This must be adudu fault!

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Solar POV

I snort when see the picture I took the moment ago when blaze draw something in ice face and I definitely post it in my insta dont blame me my fan want to know what happened in my life so I will grant they wish after post it and see how may like I got I sit on the other cought .

I listen to TTM conversation and it's seem they will play some new game that's Taufan bought a moment ago but I lost interest and go back to playing my phone but then something happened  there was a light and that's definitely not from me it's blind me for a moment and when I open my eyes I don't see any TTM mamber infront the Tv and the controller just lay in there with no one to hold.

I take a moment of shock and the make eyes contact with Halilintar and our eyes meet and make the same confusion face ...

"Go wake up ice and I tell Gempa about this" he said and I nod make my way to the sleeping polar bear that's don't know what happened a moment ago and thinking how should I wake him up

Eh I just whisper him something that's definitely wake him up

-ice do you know that's blaze have secret boyfriend..."

And that's definitely wake him up becouse I just witness him to sit up straight and have some dark aura around him "who? How? When?"  I try to  make my laughter invisible enough course I can't take him seriously cause of the drawing in his face I take a deep breath and let it out I then calm him down "don't worry I just jocking"

Ice look at me with a blank face that's show that's he would kill me couse I wake him up from his slumber  and that's make me laugh couse he still have the drawing

"Hah well before you kill me you need to be aware about this and it's couse this about blaze and the other" i told him "what it's is" ice calm down for a moment and I can't take it so I bring out my pocket mirrow and pls don't question me about that's and show his refraction in the mirrow "before that it's may be best if you wash your face first"

Ice take a moment and make his way to the near bathroom "if this your doing I kill you" he treat me so I told him "don't worry it's was blaze" he look at me for a moment and said "and deleted that's picture I know you took it" and close the bathroom door.

Sweat drop running down my face and then my face change to serious and look back at the place that's was supposed has TTM in it I make my way to it I look around and see the game case and I took it to read what it's is about

"So what it's is this about that's TTM suddenly vanish" I swing my head around and see Gempa And Halilintar in the living room "if this a joke or a prank that's you guys put I don't want to be part of it"

"No it's not"Halilintar said with serious voice and Gempa look at him and his face change to worried They both look at me and then ice make his presence know "so what do you want to talk about" he said after washing his face in the bathroom and dry it with towel but when he feel a serious tension in the room and saw everyone serious and worried face

He then ask "what's happening Solar and where is Blaze" he said

I look at them and said

"I think this is adudu fault...." While holding the game case


Poor adudu that's what he get when he decide to make them stuck in the game in the past.....

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