Tome I: The Fear of the past -Chapter 2

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Contain Swear words/bad grammar


Avon Public School in the City of Stratford - Outside

September 12 2006 7:43 am before class / Avon Public School in the City of Stratford - Outside

Austin POV:

He jumps out of the car with confidence after annoying his sister, when they were driving to school, he enters the school with a cocky smirk too see his Homie, Travis walked up to him with the same energy.

"What's good broo" Austin said as he takes out his hand for a handshake.

"What's sup dudee" Travis said in his deep British voice as he shakes Austin's hand before patting his back then backs off a bit.

Austin inspect Travis feet to head.

"Looking shabby today~! You planning to go out with any ladies~??" Austin teased, Austin was confident that Travis wouldn't be able to get any bitches as he tries not to laugh,as he covers his mouth with his right hand.

Travis looks at Austin weirdly before realizing...

"Austin, it's fucking Photo's day." Travis claimed.

"..WHATT??? OH SHIT I FORGOT-" Austin exclaimed, he totally forgot and felt slightly ashamed of himself for forgetting such important day.

Travis laughs loudly while covering his mouth.


"Cmon buddy you're overreacting a bit, you know damn well you look fine" He stated.

"Buddy-U DONT GET IT-".
(Nah he tripping 💀😭).

Avon Public School in the City of Stratford - Second floor, First floor hallway 132-145

Grâce's POV:

Grâce was humming in the empty hallway as she walks to her locker, she arrives at her locker, and she opens it up,then puts her stuff in it then sits down on a near by bench and leans her head back against the wall,she then sighs tiredly "hmm I wonder what should I wear for picture day, I packed some clothes and I would like to style them....." she thought.

Troy arrives in front of her standing at 5'11 with a stupid smirk.

"Heyy Grâce how ya doing?" He says as he bends down for his face to be at her height, she sounds annoyed about his comment but she plays along.

"Oh hello Troy" she chuckles softly "I'm doing mighty fine!" She says as she looks down a bit at herself, acting like this is actually pretty easy <—(this is her talking to herself btw).

She looked down on the ground trying not to blush as she is very sensitive.(🤨)

"That's good to know!" He suddenly reach for her chin and make her look up at him, his eyes seeming dreamy as hers looked into his.

"my eyes are up here love" he says with a stupid smirk as he teased her.

"Tsk stawpp you're making me blush!~" she says as she kept straight eye contact with him, as she admires his shiny ocean blue eyes. While she thinks about his beautiful eyes, a black figure came out of nowhere.....

Heyy it's yo boy Asher again, Lmao sorry for the wait I'm rlly busy w school recently plus im lazy asf, yup again sorry lol, this wasn't supposed to be a multiple part chapter but it's very long so you'll see in the next chapter the continue on this one and don't worry, me and Miyuki have plans but we're just too damn lazy to finish them 🙈.
Hai,I fixed and added interesting plot cause i'm extra💅-by Miyuki (and of course I didn't tell him about adding extra plot,cause I want to see if him really read and observe the story 😤).
OF COURSE I READ WHAT U DO WOMAN😭🙏 anyways I fixed a bit of your sentences -Asher

April 5 2024

Next chapter- Chapter 3 (part 2 of chapter 2)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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