Rain & Wounds (Jackson Wang Tumblr request)

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TW: Mentions of Blood and alcohol

"Stop moving You're making things worse for yourself." You tell Jackson as you try to bandage his hand for the third time. You were out at a club when a guy started hitting on you. You tried to reject him, but he wasn't in the mood to take no for an answer. Soon it caught the attention of a slightly drunk Jackson and let's just say things went left from there. The night didn't start out with him getting in a fight the complete opposite actually. Originally you were supposed to be out celebrating after you got the news that Your book had become a New York Times best seller. However, as the night went on the group of friends that y'all were with suggested going clubbing. Fast forward a few hours and now here you are at 3 am in the bathroom of your two-bedroom apartment with medical supplies and a drunk Jackson to look after.

"I'm fine really," Jackson stated trying to move you out of his way.

"You are far from it actually. "You tell him while placing a hand on his chest and lightly pushing him back towards the counter. "Your hand has a huge gash on it and you're bleeding on my floor." You state in a matter-of-fact tone.

For as long as you've known him Jackson had always been protective of you. Though you mentioned on multiple occasions that you are in fact grown and can take care of yourself, part of him could never quite let you.

"Oh, please that guy had it coming," Jackson exclaimed. Reaching into the first aid kit you grab an alcohol wipe in order to properly clean his wound. Noticing this Jackson quickly removes his hand from your grasp.

Letting out a sigh you grab his hand in an attempt to wipe the wound.

"Give me your hand I have to clean the gash. "Looking between you and the wipe he shakes his begins to shake his head making you roll your eyes.

"Jackson you're a grown man you should be able to handle an alcohol wipe." He goes to protest again but before he can you grab his hand wiping the blood from his palm. He winces as the alcohol begins to work its way through his hand. Shortly after you apply some antibiotic ointment. Eventually, the room briefly falls silent as you begin to reach for the gauze and the non-stick pads. Pressing the pad into his hand he winces again as you finish up. Examining your handy work, you instruct him to remove himself from your counter while you clean up your mess. Agreeing he makes his way into the living room. Sometime later you emerge from the bathroom and make your way over to the kitchen. Going over to the fridge you pull out a bottle of wine that you had opened the previous night and set it on the counter before offering him some. With his approval, you reach over to your glass cabinet and pull two glasses before joining him on the couch.

For a while, you two talk about all different kinds of things from work to friends even his upcoming fashion line. After a while, you even started to go down memory lane a bit. "Remember that time you took me to meet BamBam and Yugyeom and he spilled what was it." You pause snapping your fingers as you recall the memory. "Um... Oh, it was lemonade I think strawberry lemonade if I'm not mistaken." He insists. "Yeah, that's right because it was a big pitcher of it too." You said laughing. "Yugyeom ended up knocking the pitcher over and breaking it because he was trying to impress one of the girls at the pool party with this one dance move." Jackson laughed as he recalled the memory. "And then turns out she had a boyfriend the whole time."" I felt so bad for him, but man was that funny." You added. After a while, you could feel a slight buzz from the wine starting to take over and for a second you contemplated calling it a night. However, the memory of how you met begins to creep into your mind and you begin to smile.

"What?" Jackson asks noticing the change in your features.

"Nothing I was just thinking about how we met and how lucky I am that we did." You tell him.

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