Tome I: The Fear of the Past -Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Warning: may contain swear words and bad grammar :)


December 4 2006 7:00 Am / In the Evergarden house, Sarah's bedroom

On a Monday morning, as the first light of dawn barely pierced through the thick snow-laden clouds, the world outside was a silent, white wonderland. Snowflakes drifted lazily from the sky, adding to the already substantial blankets of snow that covered everything in sight. The trees, weighted down by their icy burden, stood like a silent sentinels, and the usually bustling streets were eerily quiet, muffled by the fresh snowfall until the sudden disruption of the peace.

Sarah's POV

"Omg can u fucking stop yapping im trying to cencentrate here! I have a french test later!"
She would say in a rough commanding voice as she closes her palms in irritation.

"hmmm how about no?"  Austin said playfully as kept provoking Sarah, placing his hand on her shoulder.

"i swear i will rip ur head off" She warned with an annoyed and flat tone.

"wowww so threatening, hmm and how about you also fix the way you articulate your words? You sounds autistic." The young boy said with a sarcastic and mocking tone as he quickly removed his hand from the sudden burst of annoyance.

They continue to argue as Sarah is on her chromebook doing homework she totally forgot to do last night. After a while she ended shutting her Chromebook and start throwing hands.

Meanwhile Miyuki.

Miyuki's POV

Miyuki was just sleeping peacefully in her queen size bed until her alarm went off.

"AHHH!- oh its just my alarm..." she yawns tiredly. she stops her alarm afterwards she crawls out of bed and goes to the bathroom. (she got jump scared so badly from her own alarm💀)

After going to the "throne".

She walks out, her black hair was all messy like if she just get beaten up by 13 toddlers.

She goes to brush her hair in front of the mirror and brush her teeths, afterwards her eyes widen as she checks the clock just to realize thats her siblings are about to be late for class and then she heard Sarah scream.

(Someone needs a chill pill💀)

Miyuki quickly walks over to her room to see Austin, the youngest child and Sarah, the first middle child in the room.

Miyuki sighs in annoyence, these two never got along do they?

"Sarah Evergarden." Miyuki said in a breathy, tired tone as she fixes her hair before crossing her arms.

"Mom is sleeping, u dont want to wake her up do you?" She'd say in a low voice.

"No i dont! its just-" Sarah said nervously before, her palms turning sweaty as she tilts her head.

She cuts her off.

"call your brother and sister, ur all gonna be late otherwise." Miyuki would grab the door handle.

Austin snickers while Sarah side eye him with her blue ocean eyes in pure irritation.

"bring them to the car, ill be waiting." Miyuki said as she closes the door and walks to the car outside.

After they all arrive in the car, a lot of them in a bad mood, mostly Sarah and Austin but they were arguing the entire trip to school. (bloody hell.. i'd be so annoyed tbh)

End Of Chapter 1

Written by: Keyra Andres Brassard & Miyuki Lanzuela

Next up! Tome I: The fear of the past -Chapter 2

NOTE: Heya this is Asher again!! me and Miyuki have school so we sometimes might take a while to write the next part! if u want to see the next part just save this book! we have a lot of plans to do so be prepared my little followers! oh and btw we might to grammar mistakes so my bad! im the one who does the most mistakes- Miyuki normally corrects my mistakes but shes lazy so thats why it might take a bit before any parts get posted! Sorry!

-March 1 2024

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