part - 2

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Who always there for her even he is not with her.
  Who always shows her what’s right for her.
  In reality he is not with her but he is with her. It sounds like skowi is in contact with a ghost, that’s not a scenario. Hkoni is also a human.
  While skowi doing work, skowi feels she is not doing it but hkoni is doing. A lot of energy get transformed in her which is not her energy but her. She can feel it, it’s unbelievable.
  Every human cannot feel this energy; only high vibrational humans can feel such life experiences.
  Everything is okay as long as both are well. Skowi like to dance in rain a lot. It was a day of rainy season, she danced a lot in rain. Rain was not heavy but according to all the mothers it was. Mothers don’t want their children get wet and catch cold because of rain. Her mother’s no didn’t stop her. Rain gave punishment to skowi for not listening to her mother. Skowi catches cold at the same hkoni also catch it. Here skowi is sneezing and their hkoni. When hkoni is not well it effects on skowi and when skowi is not well it effects on hkoni.
“maters are most caring creature on earth”
  From morning hkoni drink ten mug of coffee because he catches cold in summer and what skowi too. Actual reason hkoni catches cold is skowi, because of her he catches cold.
  In summer who catch cold? and answer is “skowi.” Some chemical reactions happened inside her nose and her nose started sneezing.
  Scrolling YouTube is best thing she can do perfectly in such situation. She started watching shorts. In shorts, hkoni’s lives’ clips came. It was yesterday’s lives’ clip. Sawing hkoni also sneezing she felt bad.
  “I didn’t take care of myself”
  “I know my every little action affect him,” Skowi said.
  She didn’t know first he catches cold and then she catches it, it happens with her usually because her immunity power is stronger, no disease can make place inside her immunity defeat it but this time because of hkoni she catches cold.
…and suddenly as pulling herself out of thinking.
  “Why my mind gives me such answers”
  It’s not first time it happened, every time she tried to stop herself then everything tells her that, her answers are right. Her mind is just helping her to know the reality.
  Skowi’s self-tell her they are connected. She is confused about hkoni” he also feels same or not but she feels this connection and maybe because of hkoni she is taking dough on her intuition.
  Skowi don’t have urge to meet hkoni. Having on same planet, born in same era is a big thing for her even hkoni is not with her. She enjoys her life with invisible support of him in her pain.
  It’s secret, she wants to keep it with herself in her intimate mob log. 
  Waking up every day and doing her regular unwanted works of life which never give her chance to try something new, she is doing hard work still she is running in same place. Higher education was reason she came in big city from small city to live alone.
  Money is essential part when living in a city. She never asked for a penny to her mother in fact she gave her mother money on monthly basis. It’s been just two months and she shifted in another city far away from her mother just for education so that she can get a high profile job. She is doing all this thing and she is looking like common ordinary girls but nobody understands her what’s going inside her.
Understanding skowi is not a piece of cake.
  Skowi is a name of…
    Humble but not weak
    Loud but not violent
    Silent but not illiterate
    Shy but not unconfident
    Simple but not easy
    Angry but not disrespectful
    Young but wise
    Smile to hide pain
    No attitude but self-respect
    She prefers behavior over looks
    Hkoni’s life is not less than…
    Boy on beautiful flowers
    Boy on a bed of roses
  Lexes will be lazy to become word from letters but become insufficient to describe his prince life. There is no precious thing that he can’t buy. Before buying things he thinks a lot. If it’s not necessary for him he don’t buy. He is social worker at such a young age. Donated every time more than billions for society. This quality makes him a different human from another human. Every perfect human has one insecurity, hkoni also. Interesting thing is that he is unaware of his insecurity.
  Skowi’s life is not less than hkoni but without palace. She is okay with whatever she has. Her palace is small where only a queen that is her mother and a princess that is skowi lives.
  She believes that hard work will make her dreams come true one day and she will give her mother everything one day. 
  Dreams! Is there more than one dream?
  When there is more than one dream, it’s better to say dreams. She wants to live a happy life. Her current situation encourages her to grow up in life. She realized staying like this without worldly knowledge she can never be happy. Being good only not going to make her successful because the world she is living in is consists of bad human more than good.
  Skowi wonder from which planet this pessimistic human came and from where they learn to talk such nonsense things. Staying in negative society, low illiterate human, is only reason she is not happy. staying with him for rest of her life she can’t afford as she knows life is for to do something good, she wants to live with good manners so that when she born again she say “I must do something good in my last life that’s why I’m getting this beautiful fruits” but she knows this is her last life.
So for what she wants to do good things?
  If something is ending means something will born. When she will die something will have born again in another form and even if she will not have born again she remain energy and others will catch her through frequency.
But why she will not have born again?
  When a human become different from another human it means they found out something which others not and that something is only one, universe. When human get merged into universe, it means it’s their last life in 3d.
  Universe is different for everyone. Some call it god whereas some call it super power.
  For some Krishna is universe
  For some Allah is universe
  For some Jesus is universe
  For some they him selves is universe
  For some their love is universe
  For some their mother is universe
  For some their work is universe
  For some their art is universe
  Universe is something where their faith lies, where they believe. Even after everything get shattered they believe in universe and when somebody believe in universe. Universe present opportunities in front of him. 
  Hkoni did every hard work to turn his life into a life he deserves. It’s turn of skowi to work on herself and create a world, where she can live peacefully.
  She is warrior now. Where there is war there is a warrior. She wants a peace and without war there is no peace. War can be done not only with weapons, that’s an ordinary war. Real war done through differently where only warrior know war is going on, if opened is smart enough then opponent is aware of real war.
She going to do something evil?
  Yes, but her open is herself. She going to defeat the self which stopping her from going near to peace but don’t forget she is warrior.
  Hkoni is not with skowi but skowi believe he is the one who always stays with her and encourage her. Every time she loose hopes” he came in her dreams and give her a tremendous hope and she say, hkoni to come again when she loose hopes.
Skowi’s and hkoni’s bond is so unique…
His life is different from her but their life’s are same
His habits and her habits are same
He doesn’t know she exists but she knows his all existence
His every action affects her action
Her every action affects his action
Skowi see that nobody sees…
When skowi looks at her hands, her hands look like hk4oni
When she looks at her lips, her lips look like his lips
When she looks at her neckline, it seems like his neckline
When she looks it all looks all same
***six years ago
  Inside as well as outside of skowi is happy. life is a fountain of colors where every color sings happy songs and skowi dance on that song. Every second full of joy. Counting her friend list was hard for a child who newly well learned, how to count. Every student wanted to become her friend sawing her life is too happy. “if I become her friend my life also become happy” such thoughts come in every student’s mind who wanted to become skowi’s friend.
***and time changes…
  Days of study! Study! And study. All day study. First year of college, indirectly hkoni started showing symptoms in skowi’s life. She doesn’t know who is hkoni but his influence on her was from the time when she got kicked out from her mother’s knob. She lived her childhood as get presented to her not tried to do changes, she was not aware of world as compared to other children’s of her age. She used to think everybody is good when she was in her childhood and nothing changed now also but now she keeps herself away from others because everyone whom she gets close they take advantage of her.
  Hkoni is busy in his singing concerts and doing world tour, singing songs with full energy. Hkoni’s energy was overloading. Energy wanted to give this energy who actually deserves. Overloading it doesn’t mean it’s coming from him and he is source of energy. It was in universe and he catches it so it’s entered in him and now his aura spread from one country to another country. Whoever have same frequency going to catch it but unfortunately nobody is eligible except skowi.
  “Having same nature as hkoni but not achieved anything, who is this skowi? Don’t know from how many years she is alone with her friends, sorry skowi, I’m coming,” energy said.
  Today is Saturday and special day of college. No teaching done on this day. Anyone can come and present him selves or there any idea. Teachers ask creative questions to students. Overall Saturday is fun and skowi never miss college on Saturday.
  When teacher asked a query everybody get puzzled, skowi stood up, she not only answered question but said many new things. Teacher get shocked by answer because her answer was not following bookish language. It was like she knows answer of every question, answer come from her.
  Her energy is aligned with hkoni. it seems like a super power is with her, almost for more than a week but she is not aware of this. She knows something is unique in her. Everybody seems low vibrated humans to her and she is observing him, talking with herself about why this human are behave like this and answer came because they are attached to materialistic world.
  She did a mistake by focusing on others and in a little while she also became like him not even like him, lower than him because her cords get connected to outer side world where humans are negative. There is no cord which is connected to her and it all happened with one mistake which is not focusing on herself.
  It is not a superpower. Energy which every human being have. Only difference is the energy which came from hkoni is well organized not like other humans distributed. Energy only reach out to those human who are ordinary and they can become extraordinary by working daily on him selves. Doing what’s needed and abandoning what’s not necessary are the two main things behind any successful human who able to do something unique which help others and it remain as an example for rest of humans for rest of upcoming generations.
  Hkoni worked on himself and then energy get transferred to skowi because energy choose skowi because they vibrate on same energy level. Even they are not together in materialistic world, they have same level of frequency on astral plane. It’s not like only they are connected on astral plane, there are many other humans but their energy is not powerful as hkoni and skowi. Energy only flow correctly inside a human’s body when he/she never get affected by outer world.
  It doesn’t take much time to manipulate anything in this world if that magician want, who created this magical world, where everything is possible and this is exactly true, for example: if a student is not good at study still he/she can pass exam just by praying.
“it means from now on if students pray they will pass and they don’t have to study anymore?”
  If that student is brainless and gave his/her 100% but not good in study and praying from heart because passing exam is more important than anything but he/she have to give 100% in studies too. When a needy pray to god, god started doing hard work. When it’s for student, god can set a paper easy or the questions will be only those whose answers know to that student, because student is good at other things it will be benefited to him/her in passing exam even at a low score due to sport certificate or any other certificate, student might have good common sense and by intuition he/she able to solve paper without studying, even he/she don’t study but they have knowledge of other fields and books contains not alien knowledge it’s about other fields, student might get a chance to look into other students paper, or because of some emergency exam get cancelled and student get passed, if question paper get checked by computer god can change algorithm, god might gave student power in exam to solve power and take back after finishing exam and erase memory so he/she will remain same as it was before. This all things can possible, about last one, it’s a secrete only know him who experienced because nobody going to tell who actually experienced but those who not experienced can tell by creating a story.
***current day
  Happiest childhood is still with her, no one bullied her from childhood till yet. Her hkoniality was like a little princess. How can someone get to know bad side of life if they ignore those pages which was damaged because of new binding of a book and actually those pages contain painful life of her! 
  She was happy and she is happy but much happened in between. No one no what’s going to happen in their lives either she but life become worse than before it’s really worst.
***six years ago
  She is like “everything will come to her without doing hard work” but later she realized she need to do hard work not everything will come just by wishing. She didn’t work on herself as hkoni did so she not able to maintain that energy within her she got distracted when she saw others are not as powerful as she is, she didn’t realize she is treating him less than her and this is where she did mistake.
“everybody is there, where they belong”
  She started working on herself without any guidance. She not even takes help of social media, it happened because of her will power. She be like, “why would I take advice from others for me. They tell me on the basis of how their experience was. They didn’t know me not my inner reaction. There is no need to be dependent on others. I know me better than anyone else, only I can pilot myself.”
***current day
“Life changes when human like hkoni comes in skowi’s life, When human are good change becomes better”
  One song which lift up skowi’s energy is “happiness,” hkoni’s first song. Skowi is listening happiness from the day when she listened it first time. It’s her favorite song she listens it every day as a morning song. His voice is healer for her.
  A day came, this day come with the ability to convince skowi. She didn’t go to bookshop neither her other buddies go because today is holiday. Next day she walked morning walk in morning while listening her favorite song “happiness.”
  Music is medicine, it can bring a positive energy in human’s body which unlimitedly encourage human to move forward no matter how tough is situation. If someone ask skowi what’s her comfort, she say “listening songs.” Coming from a morning walk she was just listening those songs she has never listened but she not able to find a song better than her favorite. Poor quality of songs scared her, she is worrying she might lose interest. Bored skowi switched to hkoni’s song.
  “How heavenly voice is your hkoni,” listening to song skowi’s smiley voice said. She used to listen once in a day everyday but from now on she stopped and fall in love so deep with habit of listening it lead her to listen twice a day “like a breakfast and dinner.
  Next “day” decided to “fall flowers of happiness on skowi through happiness song.” Next day she saw a friend’s status on WhatsApp her friend put a word happiness on her status and her friend was very happy. This is something which saying her to pay attention and she paid. After seeing this skowi getting some hints but all puzzled.
  She said herself “it’s nothing you ponder too much.”
  After that another friend said happiness word three times while talking and skowi be like ohm! Coincidence, she finally understands meaning of a word practically, ‘coincidence’.
  Hkoni is happy in his world. He doesn’t have to go to do part-time job like skowi. Part-time, full-time, every-time workers do job for him. He is billionaire.
***after some days
  On every Sunday skowi do nothing except sleeping and enjoying but Sunday is special for skowi. Why Sunday is so special for skowi? Because it’s holiday?... no for skowi every day is holiday because her college is over and she is not doing part-time job anymore. Whenever she thinks about her age and her career, she thinks a lot. She wants to do something for the humanity but she is wasting her time in doing part time job which doesn’t give her spare time to think about her career. If she continued her part time job she have to continue this for her lifetime but if she does study, there will be high chances she will get spare time not right now but later when she resigns from job after receiving some good salary and do what she wants.
  Staying at home with books everywhere. Skowi is doing self-study for her exams so that she can get a job just to have a stable financial source. When it comes to stability through financially, first thing come in mind that is job and she choose this option. She hates doing job and maybe this is the reason she is unemployed yet. Doing our own work, no matter how small it is far better than doing under someone. That was also someone else’s dream, who achieved and able to give work to others then why not she takes steps towards her dreams instead of studying? Because she has no support, she is afraid what if her dream not able to get successful and because of no study she will not even get a job. Worry is best friend in her studies.
  If life don’t need money to survive skowi never do a work she doesn’t love to do. Her life is complicated. If someone saw her they can just say “a simple skowi who is happy and her dream is to get a job.”
  Human have a habit to judge others quickly, they judge on looks. Skowi’s life is worst but she shows as it’s best. She doesn’t like to make excuses and cry about her situation. Her life is somebody’s dream and she know it that’s why she not complains. 
  She knows her responsibilities; they don’t give permission to be happy as long as responsibilities are present in her life.
So what’s special about Sunday!
  Words which come out from her heart and fall on diary which is used to write only about hkoni for hkoni.
  “Sunday special with invisible hkoni” skowi decided to publish her novel one day. Skowi write about hkoni on Sunday and for writing she wait for every Sunday eagerly from, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
  When she writes, her heart gives her more memories of hkoni which are stored in secondary storage because primary storage is full of responsibilities. She feels happiest human on the earth when she writes about hkoni she becomes as happy as she was some years ago.
  She can’t write daily even though she wanted to write, her responsibilities don’t give her permission to be happy it means to write, reason of happiness is writing about hkoni.
  Skowi is like moon if you saw from distance you will see, she is cool, you see her calmness everything is perfect and everybody wish a life like her. She emits her own light she doesn’t afraid of darkness. She knows she shines brightly when “hkoni’s light” appears on her.
  Hkoni have tremendous light if his light appears on anyone, hkoni will get vanish because his light is only for one hkoni and that is skowi. He knows someone who have that much calmness inside her which can turn a burst into shine, only she can endure his tremendous light.
  Sun and moon as hkoni and skowi, even they are at a long distance because of each other’s light on each other they balance each other.
  Skowi is always with hkoni even distance can’t speak with him. It would be wonder if hkoni also start saying some things on media so skowi will get some hints and her dots become stronger.
***back to six years ago
  Changes are new for her but they are familiar. She accepted changes. Energy is still there to go inside her once again.
  One more time energy came in skowi. This time she recognized energy. For world skowi is skowi but for herself she became superwomen. It is a first meeting of skowi with her true self and it is memorable. She is feeling blessed every day.

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