A Day With Hip Hop Unit

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Vernon is not part of this day because of how Jade sees him but he will be in another chapter with the rest of the maknae's.

                                                        -Wonwoo's POV-

The next few days after the tour once we got home has been nothing but recovery for us all. The only reason I got out of bed was for a shower I'm glad I did, The shower was nice and relaxing but it would be so much better with Jade in here with me. After my shower I got dressed and pick up my phone to check it. I make a group chat with Coups, Mingyu, and myself before I send a message.

Wonwoo: "Hey guys I want to take Jade out today just the four of us."

Coups: "Yeah what were you wanting to do?"

Mingyu: "How about the movies?"

Wonwoo: "No that is too plain. I was thinking taking her to the store and buying stuff to make a garden with her."

Coups: "That is a wonderful idea I'm in."

Mingyu: "Same here I'm going to get ready."

After we finally decided on the activity of the day I left my room and head over to hers. I knock on the door and start talking as she is opening the door. "Hey Jade um we are going somewhere today and doing something and it's a surprise before you ask." I explained quickly, she looked really excited so she got ready in the bathroom while I waited for her. Once she came out I smiled softly to myself noticing that she is wearing the outfit I had bought her at the store while we were traveling. I lead her down to the front door meeting Coups and Mingyu who were  waiting. "I have informed the rest of the house that we will be busy today." Coups said. We have decided to take one car and Jade is in the front passenger while Coups drove and she picked out music for the twenty minute drive to the store. She picked out the song Love Me Now by NCT127 and we all sang to the song while on the drive.

Once at the store we got out and I walked to Jade holding her hand. For the most part our protective nature has eased a great deal since we have moved away and put her father in prison, but I am still anxious about it all, so I stick as close as I can to her. We all walk inside and I lead her to the gardening section. "Pick out whatever you want angel. Don't worry about the price we can pay for it." I said to her and let go of her hand so she could pick out what she wanted. Mingyu and Coups grabbed the tarps, soil, fertilizer, and rocks or bricks to line the garden. I stayed with Jade as she picked out flower seeds, veggie seeds, and fruit seeds. I smiled as I walked with her all while she handed me what she wanted and I put it in the cart. By the time Coups and Mingyu showed back up she was practically bouncing with excitement, showing them what she got and they both kissed her on the head and chuckled at how cute she was being. We love seeing her happy. Now she never mentioned anything about making a garden, but she loves the flowers we bring her home and sometimes we catch her staring outside as if she wants a garden so this is my choice. I wanted to help her make a garden and give her the happiness she deserves.

By the time she was done getting what she wanted she looked at the two carts and was a bit shocked. "Guys this is a lot of money. Are you sure?" She asked and we all nodded. "Yes we are sure angel didn't I tell you not to worry about the price?" I said as we walked to go check out. The stuff to make the garden was a good chunk of money, but it didn't dent our pockets since we split the cost three ways. Us guys loaded up the car with what we got and she held onto her seeds as if they were the most important thing in the world. We didn't let her help us since we knew she couldn't lift the heavy rocks, so we had her get into the car and wait for us. Now on the drive home we were talking, but she was staring out the window. Once home we followed her out of the car and she told us the spot she wanted the garden to be. 

While we worked on getting some of the stuff out of the car Hoshi came out and even helped carry the heavy stuff. He went back inside since he knew this was a day for us. We helped her set up the tarps and line them with rocks so they were held down. We poured the soil and fertilizer then mixed it all in. Now it was her turn, she grabbed the seeds and started to sprinkle them into the soil while we watched. She used some sunflower seeds and even tiger lilies. Once they were all planted and watered she looked to us. "All done." she said dusting herself off making us chuckle a bit.

                                       -Jade's POV-

After the day the hip hop unit gave me I was in a good mood all day and I decided I was going to cook their favorite dinner. While I was cooking I had music playing, I was dancing a bit while cutting up the meat. I called them for dinner and they all flocked to the dining room as I giggled to myself. "Alright guys slow down it's just dinner I know it is your favorite, but please slow down." I said setting the food down on the table full on giggling at this point. This is a lot of people to feed yes, but we all make it work since we all split the cost for everything. I pay for my own toiletries even when they offer to pay for it, I refuse since I don't want them to feel weird about buying those things for me. I have set what I will buy for myself and what I will buy for splitting costs. I sit down at the table and listen to the guys yell about games, music, and the TV. "Alright guys settle down jeez I feel like I'm taking care of children." I said laughing. I sit down and I start to eat the food. The guys really do enjoy my cooking. Mingyu hardly cooks unless I'm down and out for the day.

 After everyone was done eating I help clean the kitchen before heading upstairs to shower. I wasn't in the shower long quickly getting dressed I head over to Wonwoo's room. I crawl onto his bed and wait for him to come into the room. Which took way too long so I decided to text him to make him come to the room faster.

Jade: "Hey I'm in your room."

Wonwoo: "On my way."

I don't wait too much longer before I see the door fly open and he was crawling into bed cuddling up behind me. "Well hello honey." "Hello sweetheart." He said and it made me smile brightly.

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