We Could Be More? (Svt Vernon) (Tumblr Request)

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"Do you ever think about what life would be like for us if things were different?" Vernon questions.

"Sometimes I wonder what life would be like if we were lobsters." You answer honestly.

Vernon lets out a laugh as he continues to push you on the tire swing. You guys had been friends for as long as you could remember. Always attached at the hip you too. So much so that even your moms thought you were dating at one point. Though you both shut that idea down as quickly as possible, Vernon's mind couldn't help but wonder sometimes, especially on days like today. It was warmer than normal one of those fluke days that you get in the middle of winter when it's 65 degrees and everyone is in some form of a dress or shorts etc. You guys had just finished eating lunch when you asked if he wanted to go into the backyard and see the old tree house to which he agreed. This was the first time in a while since he'd been home after moving to Korea and becoming part of seventeen. He was currently on tour with the rest of the members but stopped in your city and by your house while on their break. Though you were proud of him and all he had accomplished you still couldn't help but miss him a lot. "Even if we were lobsters, I'd still choose you." He stated making your grin widen. "Seriously though, do you?" He inquires.

"Not really," you say with a shrug. "I try not to focus so much on the what if's ya'know live in the moment."

He nods understandingly. Eventually, you peel yourself from the swing and he takes your place. As you begin to push him your mind begins to mull over his words from seconds ago. What did he mean by different? Like if you never became friends different or if he never moved away different. Eventually, you begin to get so lost in thought that you don't notice that the swing had stopped moving. Feeling a slight tap on your shoulder you come back to your senses. When you finally look at him again the gap between you has closed a little and your heart starts to pound in your chest. For a moment you two stay like that until he speaks up.

"Where did you go?" Vernon inquired. Shaking your head, you place a smile on your features before backing away from him and making your way back inside towards the living room. He follows shortly after you confusion radiating across his.

"Did I say something wrong?" he inquires joining you in the living room moments later.

"No, you didn't say anything wrong it's just- "You pause for a moment.

"Just what?" "what's going on?" He inquires concern lightly laced in his tone.

You hesitate for a moment weighing your options before finally speaking up.

"Do you not want to be friends anymore?" you question taking a step back from him. "W-what no what gave you that idea? He questioned.

"Well, you were the one asking about what if our lives were different and I just thought you meant-."

"That wasn't where I was going with that at all." He stated cutting you off mid-sentence. "I just meant what if things between us were different that's all."

"Oh." You stated feeling a bit embarrassed. " never mind forget I said anything ." " I just thought-" "Never mind it's dumb," you say dismissively waving your hand.

" Thought what?" he prodded.

"Thought nothing it's fine really" You state before sitting on the couch and turning on the tv.

Sound pours from the sound system and for a while it's the only sound in the room. However, Vernon has no intention of letting the situation go so he speaks up.

" I don't get why you just can't tell me what you were gonna say." he says while plopping onto the couch next to you.

"Because it's not important." You tell him with annoyance laced in your tone. With that he drops it though eventually, curiosity gets the better of you, and about 30 minutes later you turn the TV down and turn to face him.

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