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Eiji: I'm back.

Hina: Welcome back Eiji!

Ankh: So how bad did you screw up this time?

Eiji: Shut up Ankh.

Eiji was greeted by the faces of his adoptive mother and his mentor Greed, who was gobbling up another popsicle stick. Eiji walks up to the counter and slams his head on it.

Hina: Rough day?

Eiji: Yeah, Tsubasa-san was there for the battle again today.

Ankh: And she tried "subduing" you again today?

Eiji: Yeah, just like the thousands of times I met her before.

Ankh: chuckles.... She must really hate you.

Hina: Shush, now Ankh you know why Tsubasa-san isn't fond of OOO.

Ankh: Yeah, the irony of her hating but also liking you.

Hearing Ankh's words Eiji perks up as a light blush appears on his face.

Eiji: Shu-shut up! Liking me? No way, Ankh I think you've been eating way too many ice cream.

Hina: But you are close with her. Every time we go and meet with her and  her agent for photo shoots I would sometimes see you two talking together.

Eiji: We're just friends Mom, and I'm close with Hibiki and Miku and they don't like that.

Ankh: Sure they don't.

Eiji: and plus our friendship would probably end as soon as she finds out who I really am. No matter how hard I wished for us to be allies against the Noise she just hates me.

Hina: She doesn't hate you she just-.

Ankh: Blames OOO for what happened to the orange-haired one, and that blame slowly turned to hatred for OOO.

Eiji: Gee thanks for the pep talk Ankh.

Eiji  gets more depressed, as Hina smacks Ankh in the head.

Ankh: Ow! What'd I do?, 

Hina: You know what you'd did? You know if you had more medals back then, then you could've helped her.

Ankh: Yeah, maybe he could've. Speaking of medals....

Ankh then extends his Greed arm to Eiji, with his palm open to the young boy. He then motions Eiji to give him something.

Ankh: The medals I lent you hand them over.

Eiji quickly sees the Bird Greed's hand and let out an annoyed sigh as he raises his had from the counter.

Eiji: Geez....

Eiji digs through his pockets and takes out the medals Ankh had given him earlier.

Eiji: When are you going to let me keep medals that are not the TaToBa combo's ones.

Ankh: As if I'd let you keep them. The last time I made that mistake your idiot of predecessor ended up using the yellow combo.

Eiji: And?....

Eiji stood up with excitement in his eyes as he continues listening to Ankh's story.

Ankh: Even though he won the fight he still faced the backlash of using a combo. And-.

Eiji: And he fell down in pain soon after, and confiscated all the medals he had with him. 

Eiji quickly slumped back down to his seat in disappointment.

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