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I sucked in a breath, feeling the air being pulled from my chest.

"We want you to do something for us." The voice echoed in my head. My heels clicked on the wood of the ship. The feeling of upcoming dread filled my chest and weighed it down with the possibility of danger.

"Do this for us and you and your family will never want for nothing again." My heart pounded as I passed my crew. They all looked at me as if they hadn't recognized me, but that look of respect was still glimmering beneath.

"Your mission is simple."

I made my way towards the side of the ship, watching the large home come into view, the cold wind signaling we had reached our destination.

"Kill Jon Snow."

The ship stopped a little ways from a beach. Killian came to me and offered a hand, telling me that it was time to go. With a final breath, I grabbed his hand and turned to Killian who was also dressed completely differently. His black hair was slicked back and the dark appearance of his face looked lighter.

"We can still run and jump on the ship, empress. We have time." He said, holding his hands behind his back and muttering the words to me as if they were deadly.

I sent him a look. A look saying that I needed him to trust me. That what I was doing..or going to do, could save us all.

Even Killian didn't know the extent of my mission. The crew was informed just this morning that we would be traveling to Winterfell, the home of the Starks and that it would be our biggest heist yet. Instead of stealing their money, I told them we planned to take everything the Starks ever had. Including Winterfell itself.

All they had to do was trust me.

But, as we grew closer to the castle and saw the citizens of Winterfell living their lives within the protected walls, I began to doubt it myself.

"Lord Stark thinks that you're a lady in a place called New York. You want to make an alliance in exchange for sanctuary because your castle was taken by ruffians." Elias had said.

"What's New York?" I had asked.

"It's not important."

There they were, in a line, the Starks. All dressed in black clothes with expensive wool jackets covering their shoulders. Lord Stark was in the middle. His black hair was highlighted with grey hairs and his face remained serious the entire time we made their way to them.

Catelyn Stark was on his right. Her auburn hair mixed in with her brown fur on her body but her face seemed less serious, more of a motherly look to her. I assumed the other six were their children.

I felt my hands begin to shake in my gloves. I was usually more prepared for my missions than this. For this, Elias said that I had one job and I didn't need any more than that.

"Lady Margret." Lord Stark said, allowing the serious face to fall and allow a smile to pull forward. I bowed to them and smiled as well.

"Lord and Lady Stark. Thank you for taking us in." I said politely.

"Of course. Your brother Elias told us the horror you and your younger brother have gone through." Lady Catelyn said, smiling.

"Lord Stark, this is my sister's guard, Killian, I do hope that's okay, but with the circumstances..."

"Of course, you and your crew are all welcome." Lord Stark replied, "These are my children, my eldest is currently in training right now but you'll see him for dinner. But my daughters Arya and Sansa, my ward Theon Greyjoy, and my bastard Jon Snow." It took everything in me not to change the way my face looked when I realized whom I was meant to kill.

The Beginning To The End|Book ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now