Once Upon A Dream

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"Then I woke up to him cuddling my arm in his sleep." Lord Stark roared in laughter, causing myself and the rest of the table to join in.

"I didn't realize you and the King were so close." I teased, taking a sip of the wine in my hand. Lord Stark turned to me and shook his head.

"The last time I ever let the King that close to me again." He replied. I laughed once again and turned just as Jon came up towards the table, his arms behind his back as he smiled at me sheepishly.

"Lady Margret. I humbly ask you for a dance." He said. I turned to Elias who's eyes were already dropping from the amount of alcohol he's consumed.

"Whatever." Elias shrugged, taking another sip of his drink. I rolled my eyes and turned back towards Jon.

"I'd love to." Jon smiled and offered his hand to which i grabbed and followed him towards the dance floor. Nervously, the boy placed his hand on my waist and the other gently in my hand. His hand seemed rough, as if he worked, but his other hand remained gentle as if I were a piece of glass he needed to protect.

"I trust your room met your station." Jon said, beginning to sway with me.

"It was nice, yes." I smiled, looking around and seeing the rest of the Stark children. Arya was making a fort out of her chicken legs and Sansa was giggling with her friends, eating like a lady. Then, I searched the room for Robb.

But, the boy was no where to be seen.

I turned back towards Jon.

"Your family seems really kind, Jon." I smiled sweetly. He smiled as well, looking around at all of them. As we spun again, he faced Lord and Lady Stark. His smile fading slightly at the two. When we spun again, I was able to see what had caused his sour face.

Sitting there, on her chair, with her loving husband beside her and people holding out cups and food for her to take so she didn't have to serve herself was Catelyn Stark. She was staring at Jon and I, most specifically Jon, and glaring.


Not just glaring.

Hating him. You could see in her eyes that she wanted nothing more than to cause harm upon Jon in that moment but she knew she couldn't.

And I wanted nothing more than to tell Jon how I knew he felt. That I knew that sour look and the meaning behind it. The feeling of wanting to be loved, and never truly understanding why you couldn't get it.

Instead, I sent a look to Jon Snow. A look that I hoped could tell him everything I ever wanted to say to another bastard like me but couldn't. His eyes searched mine and I felt something change beneath the brown ones that looked into mine.

It was the look of familiarity.

I looked away just as quickly, still searching the floor. I saw Killian talking to one of the servant girls, enticing her with a big smile on his face and a cup in his hands. I felt myself chuckling at him and felt like someone else's eyes were on me.

As I looked over, I met those ocean blue eyes I had seen before. He was looking at me from over his cup, a twinkle of a smile within them as he sat at one of the tables, facing the dancefloor to see all.

I didn't realize how long I had been staring until he was walking towards Jon and I.

"Can I cut in, brother?" His low voice asked. Jon turned and looked between his brother and then to me before smiling.

"Sure." With that, Jon handed me off and patted his brother on the shoulder before sitting in Robb's previous spot.

"I don't think we've had the pleasure of meeting yet, my lady." Robb said, leaning in my ear so as to be heard over the music.

"Though last time, you looked different." He finished, leaning back up and giving me a charming smile.

"You can thank Jon for that. Some rubbish about being myself." I teased. He laughed and I felt my stomach tickle. How could someone so beautiful be cursed to walk upon the land.

"Well, for once my brother was right." He teased back. "I'm Robb Stark." He said.

"Margret Weston." I greeted back.

"What is a beautiful girl like you doing in the North?" Robb asked again, allowing one side of his mouth to lift higher than the other.

"I'm not sure what you mean?" I chuckled, allowing Robb to spin me around once again.

"Shouldn't you be busy in the heavens?" I threw my head back with a laugh.

"Robbert Stark. What a charmer you are." I laughed.

"I'm just a welcoming host." I smiled and then looked at Catelyn Stark. She was looking at us again, yet this time, a proud smile on her face as if she had won. A pit formed in the base of my stomach and I looked down at my feet.

"I should take my leave to bed, Robb Stark." I said, taking a step away from him.

"Should I-"

I didn't give him a chance to respond, I grabbed the bottom of my dress and walked back towards where I left Elias. He was basically sleeping in his chair and jumped to a start when he heard me coming.

"Dear Sister!" He called happily, slurring his words as he lifted his drink, spilling it all over himself. I scoffed at his behavior and ignored him, going to Lord and Lady Stark.

"Lady Margret, did you have a nice time dancing with Robb?" Catelyn asked hopefully, sitting up in her seat as she did.

"Splendid. I'm afraid I may have drank too much wine and must retire to my chambers. Excuse me." I said, bowing to them politely.

"I'm sorry to hear that. Would you like help?" Lord Stark asked, seeming genuinely concerned.

"No, sir. I'll find my guard around here somewhere." I hummed, standing upright and searching about the room, seeing Killian coercing with a different servant girl than I seen before. I huffed in annoyance and looked back to them. They were both holding back giggles as they noticed just who my guard was busy with and Lord Stark stood up.

"Robb, can you take Lady Margret back to her chambers please." I sighed deeply and looked down at my feet once again, hearing the sound of footsteps make their way beside me. I refused to look up as I grabbed the extended arm and allowed him to lead me out of the dining hall.

It was silent most of the way towards my chambers. I could feel the tension build up as well as the breath Robb took every once in a while as if he wanted to speak.

"I'm sorry." I said finally, stopping in the hallway and turning to look at him.

"I'm sorry If I offended you. I wasn't trying to make you uneasy with my heaven comment, I-"

I started laughing, cutting him off. He looked at me in horror as I continued giggling. Finally, a smile came upon his face and he looked down, chuckling as well.

"I'm just not used to this." I said when I finally stopped laughing.

"To charming men?" Robb teased, causing me to roll my eyes and push him away playfully.

"This is all new. The corsets, the cold, the fancy dinners and the charming men." I shrugged. Robb smiled slightly.

"Well, I don't know how to help about the corset but I can assure you I will do anything to help you feel more welcome here." Robb said, pushing a strand of golden hair behind my ear.

"Thank you, Robbert. You're very kind." I leaned up and gently placed a kiss on his cheek before leaning back down. His face was nearly a dark red like his face and looked giggled.

"I bid you goodnight, Lady Margret." And with a final bow, I watched him desend back into the hallway and into the night. I did a small happy dance all the way until I got to the door of my chambers.

When I opened the door, it was exactly as I had left it before.

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