Stupid Shadows

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You miss me... how touching;)

But in all seriousness I'm very sorry for the delay, life is not lifing and I have been very busy.


And what is the cure for that you may ask *smacks hand on floating chalkboard* Crosshair fluff. (I know I do a lot with him but I'm running out of ideas)

Warnings: Anxiety feels

Omega is about 9, maybe 10 yo in this. Crosshair was slightly affected by order 66 but Hunter caught it and Tech removed it (same timeline, kinda like Wreckers chip thing but Crosshair did it too). After S1 ep 9ish.


Trouble. That was basically the squad's way of life. Find trouble, make trouble, and then get out of it. It was a fast lifestyle, not many people could keep up. Even though the beginning was a bit rough Omega was starting to catch on, then Bracca happened.

Although a lot of things changed when Omega first came into the team, a lot more changes as a team and individuals were unofficially made. The reputable tough guys, the young guns, the outsiders of the Republic's army had quite the soft spots when it came to their sister.

Although they all showed it differently, they all loved her, without a doubt. Weather it was up front affection, having a working buddy, or just watching over her, she had her brothers to back her. Yet again, until Bracca.

Getting her back from that sleimo was the biggest weight off their shoulders they've had in a while. Even though it was a relief for her, she just found it hard not to be looking over her shoulders 24/7.

She developed a habit that she always made sure she knew where her brothers would be before she even tried to sleep, it wasn't harmful until some members had to go on a mission while she stayed back with a brother.

The first time she was left with Hunter, but in all honesty, the mission wasn't that hard, take a speeder, go to town, get supplies, stay the night if it gets dark. Of corse it was only a week after getting Omega back, along with leaving Cid's business for an extended leave (due to somebody *coughs in Crosshair* telling her to fuck off with her slimy deals) so even the small things had her panicking.

It was one thing that was actually obvious for that trip, Hunter was the best stay option, he was her number one go to whenever she was scared, that night she was glad she wasn't alone. Even though it took Hunter having to share his bunk with her to get her to sleep, he didn't care. As long as she slept he wouldn't complain.

And if she woke up, yeah sure, he'd stay there and get trapped in an awkward position that would leave him wishing he turned his leg the other way, while she laid comfortably curled up under his chin. Or messing with her curls until she drifted off, that would be a Tech/painkiller problem for the morning.

Then a few weeks later they were still off and Omega was awake paralyzed in fear, curled up in the gunners mount she was shaking, she managed to somehow not scream when she woke up that night, but she was still drenched in a cold sweat and the horrid images kept replaying in her head.

Tech had slipped a sedative into Hunter's water after he let it slip he had been awake for 52 hours straight. Much to her dismay Tech, Wrecker, and Echo had left for the night to check out seedy business in the local bars for a head start for the upcoming mission they had this week, and Crosshair could be a deep sleeper after a long day.

She was scared, she kept hearing things, seeing shadows that weren't there and her go to was in a much needed medically induced sleep. Weeks of nightmares and lack of sleep, she couldn't tell when dreams and reality were different anymore. She curled into herself, Lula shook in her trembling hands. She kept hearing creaks and cracks, she couldn't hold it in anymore. She didn't want to be taken again.

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