part - 8

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“It’s an attachment, if I stay with you feel happy if I don’t you feel sad,” Skowi said.
  “In love human want to be with their loved all I want this,” Ayush said.
  “You don’t have courage, it’s harder to give up on something you love only courageous human can do that,” Skowi said.
  After listening this he though he is doing mistake by forcing someone to fall in love with him.
  “Sorry skowi I realized some human come in our life to teach us something and you came to my life to teach me love, I think I didn’t learn it yet, I need to learn more,” Ayush said slowly.
  Skowi said, “thank you god, finally he understood something.” He said, “but I will still love you because it’s coming out without any force I can’t stop it,” he was saying while smiling. Skowi also smiled and what skowi was trying to do somehow got succeeded.
  Skowi might told him no and finish this matter but that’s not fair especially when she talks about boy and girl can be friends. If that boy was girl, how should I treat with her, differently because of gender but for skowi all friends are same, no matter that friend is girl or boy.
  It’s only difficult when a boy falls in love with skowi, she also loves him but not the way he wants. World never accept a boy and girl as friends, why they think differently whenever they see a boy and girl together for everyone it compulsory to understand that your thinking is yours don’t put it in anyone’s life. You don’t know how good someone can be, the way they spend their surrounding created their thought process, and literally no one can predict how can a hkoni be. Unless we spend days and months with him. Maybe upcoming generation will not listen parents because of such things, they want their parents accept him as they are, and what’s problem in that, why you want to make your child second somebody, let him be their first. You just have to encourage him even they do mistakes, it will help him to not break their heart and with full power they come back again.
  Human we meet online or offline have something to do with us that’s why they came in our life. We don’t know what’s their role in our story. Someone can stay for a while but create a greater impact on our life and some stay for long time but still not able to create the impact created by hkoni who stayed for short time. Human create our future if they are good we become good but we create our future ourselves too, when we lock ourselves in one room and work only by ourselves, but it’s not good for a human, it will cause many health issues and we can’t live like this, don’t try such things at home instead of this enjoy yourself by spending some time with yourself it will make your brain cells calm and you can accept new generation things, like a boy a girl can become friends.
  “I’m back, hey boy did you flirt with skowi,” Hkoni asked ayush.
  “yes,” Ayush said.
  “no” he didn’t do anything,” Skowi said.
  “I believe in skowi,” Hkoni said.
  Everybody came and party started. Hkoni knew something happened because he saw ayush is sad.
  “ayush, come here,” Skowi said.
  Even after skowi calling ayush ignored skowi. hkoni is sure now something is happened.
  “so, your name is ayush,” Hkoni said.
  “yes,” Ayush said.
  “this is life and we don’t know what will come next, be happy,” Hkoni said to ayush.
  ayush didn’t said anything.
  “I want to kiss you, how handsome youa are,” Hkoni said.
  “no,” Ayush laughed.
  Finally, ayush laughed. Skowi is still calling ayush to come. Ayush looked at her grabbed hand of skowi and for a movement he felt touch of skowi. ayush took hkoni towards skowi.
  Others looking at him as three humans but ayush looking at skowi and hkoni as one human. ayush knew something that others don’t know, it’s because ayush is in contact with skowi and hkoni and understood through love.
  Party ended. Everyone go to their home happily, ayush too. Before going ayush stopped because skowi’s eyes talking with him. She got close to him, hkoni is also there.
  “excuse me, here is your gift,” hkoni interrupted him and gave it to ayush.
  Skowi again go near ayush and gave a kiss on his cheek. Hkoni didn’t said anything because he knew what happened when he leaved both of him alone. He saw in camera everything.
  Days was passing with happy movements because skowi have hkoni and hkoni have skowi, no day was with sad movements, it was like they both are living in heaven. Days are also drawn towards him. Time don’t stop for anyone but when skowi and hkoni are together, time also stops. What made time stop for him? Maye time also want to see him by stopping. looking at him is a precious movement. Sometimes I also think, how can a bond be so pure, they born to just be with each other. When skowi was born god was like, “who will take care of this girl” and hkoni was born god was, “who will take care of this boy.”
  For skowi, hkoni born and for hkoni, skowi born ... energy is everything and if their energy and your energy are same and same it means, same energy, same intentions.
  Skowi sit on heighted iron table, she always goes on beach and sit there when she had nothing to do. Little kids were playing on beach; water also seems happy to play with those little kids. Skowi watching all that from top, seeing those beautiful scene was pleasurable to eyes ... seeing all those children’s playing but she is also missing her childhood.
  Today also she didn’t loose her childhood. She stopped playing because her friends don’t play, they think they are now adult and playing such games is no more work of an adult youngsters but nobody can stop skowi. Those children are calling her to play and she joined game, it was 4:34 pm when they started playing till dark, maybe time was 7:20. That they forget time while playing, she wants to show this to hkoni so she already recorded everything.
  “Playing with children was different feeling,” Skowi said to hkoni when she came house through call. She said you also came next time, we all play. Those children are very good. Hkoni said, “your happiness I can see it through my hearts eyes, skowi, how you find happiness in such little things, no adult will find happiness except some' but that lift up their mood but you are different, you are too much happy by playing only, just like you get everything, and now you can live for many days without food,” hkoni laughed.
  “I’m hungry but I didn’t cooked food,” Skowi said.
  “Wait I’m coming,” Hkoni said.
  He came to skowi’s house go in kitchen and without asking her he started making noodles because it’s her favorite food. He is her chef who came on exact time when she is starving.
  “You are cooking for me, thank you hkoni”
  “No, I don’t want thank you”
  “So, what you want?”
  “Give me a kiss,” he said while laughing.
  “Kiss yourself or go and get a girlfriend,” Skowi said.
  “I’m cooking for you but you can’t even do this much for me” skowi get up and started pushing him out of her house.
  “Okay sorry, sorry I don’t want anything, let me stay here,” Hkoni said.
  We think about someone who helps us in our worst conditions and we never get someone, because we expect it from our girlfriend or our boyfriend why can’t it be our friend? Trusting our friend is most important while we are in friendship without trust in friendship is no more remain friendship. It’s not like no one wants to trust in fact everyone wants to trust but they afraid what if other didn’t trust back. many are afraid what if they trust and they got cheat from their friend? it’s heartbreaking when such thing happens.
  Skowi trusted many times and she didn’t received trust so shall she give up on trusting … no, she didn’t. she still trusts but more than cheat she receives trust because of some cheaters she can’t stop trusting on him who really want someone to trust him.
  “It’s not like girl and a boy can’t be friends, it’s thinking how we see world, the way we see the world, worlds look like that to us. Nothing wrong in being friends with opposite gender, everyone accepts that, gender is just a biological term and things are different for boys and girls but if world need to be better we have to accept such things early. how long we are going to stay in those old misbeliefs.”
  “It doesn’t mean deny rituals, everyone must follow their rituals but things which we not have any scripture proof or just passed to next generation through mouth only, don’t accept those saying that are made by someone to save their self from a problem or to put someone in problem why were still following that? And such things only get passed from one generation to another when we don’t take action against it.”
  “There was somebody who stopped something that’s why something new born from it and there are many things are yet to happen and new generation are the own who will make it happen why don’t we support him without judging gender? Many things youngsters want to say, want to do not to enjoy but to learn, to explore what will happen after I do this they will learn from it if you give the m guidance. everyone has ability to save others life not through money just by saying some good thing, giving compliments. Even a girl looks ugly by saying her, “you are beautiful,” even a boy is not handsome, “by saying him you are handsome.” What will happen when we do something to someone, that someone’s life can totally change only through your little action, but why nobody wants to do things like this,” skowi is writing all this in her intimate mob log.
  Skowi is thankful to god to giving such a precious gift to her, all those alone days she spends got vanish just like someone spread magic fog and after that magic fog vanished she saw an endless hope.
“I written a poem for myself,” Skowi said.
Loving me every day as lover do
Playing with me as two children lost in fun of playing
Eating with myself as this is my last meal
  On the other side hkoni typing long message for skowi.
  “I know you nobody can love me the way you love me. I wish, you always be happy, I don’t think I did much for you but I want to do more things that are beyond anybody’s imagination. I know you always don’t come close to me even we’re in public even in private, even we don’t think anything, just because what society will think about us. I told you don’t think too much; society don’t deserve human like us. They don’t know anything at all and I don’t think they are going to understand things that we understood and let him live in their imagination. I’m missing you can you come, hkoni typed this message and send to skowi.”
  Skowi cleaning her house so she didn’t noticed message. hkoni saw now much time passed and he called her, she picks up phone and said, “hello, I was …
  What happened with skowi, hkoni was worried because skowi never did this before and she was saying something then why suddenly she cut her phone, there must be any problem. He suddenly wakes up and go to her house. Door was locked but skowi already gave him another key for emergency” he always kept that with him. He opened skowi was there, she was smiling from lips, but …
  He saw something is wrong, her eyes saying all. He saw in mirror there were some humans who dressed like thief. He said, “Skowi I’m going because I remembered some important work.” As he gone he called police and within minutes’ police came there. Before police enter in house, hkoni go and said, “Skowi, I came because something is in your room, it’s my office file and I need that can I take it?” skowi said, “yes.”
  He was just doing some gossip to pass time, police came and thief was still there but as they saw police they ran towards window try to jump but skowi stopped thief by breaking his leg, others are too afraid and don’t even have that much courage to run, finally jail welcomed him.
  “Thank you but don’t do things it was dangerous,” Skowi said.
  “What if thief did something to you, what should I do. I’m not for with you only in your happy movements, I want to be with you in your difficult situations too. A friend must not be present in happy movants but always there in difficulty, even if you don’t call me in your problem I come whenever you need me. you don’t know rules of friendship, that’s you didn’t called me for help. Friends call each other when they are in problem.
  “I wanted but I was unable, all thief was here,” Skowi said.
  “I’m not talking about this time before this there was incidents where you were in trouble but you didn’t call me why, can I know reason?” Hkoni asked.
  “I can fight by myself,” Skowi said.
  “I know I know how strong you are, thankful to you because you have you with yourself, now I don’t worry that much about you. If you need some lessons come I’ll give you,” he was laughing because he doesn’t know anything sometimes what he says.
  It’s not like skowi and hkoni are different from other youngsters. Everything is same except one thing and to know that one thing you have to be like him. No jealousy when one is reaching top and no hate when one is falling down, your intentions must be pure, you have to think like you and that someone is one, you have to do everything for that someone you do for yourself, ignoring every mistake, accepting that someone the way they are. It’s tough thing to do for him who even don’t know him selves yet.
  Compulsory thing before you get all this you have to find yourself, without this you can’t even think of getting such pure bond, and even if someone come to you, your bond not be as pure as skowi’s and hkoni’s bond because you are incomplete and you will not put that much efforts as that someone is putting ... as somebody said nothing is impossible, believe in that nothing is impossible if you put your everything to it. Be your own friend first and you will find a friend like skowi and hkoni because there are many specially those two are alone they don’t want to talk with anyone and the only reason is that they don’t find someone who matches their vibes, in your circle if there is such hkoni then you would definitely attract him, because such human vibes attract each other so fast.
  Like as always morning came skowi and hkoni both wake up early approximately at 5am as after that they need breakfast. When hkonis are same then no doubt their choices are also same. Rice flakes is favorite of both. Hkoni made it this morning” he invited skowi at his house for breakfast. He was happy because skowi said yes, usually she reject every time he invite.
  Skowi came to hkoni’s palace” he can’t look away from her, his eyes watching her like he is sawing her first time. She wears a short jeans and half sleeves t-shirt. It’s nothing much unique but for hkoni because skowi never wear this before and she was looking so cute, she told hkoni that she wants to wear this whenever she is happy, to make movement double happy, she wants to wear it.
  “I’m here,” she said.
  They sit, talking … where they were talking about their future goals. Having hkoni’s own restaurant with skowi is single most goal of his life, hkoni kidding with skowi.
  “I have everything but I want more thing because you will be there with me and if you are not there I don’t have a single dream,” Hkoni said.
  Supporting him she expressed her thoughts too, “I also want to be with you without your life’s taste is like food without salt.”
  “So am I salt,” he said with angry face.
  “Yes you are my salt of my food, hkoni,” Skowi said.
  “If my life is food then you are my salt it means you are salt without salt there is no taste in food but as we put salt in food, it gets taste and becomes delicious. If you not fall on my life how my life not become delicious, so that show you are my salt.”
  “Then you are also my salt ... without you my life is tasteless, thank you skowi for being in my life ... my life becomes delicious when you entered in my life but I not call you salt. You are my precious one and you will be always, not a greater another human can replace you. You are mine only and even you can’t stop me when I say you are mine,” Hkoni said.
  Skowi thought only she care for hkoni but today she gets to know how much hkoni close to him. When two human try every effort to stay close with each other no one can separate him.
  “hkoni I wish there is more beautiful word than thank you because thank you is not enough when it comes to you, when it comes to your deeds for me, hkoni do you like reading,”
  “You tell first,” Hkoni said.
  “Yes, I like reading, she said.
  He said he also like reading, even he doesn’t like. He lied to skowi” he hates reading. because something which always pull him towards her. whatever she like he also say I also like to make her happy. when a hkoni says I also like this their happiness becomes double because someone also like their thing. And especially when that hkoni is your close one. Doing things such things when you are not in relationship it’s a humanity towards human just want to see other hkoni happy is your ultimate goal. And skowi and hkoni are great examples of humanity. They are good friends and they know their friendship never get broken by silly things.
  “Can you be my best friend, skowi?”
  “I have enough friends and I don’t want someone to be my friend because it’s not easy to be my friend. I don’t want anyone feel like they are investing their so much time with good things, if you are one of him it’s good for you to not be my friend,” Skowi said.
  “No I will waste my whole life doing things that you and your friends do. I know you are happiest hkoni on the earth and whoever get connected with you they feel your positivity, your kindness, your love even they chat with you, I even know you talk human not by judging him and I want such hkoni in my life too.”
  “I show like I am happiest but if I tell you my pain you will cry and I don’t want you hear so I will not tell”
  “If you want to share with me you can,” Hkoni said.
  “It’s not like I don’t want to tell, to whole world I want to tell that, not everyone’s heart broke by a breakup from relationship of girlfriend and boyfriend sometimes your close one’s are the one who make your life hell even hell is better than this life.”
  “I’m sorry I was not there from you but from now I’m always with you and I’ll always be with you, tell me okay before that make me your best friend.”
  “If you want to be my friend I have a list I’m reading it for you.”
***agreement to become skowi’s friend” hehehe.
  A living, non-living. Who understand her love behind her anger and who understands the sea of words behind your silence.
***words for hkoni she wrote in her diary before they meet
  Time was too different from before. Now skowi and hkoni met each other, face was their but not sawed each other sawed each other, still skowi’s eyes on her words which she wrote for hkoni. Eyes became river and water started falling from river on her check.
  To hkoni,
  Thank you for existing in the same world. Your existence matter, wherever you are, stay alive. There is no single activity of your that cannot inspire me, there are many. From among all, one quality always win that is your singing and in singing specially your deep soothing voice. There are many artists who sing from heart as you so why only your singing touches my heart? It’s because of your other things you do better than others and I admire things.
  you know my hkoni, I don’t expect anything from you but except your voice, I expect your voice! its’s better than medicine. I start dancing when they listen your voice. I love your voice. Don’t think I want to marry you, no, I don’t think that, you are hope and there is no connection to marry you, but I love you from my heart.
  Some thoughts come in my mind as, hkoni inspire me, right now he is older than me but I imagine what if I’m older than hkoni? still he able to inspire me? can a younger inspire older? And answer come hey skowi, don’t think because it’s born truth why you want answers of such things and want to get tired.
  I observed you while doing other things, you do him perfectly with all concentration, I observed something running in your brain maybe you imagine your favorite hkoni while doing work and that favorite maybe other and sometimes it’s you.
  There is probability behind your perfection is you forget everything and do only what you are doing. mandatory things … hard work, consistency, focus, these are coming first without this no one can become as you are. World say you are perfect but for me you are not. when you do any work you don’t copy to anyone you become yourself and 99.99 percent human fail here but not you. You do mistakes because you are human too. You know how I get to know about you? It was pandemic, everyone’s door was closed of wood and heart too, mine was also same expect “door of heart.”

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