The Talk

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                                                                -S.Coups POV-

I know this talk will be hard with Jade here so I will send her to go get what we need from the store. I walk over to Jade and I kiss her for a few seconds and pull away. "Baby will you go to the store to get what we need? I know I normally send you with some of the guys to help you, but I need the guys here this time." I said and she seemed a bit hesitant. "Can I take my brother then? I don't want to go alone and I would like to have some sort of help." She said. I really didn't want to send Gabe because I have to talk to him too, but I will not send her alone since she is asking to not be sent alone. "Yeah take Gabe with you. I will make sure the guys help you bring things inside when you are back. I love you angel." I said. I see her smile and hear her small giggle. "I love you too. I will be back soon." She said. I let her go as she walked away from me and I sent a message to all of the guys.

S.Coups: "Hey guys when Jade and Gabe leave meet me in the living room. I need to talk to you all."

I sent the message and got a bunch of okays. I don't know what the guys will say to what I have to say but I hope it is nothing bad. 

Jade and Gabe left about a hour later and I waited a few minutes before I went to the living room. I didn't want Jade to hear what we are talking just because she forgot something. Once I knew they were gone I went to the living room and I sat on the couch. I put my hand on the back of my neck because I am nervous, but I have no idea as to why. Once everyone was gathered I finally spoke to them.

S.Coups: "Uh okay... I want to marry Jade. I just feel like I am selfish for wanting her to myself after almost two years of her with everyone. So I want everyone's opinion on this matter please." After I said that I swear I could hear a pin drop on the floor. After about two minutes of pure torturing silence one of the guys answered me.

Jeonghan: "I can see why you are asking for our thoughts. What I can't see is why now Coups?"

S.Coups: "Well I am brining this up now because I don't want to lose her by any means. I lost her once and I am not going to make that mistake again. I can't make that mistake again."

Joshua: "I don't see why you can't marry her. Yes we are all with her, but you have known her longer than anyone else here. I am okay with it honestly. I won't love her any less."

Jun: "Can I ask you a question Coups?" Jun asked this question and it made me a little nervous to say the least, but things will be okay so I nodded. "You knew Jade and Gabe were being abused. Why didn't you do anything then?" He asked. Yeah that question hurt slightly but I knew how to answer it.

S.Coups: "I saw the marks on her and I wanted to do something that day, but she begged me not to say anything. I knew I should have said something or done something, but I held it in for years and protected her as best as I could. I did get hit by her father once and I had hit him back. He almost pressed charges on me, but Jade begged him not to. He told me if I hit him again he would ruin what I had going for me at the time. I decided then that once I became an Idol I would go back for her because I would have the influence needed to put him behind bars. I was too late and she contacted me from the hospital years later and of course you all know the rest. I can't lose her and I almost did for good. I was so angry and I wanted to go off the deep end but you guys were there for me. I can't thank you all enough. I want to marry her so I don't lose her again and so she knows she is protected by not just me, but everyone." I said and now everyone understands why I felt so strongly to protect her and why I was so quick to become angry.

The8: "That must have been rough on you. I understand why now and I think we should all marry her. Be it by contract or with a ring I don't care what one."

Vernon: "You guys can marry her but Dino, Boo, and I will take care of Gabe."

Mingyu: "So when do we go ring shopping? I want to help you pick out the ring if you will let me."

S.Coups: "We can all go first thing in the morning. Everyone can have a say on what ring to get her. Mya can we take your daughter's hand in marriage?"

Mya: "I wouldn't have it any other way. You boys protected her when I couldn't and I can't thank you boys enough."

We finished the talk just as Jade and Gabe pulled into the driveway. I sent the guys to go out and help them and when Jade came inside I smiled at her while blushing like mad. She of course had no idea what we had talked about or did while she was gone, but for me it was absolutely an amazing talk. "Hey baby. How was shopping?" I asked and she smiled as she set down some food in the kitchen. "It was good love. I actually had fun shopping. I bought a few new outfits as well. Can I ask why you had to keep the guys here?" She asked. I stopped in my tracks because I knew I would have to come up with a lie she would believe. "I had the guys help me with our new music we will be releasing in the coming months." I said. I watched her smile and nod. I could only let out a sigh of relief because she did believe me, and honestly I felt horrible for keeping this from her but it is a surprise.

I help her and her mother put things away while I direct the guys on where things go even though they should know by now where everything goes. Once everything was put away I pick up Jade and take her to the recording studio. I sit her down on the couch and I smile. "I have something for you to listen to my love." I said and I turned on a song. The start of the song was amazing and slow and later on in the song it picked up and sounded even better. By the time the song ended Jade was in tears. I held her tightly and I asked her something. "Would you be okay with releasing this song? Woozi and I call this song survivor. It is about you and Gabe surviving what you both have gone through. Would you be okay with also singing and preforming this song on stage as well?" I asked her and she thought for a minute. "Yeah I think I will be able to sing and preform this song on stage. I will say it will be hard at first but I think I will be able to manage it." She said and I smiled softly.

I was very happy to hear that she would sing and preform the song, but I am worried she will breakdown. I wonder if she will want to reveal what she went through or if she will let our fans figure it out. I finally turn off the music and I pick her up again, taking her up to my room. I lay her down in my bed and I lay on top of her. "I love you so much. I don't want to lose you baby. I can't lose you. I lost you once and I will never let that happen again." I said. I look up at her while she is playing with my hair and I see her smile. Her smile is so pretty and I can never get tired of it. "I love you too baby. I promise you will never lose me. I will never leave you or the others. I would rather die than lose you all." She said in almost a whisper. I end up falling asleep quite quickly while laying on her, but I didn't sleep very long because I was woke up for dinner by her.

Going downstairs I could hear all of the guys yelling and having the time of their life. Their mood is in a good spot right now and I am just as happy as they are. I am sure we will be up and out of the house very early that way she isn't awake. I sit down at the table and I start to put food on my plate. The jewelry store doesn't open until eight in the morning so Jade will be awake even though I don't want her awake and knowing what we are doing. I will just have make an excuse or just buy something so she doesn't suspect anything. I will figure it out and make it work. I am just really happy that we all had the talk and now we just need to act on it, and figure out where to propose to her.

After dinner everyone went to their room and Jade was laying on my chest and just about out, so I turn my phone on silent and send a text to the group chat that she isn't in.

S.Coups: "Where will we propose to her at? Also when are we leaving? The shop doesn't open until eight in the morning and she will be awake? Will we be sending pictures to those who aren't going? Will we be buying something so it doesn't seem suspicious? What are we doing?"

Dino: "I will stay home with her, Gabe, Boo, and Vernon so it doesn't seem suspicious."

DK: "I think we should leave before the shop opens and be home before breakfast is ready."

Jeonghan: "Not a bad idea DK. We will just have to buy some things so she doesn't get any ideas. Now as for where we will propose, I think we should do it on stage."

S.Coups: "I will be so nervous but I will need permission from the boss and that is alright I will make it work."

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