Scavenger Hunt

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                                                              -Woozi's POV-

A few days have passed since we have all went shopping and now I think it is time to have the scavenger hunt. I pick up my phone and message in the chat that Jade isn't in.

Woozi: "Okay so all of us will be in the house and some of us will hold clues. I want to have it so most of us will be involved in her scavenger hunt. Now she has ten scavenger hunts to go on so some will be short but the longest one will be the hunt to get the ring."

Wonwoo: "Alright. do you need help making the clues or do you already have them made?" 

Woozi: "I have them already made up. I just need everyone in their places. She isn't awake yet right?"

S.Coups: "No she is not awake yet. Just let us know where you want us."

Woozi: "Well Coups stay put where you are I will bring you the first clue. The8 will be reading a book. DK will be outside in her garden. Mingyu will be in the kitchen. The rest of the dance team will be in the dance studio. The rest of the vocal team will be with me in the recording studio. the rest of the hip hop team will be playing games at the kitchen table."

The rest of the guys agreed and all went to their places and had hid their gifts where I had told them to. I walked around and handed everyone their clues and the last person to get their clues is Coups, only because he has the ring and set things up while she is looking for everything else. I leave the room and go into the recording studio and have the guys record lines for the new song survivor.

                                                                     -Jade's POV-

I wake up and yawn as I sit up in bed. I look to Coups and he is handing me paper. I look at the paper and I smile as I see what is written on it. "Clue one. We record in this room. Is this a scavenger hunt?" I asked as I got up and changed clothing. I rush down the stairs and head to the recording studio. Once I am in the studio Woozi hands me another paper. I look at it and rush out heading outside and to the garden. Dk seemed to be digging in the dirt as if telling me to do as such but then I spotted a case. I picked up the case and opened it and I was in awe. Inside the case was a few different rings but they weren't extravagate like a wedding ring but they were all so pretty. I was handed another paper and when I looked at it, it said the next two prizes are in the recording studio. I run back inside after giving DK a kiss and head back into the recording studio. Jeonghan and Joshua give me what they bought me and it was more beautiful jewelry. I was handed another paper from Joshua and I run to the dance studio. 

Once I was in the dance studio all the dance team stopped what they were doing and handed me their gifts. I was so happy with everything I was getting, but I felt spoiled something I have felt since I moved in with them. I finished with all of the scavenger hunts and it took me several hours to do so. Jeonghan handed me one more piece of paper and he spoke. "There is one more person wanting to give you something." He said and that is when I realized that Coups hasn't given me anything yet. I look at the paper and I smile at what I read. The paper says the bedroom has a surprise inside. I go to the stairs and I realize I haven't been upstairs at all but I have passed the stairs many times and I never noticed the rose petals until now. I walk up the stairs following the rose petals and I soon see candles with the petals between them. I walk into the bedroom and I see Coups standing on the balcony and the rose petals lead right to him.

The lights are dim as if setting the mood for something. I slowly walk over to Coups and I smile. "Hello handsome. What is the occasion?" I asked and he smiled and looked to me. The sun is going down so it is dusk at this point and we have a beautiful view of it. He looks to me and he smiled. "Jade I have loved you for a very long time since we were in school and I can't imagine a life without you. I have almost lost you once and I was scared because I found you in the hospital. We have all spent four wonderful years together and tonight there is something I want to ask you something." He said and then got down on one knee and took my hand. I was honestly shocked. He took a box out of his pocket and opened it. "Jade will you marry me?" He asked. I didn't hesitate to answer him. "Yes I will marry you. You and the rest of the guys." I said and that is when he put the ring on my finger and stood up. I hugged him and kissed him and I was so happy that I was crying.

After I calmed down I looked to him and I spoke softly. "The scavenger hunt today was like their own way to propose to me wasn't it?" I asked and he nodded. "Yes it was. Are you ready to go and tell them your answer?" He asked and I nodded. I went downstairs with him and I see all of them in the living room and I spoke to them. "Yes to all of you." I said and lifted my hand showing the ring on my hand. They all cheered and gave me kisses and hugs and I was laughing my ass off at their antics. They are all a headache that never goes away but I wouldn't change this for the world. Now we will all have to discuss on if we want to make this public or not but what I didn't know was that it was already announced that Coups and I are engaged. I remember that when they all got back from the store that he said something about calling the company and that is when I look to Coups. "You had this all planned out and had it announced that you and I are engaged huh?" I asked and he smiled. "Of course I had this planned out. I wanted to have all of my bases covered." He said and I smiled softly. "Of course you did." I said and giggled. "Oh and by the way we just need you to record your lines for the song survivor. You sing a good portion of the song and us guys are just small lines here and there. You and Gabe are the main focus of this song." He said and I nodded and looked to Woozi. "Shall we go record those lines then?" I asked and he nodded and we both went into the studio and recorded the lines. Coups wasn't kidding when he said that a good portion of the song is sung by me.

After the lines were recorded I was exhausted because I have ran all over the house and played games with the guys all day long and honestly today has been the happiest day of my life. I went to lay down in my room but I was scooped up from behind and taken to a different room. I looked to who picked me up and it is Jeonghan. I smiled and yells as he throws me on the bed and wraps around me and has his head on my belly and his arms wrapped around me. "I am so happy you said yes." He said and I smiled and played with his hair. "I am so happy I did as well. I love you all so much." I said and I look down to see him asleep. I lay my head back and I fall asleep as well. I can't explain how chaotic my life has been but it has made my life so much better being with them. I honestly don't really remember life I had before. I just know that things are so much better for me and my little brother. These were her last thoughts as she fell asleep.

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