didnt have an opinion on him.. and he probably wouldnt make one on him.

Grian was just like Iskall too Mumbo, which he found quite weird. both kept talking and giggling.. and being very giddy around him, they both made the same movements and stuttered and blushed at the same things.. but He still liked Iskall more.. for some reason.

Grian found Mumbo fantastic! Mumbo didn't complain about his constant speaking, or his giggling. he kept close to mumbo as he actually started to like him! he made himself comfortable around mumbo, whilst mulbo kept up his walls, which grian found a bit confusing, but he didn't question it. He was so happy, and this day made him all giddy, he couldn't wait to tell scar about this!


As the day reached to an end the two had to seperate, grian was really upset about this.. but it didn't bother mumbo, as he had another small person that would cling onto him and keep him entertained anyways.. he didn't see much in Grian. unlike Grian, who found Mumbo absolutely fantastic.. Grian didnt realise that he didn't see him like he saw him. it would probably break him if he did figure that out.. he would have to be carefull.

As Grian arrived at his palace, he immediatelly hopped out of his carriage, and whent too look for Scar, wanting to tell him all about his day.
"Scar! I got to tell you all about my day-" He shouted with a big cheeky smile, as he ran trough the castle looking for him. He had to find him!

after a lot of running, he finally found Scar, talking to 2 Guards. "You guys can't just go running around like this! come on.. this is like the third time, please you guys, what if they fire you? i can't have that, come on Etho, you know better.. and Bdubs.. just- listen to Etho-" scar sighed, the two wanted to protest, but grian interrupted the conversation. "Scar! Scar! oh i got so much to tell you-" He said with a giddy expression. "Grian- I got to finish something really quick.." Scar said, but grian couldn't wait any longer. "pleasee! come on.." Grian Whined. he put up his puppy eyes and kept whining, Scar sighed and rolled his eyes, he dissmissed the two guards and they quickly left, being happy that they didn't get a punishment like cleaning the whole castle or something. scar chuckled and then let grian speak, grian couldn't contain his excitement, jumping around and moving around every second. Scar was amused and listened to Grian's 'yapping' for the rest of the evening, giggling and commenting on most of the stuff he said, telling him it sounded really cheesy or romantic..

(sorry for the short chapter!)

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