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I am well aware that most of the members have animals but for the sake of the surprise they don't have any animals.

                                                               -Jade's POV-

One of the guys call me to the front door since all of my items needed for the dog came in. Now I just have to get the dog tomorrow morning. I have to be up really early so I have to turn in early. I get everything into my room, but not without questions. "Uh what is all of this for? What did you buy?" Jeonghan asked and I smiled. "That is a secret. I am not saying what any of this is." I said as I continued to move the boxes into my room. Honestly I was in bed by eight and asleep by ten. When I woke up to my alarm at four in the morning I turn it off quickly to not wake up Mingyu. I slip out of bed without waking him luckily and got dressed. Going downstairs as quietly as I could I make my way to the key rack and grab Coups keys. I go to the car and start it up then drive off to go get the puppy. Once I arrived at the location the breeder and I agreed on I turn off the car and go to the back of their car to look at the puppies. 

I play with the puppies for a few minutes before I pick one up. "Oh look at you. You are so cute!" I said and looked to the breeder. "I will take this one." I said and soon handed the breeder the money I owe and got the puppy into my car and got in. By the time I got back to the house I notice that another car is missing and that made me panic slightly since I didn't tell anyone I was going anywhere. I pull into the garage and turn off the car. I grab the keys and the puppy making my way inside. I put the keys back on the key rack and took the puppy to the recording studio since it is soundproof and if the puppy barks no one will hear it. I put down some puppy pads just in case the puppy has an accident.

                                                   -S.Coups POV-

Jun and Wonwoo took care of the supplies needed for the cat, but when it was time for me to get ready to leave the house to meet the breeder I find that my keys are missing from the rack. "Where the hell did my keys go?" I asked and soon went outside to see if I left my keys in my car but my car was missing too. "Who the hell has my car?" I yell and go back inside. I start to look into the bedrooms to see who has my car and everyone was accounted for except for Jade. She isn't in any danger, but if she isn't back by the time I get home then I will start calling her. I grab Hoshi's keys and take his car to meet the breeder and now I am running late. I was about five minutes late, but I did text the breeder letting them know I would be a little late. Once I arrive I pick out a kitten that is black and grey. I didn't realize how big Maine Coon paws are until I picked up the kitten.

I got the kitten and myself back into the car and drive home as the kitten sits in the cat carrier I had brought with me. Once I got home I see that my car is back in the garage and that honestly eases my mind. I grab the cat carrier and make my way inside the house. I set the cat on the couch and I go into the kitchen grabbing the air horn and sounding it through the house. I laugh as I hear everyone fall out of bed and scramble downstairs. Now I see why she loves the air horn it makes everyone scramble. Everyone is downstairs except for Jade. "Okay so it seems we are missing one. Time to go on the hunt for Jade." I said and this is when everyone scatters to find Jade.

                                                               -Jade's POV-

I didn't hear the air horn nor did I hear someone come down into the studio. I look behind me when I hear the door open making me panic, but it was too late. I see Dino and Gabe walk into the studio. "What is a dog doing in here?" Dino asked and the door was still wide open. I close the door and cover his mouth with my hand. "Shut up will you. You weren't supposed to know. It is a surprise for all the guys." I said slightly angry, but I couldn't be mad since I was sure that they were tasked with finding me. "I will follow you both out, but say nothing about the dog." She said as she closed the door behind her. "Guys we are coming in!" Dino yells and as I walk into the living room I see the guys scramble to hide something on the couch. "What is going on?" I ask and Coups answers. "You know how you said you have wanted a cat since we went to the petting zoo? well we got you a cat." Coups said and turned around grabbing the cat carrier. I walk over to him and I get the cat out of the carrier. "Awe you are so cute! Your name shall be Mayhem." I said and giggled as I hold my new fur baby.

(The picture is not mine and this is what the cat will look like when it is full grown)

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(The picture is not mine and this is what the cat will look like when it is full grown)

After I put mayhem down on the floor I look to the guys. "So I know most of you like dogs so I may have gotten you guys a dog. I will be right back." I said and went to the recording studio and picked up the puppy and bringing it back to the living room. When the guys see the dog their eyes light up. "What type of dog?" Coups asks. "This is a Cane Corso they are even tempered, calm, loyal, and easily trainable." I said and passed the puppy to Coups. Coups takes the puppy and smiled as we all hear the puppy howl. "I am going to name you Midnight. Holy fuck he has some big paws. How big do these dogs get?" He asks and I smile. "Um they can weigh up to 110 pounds" I said making the guys jaws drop.

For the next few hours we are opening boxes and getting our things that are needed for taking care of the animals. Once everything was set up and put together we order breakfast since we were all tired from the early morning wake up call. Coups looked up how to train Midnight since he is still a puppy. While coups and the rest of the guys figure things out for Midnight I am playing with Mayhem. After breakfast I fall asleep on the couch and while I slept the guys took pictures since Mayhem is sleeping on my chest.

 After breakfast I fall asleep on the couch and while I slept the guys took pictures since Mayhem is sleeping on my chest

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(This is what the dog will look like full grown. Again this picture does not belong to me.)

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