Chapter 2.

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Mumbo sat down at the dinner table, he looked around the room, examining everything. This place was the complete opposite of his place.. his palace, it was cold, and had an icy theme.. unlike his palace. his clothes weren't made for this type of weather and these tempratures.

Mumbo looked around the room untill He locked with a rather small blonde headed man. Mumbo narrowed his eyes as Grian stared at him, Grian was getting uncomfortable because of this but Mumbo didn't stop. "divert your eyes from him, he doesn't want you staring at him like that." A cold and stern voice said to Mumbo, who turned to look at the man who dared to order him around, he noticed it was the duke, Scar. Mumbo didn't say anything too Scar, but he did give him a sour and annoyed glare before sitting down and waiting for the night to begin, Grian was thankful and relieved, but a but surprized of why Scar was even here. Did he know about the arranged marriage? Grian pondered, he stared at his plate untill he heard Scar's voice. Scar sat down right next to him and had a big smile on his face, one that always seemed to calm grian down. "Thank you, scar.." Grian said with a relieved smile on his face, he leaned right into his chair as Scar started to speak again, "No need to thank me! im always here to help you, aren't I?" Scar chuckled and placed his hand on Grian's shoulder, gently rubbing it, making sure he wasn't to rough with Grian. "I'll be with you trough out all of this, don't worry. but, I'll also have to do other stuff, so I might now always be right next too you, but I'll be thinking about you, so don't worry." He said with an reassuring smile, he always made Grian so comfortable and relieved, what would Grian do without him?

Mumbo on the other hand had iskall, who always made him calm and stable, Iskall kept talking to mumbo and giggling, Like a child who just made his first friend or something, Mumbo found it rather ridiculous, but at the same time he found it cute. He just listened too Iskall, as he kept talking to Mumbo about how he made some simple contraption. which he found super hard to make and he was very proud of.

After a bit the dinner begun, and the two families were talking to eachother about the wedding and about how perfect it would be. Everything was going great, Grian and Mumbo ignored eachother, as they didn't really want to speak to one and the other. Iskall kept talking to mumbo whilst giggling and smiling to Him.. mumbo kept a staight face tho, only giving Iskall one or two small faint smiles, and scar to grian kept talking about there day, scar kept grian busy so his thoughts wouldn't return.. and that was how most of the night whent. Mumbo was relieved that he didnt have too speak to grian, The raven haired man liked the sweeds company much more, but he knew there would be a time when he would have to speak to his spouse. which he didn't want. Why can't i just stay with Iskall? i don't even know this man.. Mumbo thought too himself as he listened to iskall's constant 'yapping'. After a while the dinner was over, grian had to bring mumbo and his family back too there carriage.. His family also followed ofcourse.

"Uh.. Goodbye." grian muttered, but suddenly he heard his fathers voice, "Kiss your future spouse." The father demanded, Mumbo seemed a bit disgusted by the idea, and Grian too.. "But father!-" Grian's father shot him a glare whih made giran shut up, he looked up at mumbo, and locked eyes with him.. both if them knew that they didn't want to, but they had to. so they gave eachother a quick kiss.. grian felt mumbo's soft lips press against his, which sent shivers trough his body, it felt.. rather nice for some reason, Grian quickly backed away tho, feeling scared that he would feel or think anything else.. that was well, weird, or intimate.

Mumbo didn't find the kiss as gross as he found it before, but he still didnt really enjoy it, he didn't even know the man. why would he enjoy a kiss from him? he shook off the thought and sighed, he quickly climbed into the carriage and didn't say a word to grian, leaving him out there, he waited for Iskall to enter, wanting to hear his voice again, to calm him down again..


As soon the carriage rode away Grian turned around, wanting to just go to bed and never climb out of it. He hated this evening, but atleast Scar made it a bit better, he liked Scar.. but he wouldn't see him in an romantic way like that.. right?

he sighed, being to tired too think, he was very drained and tired for some reason. he never acted like this.. up untill now, which annoyed his quite a bit. but, he wouldn't tell anyone this, as he didn't want anyone to worry.. he really had a problem.


After a Couple days, grian didnt have much interactions with mumbo, all they did was say hi, or ask a random question.. they both seemed to understand eachother a bit more now, but still didn't really dare to have an actuall conversation.

Mumbo was walking trough the garden of his own castle with iskall, as iskall kept talking about the most random stuff, like about his day, or what he hated, or his friends, like Stress a traveler that visited him a lot or Welsh, another guard in the palace he talked too a lot when he was on duty. "and then i saw-" Iskall said before Mumbo cut him off. "hm, so you were distracted during your duty? that isn't what a good guard would do-" mumbo said with a grin, he wanted to get a small reaction out of iskall, as he knew iskall would definetally defend his job.. "what? nono- i didn't- wait.. uh.." Iskall was trying his best but he couldnt form a normal sentance.
"I'm just kidding, calm down." Mumbo said with his normal mono voice again, iskall sighed in relief.. "Right, uh- oh yeah! Your marriage is approaching soon.. Uh.." iskall seemed a bit dissapointed,as he thought he wouldnt be spending that much time with his friend anymore. "Well- your parents arranged a small.. uh, day with Grian for you, sir. so you two would get to know eachother a bit more." Iskall said. Mumbo sighed, but he didnt mind it that much anymore, he and grian were slowly getting allong anyways they had too. "when is this 'arrangement' going to be?" Mumbo asked, he hoped it wasn't soon.. "uh.. well, tommorrow, in the morning." The sweed responded. "great.." Mumbo muttered. they kept walking trough the garden of the palace, but quietly..


The next day approached, grian was infront of The Xelian Castle.. it looked gorgeous, grian was in awe, staring at the Palace and it's wonderful architecture . "you seem shocked." Mumbo said as he approached grian.
"this place is wonderful.." he Muttered, Not realising that he was speaking to Mumbo right now, mumbo chuckled a little, Maybe this day won't be that bad after all.. mumbo thought too himself, he had a small smile instead of his ussually cold and serious face. Grian suddenly snapped out of his thoughts and noticed that he was talking to Mumbo. "O-Oh god.. uh- sorry i didn't realise it was erm.. you." grian said with an embarressed look on his face. oh my god.. i didn't just do that right?! shit.. this is so embarressing.. grian thought. he blushed a little, making his pale cheeks turn a cherry-red like colour, mumbo chuckled and took a step closer. "let's make the best of this day, shall we?"

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