part - 3

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Hkoni is feeling more energetic compared to before. Skowi’s impact is on him. He is progressing in his work.
  Skowi is unaware of forthcoming. Her life is ready to introduce hkoni in her life.
“How can she will be going to recognize hkoni with such a huge friends circle. She need to be alone,” life said.
  As whole universe wishing that hkoni arrive in skowi’s life.
  Skowi is in her third year of college. Pandemic, one more new word came in already existing words and world. Pandemic started overall in world as a school, colleges, shops closed for years.
  Universe can do anything if a human is unadulterated.
  Student’s gave exams by sitting at their home and soon results came. Skowi completed her graduation with A+ distinction.
  Doors are locked because of disease, “panedomic.” Everyone is wearing a mask to protect him selves, as they don’t want to become a victim of panedomic.
  For skowi it was all happened! so that she can get an alone time and not come in contact with anyone. She used time very well and worked on herself. She changed. It is just a beginning of her change. Change happened but only good. When good change happen human think they know everything but they don’t know bad change lead human to know everything because everybody is aware of good things but not bad. Being bad is easy than being good. It’s already in humans, they get attracted towards bad because it’s new for him and rare from their surroundings.
  She changed but real change remained. Nobody is there to help her or nobody is going to change her. She is good girl still nobody coming to help her it’s all part of divine. She is divine child came from a womb of divinely mother who is unaware of her divinity but her daughter skowi is aware of everything.
“only innocent can become something”
***current day
  She is wishing to know about hkoni more. Her curiosity turned her into a hkoni who never wanted to become a “modern art.”
  Nowadays all and sundry uses social media hkoni too but not skowi. Considering this is best way to connect with hkoni, she created account on social media just to follow, like, comment and main important direct message to hkoni.
  Boundaries become welcome strips whenever skowi wanted to enter in hkoni’s world. She decided to enter and see his world from close but this is not going to be easy thing for her. Hkoni is too popular in this world. Even online, getting his attention is too hard. Skowi was worried how she will do this possible.
  First she thought she will message him on social media, follow him, and she did it. She started liking whatever he posts, she did it every day almost for one month. Result was nothing but why she was doing this all? because she wanted to enter in his world, and why she wanted to enter in his world? It’s because she understood there meeting will lead their journey smoothly and they can give their best on each other’s behalf.
  Idea of social media was not worked. She became dizzy and puzzled, now what to do. Whole day she invested and it became night, she didn’t find another idea.
“Sleeping is better; I’ll think while sleep”
  She is being ready to sleep, doing bath like every day before sleeping, while doing bath she started doing bath fast and came out, searched on internet budget to go, after sawing budget she thought she will never be going to meet hkoni, she doesn’t have a choice rather than shut down her computer and think while sleep.
  When there is no choice but it’s important, human decide to do it illegally. Illegal work not get done by weak humans. Courage, confidence, odyssey required to do work which will give you punishment if a human get caught. The one do illegal work not do it because of no fear getting caught, a human do it because of having faith in him selves that no one can reach him.
  Self believe is key when it comes to do extraordinary things. No matter legal or illegal effect of self believe is same. Skowi thinking about doing a crime, crime of stealing money. She is innocent to do stealing but her humor wake up anytime.
  In midnight popup came on her Instagram it is a message from hkoni but skowi is in sleep and her notifications is also off but there is one more thing she did.
  “What happened to you today, skowi,” her mother asked.
  “Nothing,” Skowi said.
  “Then why you are still sleeping, see it’s 8’o clock. If you don’t feel like going to study point don’t go”
  “I don’t feel like going every day, so shall I don’t go every day,” Skowi said with her eyes and her mother not able to listen it.
  Study is not her piece of cake. Failure became best friend of skowi, but for her mother she does study. After growing up because of responsibilities skowi not tried to put her head into books as a result she not able to maintain her status of a scholar student. Preparing for exams and on result day seeing “you are not qualified” also give her satisfaction because seeing marks increasing every time, skowi is improving in studies again.
  Handling two worlds. One her “study world’ and another “hkoni world” going hard for skowi. Wish of going in hkoni’s world started popping again but no way popping up.
  Like everyday sun rays landed on terrace, where skowi is sitting to welcome sun, she was crazy from night and now in morning she is talking to talking sun. “hey sun why don’t you tell me how I can enter in hkoni’s world?” Sawing childish skowi sun started laughing, no dough she is still a child according to her childish nature.
  She changed her gear now she become angry young skowi because sun is not answering her. She wakes up and go downstairs.
  Message send by hkoni is still unopened because she stopped using social media and she uninstalled all those apps. Checking every day and seeing message is unseen became cause of uninstallation of her all applications.
  She became little bit angry now but her little bit anger is too dangerous. Talking about her anger, it can harm a human if that human is bad, she knows very well that she is worse than that bad hkoni. It’s her strength and weakness too, strength when a bad human makes her angry, weakness when she feels bad if someone who is good who did a mistake of making her angry. Her anger is also cool like her.
  A single wish created a whole palace in her mind. A wish to enter in world which is different from her but feels like home. Whole world sees hkoni as a popular singer but it is skowi’s long lasting loved one from past life. They both loved each other but because of heartbroken of skowi, she died. There is a heart birthmark on right leg of skowi near by knee, which is proof that she died because of heartbreak. Humans say if someone have a heart birthmark it means they had a heartbreak in their past life and a same human present on earth who also born with heart birthmark is the love of their life.
  Skowi forget that she has a smartphone, her mind is in search of path on which she doesn’t want to walk but she wants to run and go to that point where hkoni’s real self stays.
  Puzzled hkoni lost his focus, not able to concentrate on his singing, when he sings his voice came out like goat because of only one thought. Thought was running in his mind thought of ignorance from many days. Who can dare to disturb him in such a way? His distraction is increasing.
  Coming same brainwaves in minds of both of him is not a new thing. If skowi is happy hkoni too. If hkoni is disturbed skowi too. Hkoni is disturbed but at the same time at other side skowi is disturbed. Their cords are connected and when one feels something it effect on other but other is busy in their work then it will not show much impact but when they get free from work first thought come of their connected one. Hkoni might not aware but everything he do effect on skowi” he is disturbed and skowi also disturbed.
  Day converted into weeks, weeks converted into months, months converted into complete year but message not converted into reply. Hkoni is being lazy in his work and the reason is skowi. She didn’t reply him and he experienced which he never experienced before, a lesson from ignorance. When something happens with you for the first time and you always sure that this never going to happen with you but it happens and your life gives you a lesson to not live in illusion. Skowi teacher him lesson without being present with him, that much power skowi holds, without even try to teach someone something she let everything on other who lives in illusion but skowi’s actions break illusion of him.
  Hkoni’s illusion get break but not completely. Only cover of illusion got unwrapped, there is much ahead which is in box which is closed with a lock and keys are in hands of skowi. Break of illusion of hkoni is a one more step towards skowi eventually keys. Actually hkoni is not doing anything all doings are done by skowi but she is not doing anything!
  That’s skowi. She can do without doing. It’s really going hard for hkoni but he going to break all illusions and come to skowi but there is also a long way to go ahead. Keys are in hands of skowi and when hkoni’s all illusion break even this illusion also that skowi hold keys and there is a girl named skowi then he able to grab keys because there will be only a desire less work for unlocking truth which going to revel secrets, those secrets already known to skowi and will get known to hkoni too if he deserves skowi.
Why don’t skowi give keys directly to him?
“everything is illusion, skowi, hkoni too, keys too and she want he learn a lesson”
Then what exists?
Then illusion is everything?
“illusion is everything for a human but when a human denies existence of illusion they him selves become an illusion in world and their existence is different compared to other humans. World is nothing but a piece of cake which was created in seven days and a human need nine months to get created absolutely human is powerful than all the entities in world, world itself.”
  Hkoni use brain whereas skowi use heart. She doesn’t use brain, she used to use brain but those her desires were bigger because of him she was unable to see anything other than being a powerful but her desires got away when her heart called her name, no matter what happens, her heart find ways better than mind.
It means brain is nothing and hkoni is less powerful than skowi?
“no, absolutely not” he is powerful, there is no comparison between him. He incarnated in male body which is get adopted according to society that men should be strong and not emotional, including some other factors. She is incarnated in female body she gets adopted according to society that women should be emotional and other biological factors make a women emotional but she is stronger than hkoni if she decided once but she don’t want to be stronger than hkoni, she always want to put hkoni first. She doesn’t care about society but humanity, her wounds are stronger she doesn’t need hkoni but want him because only a strong man can handle strong woman and god gave her attitude that weak man can’t handle.
“absence of brain in human is god”
  When a man forget he have a body of man and he possesses both masculine and feminine traits” he acquire a wisdom but it take a man more time than woman, and that man is dangerous for society” he can do anything with his wisdom that’s why other humans try to put him down, this is the reason of decrement in gentleman because of other common man but when it comes to woman when she don’t forget she is women even she got wisdom, she remain always less powerful than her man but when her man not able to protect her from his own wounds which tries to control her, she stay silent until she die because she is already died from inside. No matter how much he hurt her, she doesn’t hurt him back because she knows he is a weak man but she cries when her love not changed him but it’s not her fault” he was the one who never loved her. When man truly love a woman he never hurt her, never.
  Without weak man world is so beautiful for women. Soft women who remained illiterate are also powerful than a weak man who is literate. The one who can’t respect a woman is disrespecting beautiful creation of god. When god was making a god he included all the secrets qualities which are still hidden it goes with woman they don’t share it with anyone, it’s not easy to make others understand the things which they never saw. Read or heard or experienced. Every woman, unique experience, totally depend on her. All the soft, nurturing the things which can attract are in woman but god forget to make her stronger by look, to defend this beautiful creation god created man and strong man always protected a woman and they will because all men are not bad because all men was once a son of a mother who used to love their mother that mother once was a woman but not all son used to have mother, considering other factors some became weak man and hurt woman but it’s not their fault they born for that.
“if everybody get to know everything then world will stop because to run world there is a need of brain”
One year passed and skowi learned a lot of new things she was disturbed but she worked on herself. She was missing hkoni even though she is not talking with him on text” he was always on her mind.
  She decided to message hkoni until he don’t answer. She installed apps again from play store, she opened it.
  Skowi shocked!
  She saw which she is not expecting. The path which is not giving her chance to walk and she is finding other ways to walk but now she has to go back because that path was there but she is disturbed in finding other paths. Present is welcoming her to run on path which is only for her.
  Skowi saw she didn’t check hkoni’s message. It was unseen from more than a year. Even after sawing she didn’t open it, she doesn’t know what to say, she is preparing herself. After seeing hkoni’s message skowi didn’t got excited like other girls.
  She got a message from world-famous celebrity but it doesn’t affect much on her. Her patience is at a higher level. Before she was craving for message but now she changed.
Did she do any crime?
  No, she didn’t do any crime, it was just her humor. She ignores her humor as she ignores social media.
Then how she changed?
  Her dreams helped her. Last year those dreams changed her. It was like a miracle and it was exactly a miracle done by divine. If forget some days from months means some months from last one year, she gets dreams other days where she became every bad hkoniality and doing bad, hurting others. In dreams she was able to saw not only herself but others too, who was afraid of her. That’s how she changed and because of dreams she became bad and get to know all the traits of bad.
  When she wakes up after dream she became normal skowi, but she experienced experience of bad skowi, so.
Be aware of skowi!
  As somebody prepare him selves for their upcoming important examination. She is searching on internet, “what reply when there is no contact more than a year.” Read many articles just to give a reply. Skowi don’t like giving replies. If someone get reply from her, that’s not less than a queen’s retort.
  She is being silly while replying hkoni. It’s first time she is being crazy over replying because it’s hkoni.
  On the other side, who get messages of millions and surrounded by many beautiful girls, waiting for skowi’s reply and the dam of patience is broken. In history first time this phenomena going to happen, because hkoni decided to message skowi again.
  Both are different but experiences of both are same. Is it a fate or their destiny? They are same with similarities as a result their vibrations too. It’s something not everyone understands.
  Skowi have more patience than hkoni, she gets to know this when she saw another message from hkoni. Skowi know how hkoni is feeling, first sign that they are same is, both are crazy. She just wished “through media hkoni will say something” and her wish got multiplied and she received a direct message. 
  Already she waited a long she doesn’t want to wait more. To understand him better she already learned his language. An opportunity came after many years of long wait to get connected in reality, it’s a movement of happiness for skowi more than “happiness” song.
  She sends “hi” to hkoni. Waiting for skowi’s reply from a long period was hard for hkoni. It was his first time, a girl ignored him but he doesn’t know skowi is crazy, who uninstall apps.
  Hkoni’s eyes was not on his smartphone but when popup come from skowi … and after a long period his lips smiled reason hi word from skowi. He suddenly sends message, where was you, I missed you so much, I know we didn’t talk but I feel a strong connection with you, tell me who are you? After reading his messages skowi wanted to tell him everything.
  “I also feel the same from last 3 years,” she said.
  First meeting of him was already happened three years ago it was also online difference is that only skowi attended that when she saw first time hkoni on screen. Meeting was adorable where she learned even one hkoni can enjoy meeting, and now this is second meeting where both are talking on text. 
  Again hkoni gone in his previous mode. Why skowi not replying me, hkoni thinking. In reality she wanted hkoni to discover by himself what’s their bond is exactly and why he also miss her the way she misses him.
“I miss you ample, I can’t even tell how I’m feeling,” Hkoni’s voice came as he too tired.
  He dumped his feelings in his heart as somebody dump waste in ground but when we open the lid it smells bad more like his feeling burst out from his heart and feelings smell is good.
  “I want to talk you more skowi”
  Every word was full of meaning, no lie, both have lost their mind. Hundred percent heart and zero percent mind … seeing a clock in front of her on a gray color wall, skowi wake up from her dream where hkoni was missing her. When hkoni gone his previous mode, skowi get lost in dream looking at window but hkoni’s message she is reading.
  She replied hkoni!
  He also replied her and they talked a lot. “What they are chatting, which making him so happy,” human around him was looking and wondering how can a smartphone be a reason of hkoni’s happiness. it was not a smartphone who was making him happy but a hkoni who is talking.
  “you are unique, skowi,” Hkoni took a breath while saying.
  “it’s our first talk and you don’t know anything about me why you think I’m unique,” Skowi asked.
  “maybe I know you from thousand years” I respect you. I don’t know but I think you are same as me. everybody says I’m perfect and I think you are perfect. I think you are my female version, I’m so happy I found you”
  “can I ask you something hkoni?”
  “yes, what it is”
   Skowi didn’t said a word except nothing. He knows she is hiding something from him.
  “Skowi now mark my words, listen carefully what I say. I’m celebrity and you are unaware of celebrity insights. I don’t want to face difficulty, I hope you are understanding,” Hkoni said seriously.
  Looking his text, she is imagining his face, skowi said, “I respect your privacy more than mine, don’t worry.”
  So we are friends skowi from now on” he decided by himself but he don’t know this friendship is just a beginning of a future he never imagined. The future, neither skowi nor hkoni imagined but it was already predestinated.
  Predestinated thing happens no matter what humanity’s conditions. When god is the one who want two humans meet nobody can separate him. Even everything is against him, there are some things which connects him and if they focus on some it converts to all and they come together on the wish of god.
  let’s promise each other to talk everyday at least once in a day and they both agreed. Everyone end their conversation by saying last word ‘bye’ but skowi and hkoni decided to say “wait for me, I’ll come again.”
  They ended their conversation by saying “wait for me, I will come again.”
  When bonds are special their conversation become special too, their everything is special. Such things only those human can understand who have experienced such bond. It’s not like such bonds do something different to impress each other rather than trying new things, they focus on small things and do him differently, with love. Simplest thing done with love catches human’s hurt more than buying expensive things. Skowi and hkoni know the importance of simplicity. The one who know simplicity have the ability to become expensive.
  “What was that skowi wanted to ask me and what was that stopped her from asking that?” Hkoni thinking.
  “I will ask her next spell,” it was my first time conversation with her and I don’t want to make anything weird, by saying to his own self hkoni go to work on his pending works, which he not able to concentrate from many months but now he got his concentration back.
  When a human love someone, remembering only their loved one is only thing get done by a normal human and this happened with hkoni too but it is more with hkoni.
How more?
  Suppose one normal fall in love with a normal girl. Girl is not giving him attention but he still loves her. Now his heart missing her” he cries in her memories and forget about girl it’s all common for normal. Hkoni didn’t cried he forget himself but not her.
  Night fall far hkoni’s hard work. He is working hard; he believes in himself more than time. His is capable of doing everything and many times he proved himself. One night is enough for hkoni to balance his present which was imbalanced because of his past.
  When time is less than labor, there is less probability that work will be done efficiently. Time is not much and work is more but hkoni is doing work he forgets time while doing work. One night is feeling like sufficient time he required to do his work. He is not doing his work alone there is something which is with him but he might not know he constantly get noticed by something. 
  “She is an amazing girl. I must be thankful for her,” cheerful voice of hkoni. When he finished his work he opened his chat and he forget for what he come here. Instead of texting her he started reading their previous chat.
  “Thank you for coming in my life be always with me,” he sends message from his side.

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