You Are Never Alone (P.3)

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                            , how are we? I know I'm late but holy. Was this a hard one to write. Remember the "I don't have the heart" section of my intro...welp I'll let you find that out.

I'd also like to give some shout outs, my commenters on this book, I f@cling love you guys! Ngl some comments had me laughing pretty hard, and that is where the motivation to get this last part done came from -you guys are great. And my silent reader, love you guys too!! You're all ✨amazing✨:)


WARNINGS: AnGsTY!!!!! Like...really, really, really angsty. Swearing (let's face it, you've come this far clearly we don't care about language). IT ENDS FLUFF, NO STRIKING AGAINST THE AUTHOR, THERE ARE SOOOOOO MANY WAYS I THOUGHT ABOUT MAKING THIS CHAPTER WORSE 😈😈😈. Anxiety/panic attack like descriptions. And some more fluff (this one's a long one)

(A bit of time has past, Rex turned 8 and the others are 10)

Third person POV:

The mid-year morning was one of the rare mornings with a clear sky on Kamino, the clouds were light and fluffy, and the reflection of the sun into the window was a priceless view. Everyone happened to be awake for the sunrise, and they all marvelled at the sight. It was the first time they could recall ever seeing a real sunrise, it was nothing but a rumour, a wild dream the the older cadets would sometimes talk about. It was truly extraordinary.

Once they were all had their training blacks on Rocko squad was summoned to the training rooms "Rex, don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it", Ghost said with a small smile, sure it'd been a few months but Rex truly had a stubborn bone in him

On the walk to the test they ran into Cody and his squad. "Hey! Mind if we walk with you guys?" Cody asked.

"By all means, where are you guys headed?" Axel responded. "Swim test, you?" Bly replied. "Oh fun, we got basic mechanics and fitness", Tipper said with an eye roll. "Hey, it's a lot more fun then you think!" Axel argued playfully.

Rex stayed quiet, not really knowing what to do as the main conversation got more in depth. So naturally he shifted a bit towards the back of the group, Cody was also in the quiet mood, he also liked to watch from the back when he knew Wolffe was doing fine in the front. It didn't take him long to notice the blonde that was slowly backing up to his side.

"You alright Rex?" Cody asked gaining the blonde's attention, "Yeah, just...don't know what to do when Axel gets into a rant about how R7 units are completely useless compared to R2's, what about you Cody?" He responded with a smile.

"Yeah I'm fine, same about Fox when the 'pink is the same colour as red but it's a bit less angry' debate comes up, Cody said with a laugh. They all continued different conversations as they kept walking, even a few playful jabs now and then. But when they did have to eventually part ways they promised they'd meet up for lunch afterwards.

*+•~•+*Time skip*+•~+•*

After what felt like an eternity of running and physical tests Rocko squad was exhausted, on their way out to the caff some knees almost buckled in on themselves. When they did eventually make it to the caff the met up with Cody and his squad and had a quick lunch, apparently they had to do continuous laps of the pools today. They talked for a while, about anything that would come to mind, but unfortunately the Kaminoens had other plans "CT-5292 report to lab 17"

"Ah kriff, that can't be good" Tipper said trying to put on a tough demeanour, he had a feeling it was due to his little slip ups during training, but he didn't let it show. After all, there's no reason to worry his brothers if it was just the usual lecture. Had it been any other circumstance, Ghost would've given him a quip for the language, but the longnecks wasn't a subject that you joke about.

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