Vows of Protection

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                                                               -S.Coups POV-

I look down after only a few moments and notice she is sound asleep. Without disturbing her I pull out my phone and go to the house group chat. I think to myself a moment before starting the conversation that we have no choice but to have, I sigh knowing that this won't be easy on anyone. I finish that thought and look down at this Angel sleeping in my arms, she should have never been put in this situation and as far as I'm concerned she never will again.

S.Coups: "We need to talk, as far as I'm concerned they are now under our protection."

  Hoshi: "I agree, this never should have happened."

 Jun: "We need to get them some stuff to make this home."

 Joshua: "Agreed. I never want to see her cry again."

  Dino: "She cried?!"

S.Coups: "She cried when I showed her, the room too."

  Jeonghan: "Guys... What are we going to do about the company now?"

S.Coups: "I'll go tomorrow and get everything squared away, so they aren't alone."

 Woozi: "We will figure it out, but no one will harm them again."

Everyone: "agreed."

I put my phone down even though everyone was still messaging in the chat. I noticed she began to stir in her sleep I didn't want to risk waking her. After a few minutes I heard her whimper, within seconds she screamed the most blood curdling scream causing Jeonghan to rush into the room.  I bolt up and try to gently wake her, before she was even fully snapped out of it she burst into tears. "Hey hey, shhh we got you. you are safe, you aren't there. You are safe now." I said soothingly as I held her gently against my chest while she shook sobbing. I was extremely worried about what she could have seen to cause this kind of  reaction.  Finally I felt her breaths slow and she began to fully wake up, at least I hoped that's what was happening.  "No, I'm sorry please don't hurt me anymore. I'm sorry!" She screamed continuing to cry and hide her face. I swear I could feel my heart break I have read a little about PTSD, but it's so much worse than I ever could have imagined. "Hey angel, you are okay. no one will hurt you. He can't hurt you anymore." I reassure her as I rock her back and forth, hoping this will pass and she will rest again.  

After what felt like an eternity of her completely falling apart she falls back asleep, this time in Jeonghan's arms. "She is beyond exhausted, How could somebody look at that face and still cause her pain." Jeonghan said making me look to him. "Yeah, she is and I feel so bad. Like my heart hurts for her. I don't know what took her so long to contact me, but we almost lost her and we wouldn't have known anything until it was too late. I think that is what has been scaring me the most about all this. I love her so much and I missed her, and I can't even begin to imagine this world without her." I expressed averting my eyes as Jeonghan nodded in response.

Once we knew she was fully asleep I helped him move her back onto the bed. This time Jeonghan laid on one side of her leaving enough space for me to lay on the other. I laid down and put a hand on her hip to avoid the bruise on her side, and Jeonghan does the same. By the time both of us were asleep it was around one in the morning the aftermath of todays events finally all kicked in and we were out.

                                                         -Jade's POV-

I woke the next morning remembering the nightmare that had woken me so late last night in flashes. I look up from my daze and notice I am staring at Jeonghan making me blush from the close proximity. I slowly feel the bed behind me and notice it is cold and empty making me whimper which woke Jeonghan instantly. "Angel are you okay?" He asked brushing his hand against my cheek staring at me intently waiting for an answer. I turn to face him fully "hmm? oh yeah I'm okay, just wondering where Coups went." he hummed and sat up on his arm looking to me with fully open eyes now. "He went to our company building to talk to our boss, you know about bringing you and Gabe with us to filming sets and going on tour with us. We don't want either of you to be here in the mansion alone."  He said.  I slowly nod as I attempt to fully sit up in bed.  I look back to see him smiling at me. "Come on lets go eat breakfast and get ready for the day yea?"  I nod in response and smile softly.

I got out of bed fully and stretched wincing in pain. "son of a fuck that hurts to do." I whine as he grabbed the bottle of pain killers from the nightstand. He took one out and handed it to me. "Here, take this with breakfast and not one second before." I take the pain pill and nod as I make my way downstairs into the kitchen. I sit down on a stool at the island and Mingyu sets a plate in front of me with a glass of water next to it. I take a few bites of food then take the pill. 

                                                             -S.Coups POV-

I woke up and got a shower, when I stepped out I saw Jade and Jeonghan cuddling making me smile knowing she is safe. I got dressed and messaged everyone that I was heading to the company. I got a few responses saying okay or see you soon or be safe. I got in my car turned the key making the car roar to life, soon I started to drive to the company building.  With us having a shared mansion we live about thirty minutes away from the company. The drive there was silent and I was alone with my thoughts.  How could a parent do this to their child it wasn't fair to them, more so Gabe since he is in his last year of school.  I was snapped out of my thoughts as I pulled into the company parking lot, I parked and turned off the car.

I made my way inside the company showing my badge to the desk lady as I walked by.  I got into the elevator, pressing the button to go to the top floor. The ride up was only a couple of minutes but it felt like forever. The doors opened and I stepped out heading straight to the boss's door, opening them I stepped inside closing the door behind me.  "We need to talk." I said with a serious look on my face.  I knew he couldn't ignore me since I have been up here demanding things for the whole group before, so he had no choice but to listen. "Alright I am all ears. What do you need S.Coups?" I shook my head a bit and explained Jade's and Gabe's situation and all the boss could do is nod while I spoke.  "I want them to be able to go to filming sets and go on tour with us. We refuse to leave them alone. Of course they will have the choice to go or not."  "Alright. We will let them go with you and we will deny any and all dating rumors unless you boys say otherwise." The boss said with a bored expression on his face.

I thanked the boss before leaving his office texting in the group chat again, letting them know that I am on my way back.  I took the thirty minute drive back but I made a pit stop at our phone carrier, I bought Jade and Gabe a new phone putting them on my phone plan.  when I got home I shut off the car heading straight inside. I was soon stopped by Hoshi before I got too far in.  "Hey Coups. I need to tell you about Gabe and what Woozi and I witnessed." He said I sighed knowing I wasn't ready to hear this but what choice do I have. "Alright shoot."  He looked to me and dragged me into the recording studio in the basement so no one else could hear us. "Alright. Well when Woozi and I got to the condo, I found their father on top of Gabe choking him. Their father was drunk and I honestly have no idea how long Gabe was fighting for I'm just glad we got there when we did otherwise he might not be here with us now, that is a scary thought.  I'm still in shock from finding out that they were being abused because she hid it so well." He said while I nod knowing this isn't as black and white as it sounds. "Yeah, but their father knew how to hide bruises too, he has been doing this for years it got worse when we hit middle school. Gabe got a good portion of it too but not near as bad as her."  I honestly wanted this conversation to end and that was very evident by the look on my face and this is something we all need to move on from.  Hoshi saw the look on my face and he knew that it was time to stop this conversation.

Finally Hoshi and I leave the recording studio as Woozi came in with some of the others to record parts for the new song .  I make my way upstairs and find Jade in the kitchen talking to Mingyu and Jeonghan just laughing up a storm. This right here is what we need to see more often from not just her but Gabe as well.  Finally I interrupt their conversation and  hand her a new phone. "I added our numbers into your phone already." I told her  kissing the top of her head.  I soon let them continue talking as I walk off to find Gabe. I walk into the dance practice room and find him in there watching Dino and some of the others practice the choreography to the new song.  I walked over to him and hand him his phone as well. "Our numbers are already on the phone." I said as he nodded. I walked away and took this time to join in on the dance practice.

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