The Ship

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The North was different than the south. In the south, it was always sunny and the birds chirped as its feather blew in the breeze. But, in the North there were no birds and the sun rarely made an appearence. But, even so, standing on the ledge of the railing, I found it comforting to have the cool wind touch my bare skin. 

I took comfort in the dull ache that touched my fingertips and the rose color my cheeks changed to. 

"Lady Margret, my dear girl." A voice gasped. I turned and watched as Lady Stark rushed up beside me, placing a piece of her fur blanket over my shoulders. 

"You'll catch cold." She joked, turning to see what I had been looking at. Down below was Killian and Tobias battling with wooden swords, smiles both on their faces as they cracked down on one another. 

"He's a very sweet boy." Catelyn said again, causing me to look at her. 

"He is." I agreed, turning my head to see Jon and Robb doing the same as the other boys. All morning, the routine would be the same. 

Robb would knock Jon down and look at me to make sure I saw, and vice versa. Then, when I turned my head to look at Killian and Tobias, the other two grew louder so as to get my attention. The cycle would then repeat. 

"You seem to get along with my son just fine." I chuckled and watched as he disarmed Jon, looking up to see his mother standing with me. His boyish grin that he usually displayed was now changed to a stern look before he turned back around. 

"He's charming." I hummed. Catelyn looked at me but I didn't return her looks. I'm not sure if she had caught on that I didn't particulary like her or if she was having a small hope that I liked him back. Either way, I couldn't care enough to look at her. 

"I was wondering if either of your daughters were free to show me around the grounds today. I haven't quite had a chance to introduce myself quite yet." Catelyn Stark let out a breath and chuckled to herself. 

"I'll have to send Arya. Ever since she saw you come from the boat that you captain she hasn't stopped talking about you." 

"Well, then I better ease everyones mind." 


"So, how old are you, Arya?" I asked, placing my hands in front of me as she walked beside me, occasioanlly picking up a stick or two. 

"I am ten." She said confidently. 

"Well, you're almost a whole lady now." Her head jerked to look at me. 

"I am no lady." She hissed. I laughed but tried to cover my mouth from not seeming rude. 

"of course, I meant that you were nearly a warrior." She smiled at that and lifted her head. 

"You're a warrior too, aren't you?" She asked, leading me towards a large tower that sat a little ways from the rest of the grounds. 

"I suppose so." 

"I heard your people call you empress. What's that mean." She was observant. No doubt the reason that The Mister wanted me to befriend her. Not to mention she was very strong willed and stubborn. Perfect qualities for a leader. 

"It's a nickname, I guess. They started calling me that during my time in York." I lied. I couldn't exactly tell a ten year old that I used to steal and kill and that's how I aquired the name. 

"What is this place?" I asked, lifting my head to look at the tall tower we finally approached. It was covered in vines and looked as if it hadn't been touched in years. 

"It's an old guard tower. We didn't really need it so it just started to die. It's a good place to practice with my sword so no one sees me." She shrugged, pulling the sticks apart and throwing them off into the grass. 

An idea popped into my head. 

"Arya?" She looked at me, already bored before I even had a chance to ask her. 

"Would you like to see something cool?" The young girls eyes lit up before she quickly nodded her head. 

"Follow me." I grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the dock. Luckily, it wasn't that far of a walk and Arya's excitement is what kept me going. When the ship came into view, Arya gasped and stopped in her place. 

"You took me to your ship?" She asked, the image of the ship twinkling in her eyes as if it were a new pony. 

"Well, come on then." I laughed, pulling her along and up the ramp of the ship.

"Empress!" I heard a group of people call. The lonely feeling I had felt the past couple of days ceased and I rushed towards the group of people, feeling them all squeeze me tightly. 

"What's it like?" 

"Is it big?" 

"Do they have fresh bread?" 

"What's the Starks like?" Everyone pushed me with questions, causing me to laugh and hold up my hands to silence them. 

"Why don't you just ask?" I turned to look at Arya who was staring back at me shyly. 

"This is the warrior, Arya Stark. She wanted to see what it was like." Everyone looked at her for a moment before they all threw their hands up in a cheer. They then left me and began to crowd her, introducing themselves and welcoming on the ship. 

"We missed you." A voice said behind me. When I turned I saw my head dancer and my eyes for the operation, Tatia. Tatia was a beautiful woman. She had beautiful brown skin and green eyes that caught your attention from a mile out. But her beauty on the outside was no match for the beauty within. 

"Tiki." I greeted, holding my arms up for her to give me a hug. 

"Are the Starks treating you alright? Did anyone look for a job in the village like I asked?" 

"Now you're the one asking too many questions, cap." I let out a breath and smiled. 

"I'm sorry. I just missed everyone." She touched my hands and crinkled her button nose at me. 

"We know you're doing this to take care of us, Maggie. I've got everything handled here." When I turned back around to see where Arya was, I watched as she was on the shoulders of one of my sailers, sword in hand while she fought another sailor. 

He looked like he actually had to try to beat her. 

"Arya!" I called, causing her to look at me. 

She turned her head and flashes the biggest smile I had seen on her face since I got here. 

"Wanna see the brig?" She gasped and jumped off of the sailors shoulder and rushed to me. 

Arya had her fathers looks. The dark stark hair and the stern eyes but I could tell she had her own smile. Not one that can be created by genetics. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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