Forever Without You

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TW: Implied death

"I'm sorry but we don't seem to have that name on file," one of the workers tells you as they scroll through the list of names on their tablet.

"that's impossible the email that I got specifically said to come here and ask for his file by name," you say sadness and a bit of anger laced in your tone.

Feeling frustrated you let out a deep sigh before checking your phone. You noticed the date March 14th two years to the date since that day, the day your world changed forever. You fiddle with the ring on your left hand. Originally, he had given it to you as an anniversary present. It served as his promise to you.

"Wait here it is Mr. Choi, right? "She asked as she double-checked her screen.

Nodding you confirm and shortly after two men come out of the back with a large box full of his things. You had thanked them before signing for the box and taking it with you back to your apartment. A short cab ride later and you had arrived at the high-rise that you've called home since that day. It was supposed to be your new home with Cheol. after all, he had designed it along with the pods that brought you to this place. Stepping into the unit you are greeted by your cat as you remove your shoes and place the box on the table next to you.

After getting settled you place the box on your work desk before switching on the lights and having a seat in front of it. For a while, you just stare at the box until a brief, but small meow escapes your cat pulling you back to reality. "I know... I know but it's been so long and I- I'm not sure if I'm ready." You tell the furry animal. Soon she begins to paw at the wires under your desk before you take her and move her to her tower in the other room. Placing her on the tower you return back to your office before taking a deep breath and reaching into the box. Your heart begins to race as your hands find an envelope postmarked to you. You run your fingers over the writing, His writing before setting it down and continuing.

The next item is an old picture of the two of you. It was of your first official date. You smile as you recall the memory. The two of you had met at a friend's engagement party and had been inseparable ever since. When Coups had asked you on a date it had been about two weeks after that party, there was a carnival in town, and he couldn't wait to take you. In fact, you made it a group trip with him and his friends. You guys ended up staying the whole weekend. It was a little unconventional for a first real date, but you grew to cherish the time. Looking at the picture one last time you set it on your desk before reaching back in the box. This time you had come across a few of his hoodies and a few discs. You place the hoodies folded on the other chair next to you before grabbing the discs and setting them on your desk. It had been a long time since you were able to watch anything in disc form. Most forms of media had been preloaded onto a projector so now all you had to do was pick up your remote and press play. After looking at the discs you decide to start with the letter. Opening it you begin to read its contents. : Love, if you're reading this then that means that something went wrong concerning the pods and I'm not with you right now. Though I can't be with you physically I want you to know that I'll always be in your heart and that you'll always have mine. I'm assuming you got the discs. There should be about 12 or so total depending on what time the malfunction happened that's if it happened. Everything that you need is on them. Make sure you watch them in order it's important. I know we had a lot planned together but I want you to know that you will get through this and that I will always be rooting for you. If you need anything the guys are always there so don't be afraid to reach out to them. Also, don't be afraid to start over I know it's gonna be hard at first, but I believe in you. Yours always, Cheol.

Once you finish the letter you wipe your tears and pick up the first of many discs. However, before you can watch it you have to look for your old DVD player. Getting up you make your way into the hallway closet near your living room before digging through a few boxes. Eventually, you locate the DVD player and begin to make your way back to your office. However, before you do you take the chance to change into one of Cheol's hoodies from the box and a pair of pajama pants before you eventually make your way to your office. Setting the DVD player on the desk you plug it in before you turn off the lights and place the first disc next to it before turning it on. It takes a while to boot up before the familiar logo starts to dance across the screen. Placing the disc in the machine you wait for it to load and soon Coup's face pops up on the screen. For a moment you contemplate turning it off not sure if you're ready. Taking a deep breath, you press play, and the video begins. He's sitting at his desk drawing up what looks like blueprints for something. Soon one of the boys calls his name pulling him from his work. Looking up he offers a small smile to the camera. "Why are you filming me I thought you were supposed to be documenting the project." He questions amusement in his tone. "Well since you're the lead engineer on the project and you're currently working on what will become our beds for the next couple of lightyears. I figured they'd want to see the before stages too." Vernon chimes.

"Plus, what if she sees this? "He inquires.

"If all goes well, she shouldn't have to see it." Coups says reminding his friend. There is a brief moment of silence before another person pipes up.

"Oh, please by time this comes out I wouldn't be surprised if the two of you were probably be married with kids." Mingyu half-jokes.

"we've only been on one date dude." Coups reveals.

"Yeah, but we've all seen the way you two stare at each other. It's as if one of you is gonna float away or something." Vernon teases as the two share a laugh. Cheol's face begins to burn red from the teasing of the younger men. You smile to yourself seeing them all together again as the video continues. When you to met originally it was a Boo's engagement party though Vernon had been the one to introduce you to Cheol.

Eventually, you two had started dating shortly after that and a few years later his project at work had been approved for launch. Initially, he was so excited about it but as time went on, he began to have a few worries but he tried not to let them show. Also as time went on you two grew closer and closer and eventually you were one of two couples to be chosen to go to this new planet. He explained it as his bosses wanting him to help out with some of the living arrangements and though you were skeptical about it at first eventually you came around. If only you knew then what you know now. Hours passed as you watched all the other videos. In some, he talks about your time together and how nervous he was when you met his parents. In another about the time you were house-sitting for him and Kuma got out. He laughs at the memory now.

Soon, you make it to the last one. At this point, you get up to check on the time and it is well past midnight into the early morning of the next day. As you return to your desk you press play for the finale time that night. This time coups is sitting at the front of the ship staring at the stars. For a while, he just sits there in silence occasionally glancing between the sky and the camera. His hair is longer almost past his shoulders but not quite. Turning towards the camera he takes a deep breath before he begins.

"This will be my last vlog." He states letting the words hang in the air.

"I tried to fix the pod but without the right components it's basically useless." He states while rubbing his face out of frustration.

"I know at some point you'll see this, and I want you to know that I'll always love you." He exclaims looking directly into the camera.

In that moment you take in a breath wiping the stray tear that began to fall from your eye with his sleeve. He continues saying his goodbyes to all of his friends and family members leaving instructions for how you are to be taken care of etc. Eventually, you watch as he walks over to the suites and begins to put one on. Making his way to the airlock he gives the camera one last smile before the screen goes black. Once the video ends you sit there soaking in his final words for what feels like forever. Eventually, you manage to pull yourself from your desk and try to get some form of sleep. However, just as you are about to place the discs back into the box your computer dings from the corner of your desk catching your attention. Walking over to it you click on the notification revealing an email. Shocked by its contents you back away from your desk in disbelief before you drop your computer and sit on the floor staring at it. The email reads: Don't give up on me yet. -Coups

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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