01 | pregnant?

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trigger warnings: i don't think anything!

1067 words

taylors pov:
i'm awakened with the urge to puke once again this morning. fuck. i woke up the past 2 or 3 days needing to vomit, but then im fine the rest of the day.

im really hoping its just pms or something, my period was due yesterday, so im hoping its just that and not anything else.

i empty the contents of stomach into the toilet again, gross. travis is holding back my hair so it doesn't get covered in puke, i love him so much.

me, travis, and tree are on our way to toronto to kick off the Australian leg of the tour, the show doesn't start for another 5 days, but we wanted to arrive earlier, just in case something comes up.

we are all are eating lunch, and i feel what seems like period cramps start to kick in. my period was due yesterday, but still hasn't made an appearance, i tend to be a little irregular, but i don't know if i should be worried yet.

"tay, you okay?" tree asks me noticing how im wrapping my arms around my lower abdomen

"oh uh, yeah. i think my period is just coming later today"

"oh, do you want any pain meds?"

"i already took some earlier, thanks though"

brunch goes down with small talk, nothing much happens, just planning some more very chaotic surprise song mashups.

i get up to go pee after brunch, and sure enough my period began, i don't think i was ever this happy to start my period, i was starting to get worried. so i just changed into a pad and a pair of cozy black sweatpants.

travis was sleeping again, the whole time zone thing is really messing him up. i decided to go join him, i didn't have much i needed to do today. i plugged in the heating pad to try help get rid of this stupid cramps. i try to be quiet getting into the bed, i don't wanna wake travis.

"tay? you good?"

"go back to sleep, sorry!"

"okay baby."

i somehow managed to sleep for like 4 hours, which is insane, i can never sleep like that. i expected to be greeted by a pool of blood all over the mattress, but surprisingly it was still clean.
i stumble to the bathroom, expecting to see a literal murder scene, nothing. there's absolutely no blood.

i'm highly confused now, was it the position i was sleeping in? day 1 is usually like crazy heavy, how the fuck is there no blood? i changed into a fresh pad just in case before washing my hands. i decided to just cough it up to how i was laying, and hope i'm right. if there's still no blood later, i'll take a test, this better not be pregnancy spotting, it can't be. right?

travis had apparently woken up a lot before me, and noticed i had gotten my period hence the heating pad. he made sure my favorite chocolate bar and snacks where sitting out, he always knew what i was craving.

i go to the bathroom to pee, fuck. still no blood, what's wrong with me? there's no way i'm pregnant, that's almost impossible. i don't want to alarm travis about this, he's sleeping by now. i decide to ask tree, she'll hopefully be able to give me an answer. when in doubt, call tree.


"what's up taylor?"

"okay, i'm gonna warn you, this might be a little bit tmi, but i just need to ask"

"go ahead, i don't care"

"okay so you know how i thought i was getting my period earlier today?"


"well i got it, and it was normal at first, but then after like 4 hours my pad was like dry, but i was like asleep, so i just coughed it up to the position i was laying in. but i changed my pad after that, and i've lost no more blood in the last like 4 hours. i don't wanna jump to conclusions, but..."

"i don't want to invade your privacy, but is there any chance you could be pregnant?"

"well uh"

"be honest with me taylor, it's alright"

"well we usually use protection, but im on the pill and like we didn't think that this would acatully happen"

"did you not pay attention in health class? what do you mean you didn't think it would happen?"

"i don't know! but it's too late now"

"well tay, i would say there is definitely a chance of a pregnancy, but let's take a test just to be sure."

"i knew you were gonna say that. should i tell travis first? or take the test? i'm scared."

"how about we take the test, and if it's positive, we can tell him after he wakes up. sound good?"


i go into my bathroom cabinet and grab 3 tests, just in case one's wrong. i pee on the sticks and set a 5 minute timer.

"holy shit tree, i'm scared."

"taylor, it'll be okay. i promise. if it's negative, great. if it's positive, you have options"

we wait the short 5 minutes, which seem to feel like an eternity, but eventually the time passes, it was the moment of truth. i flip over all three tests at the same time.

pregnant, pregnant, and pregnant

"fuck, fuck, fuck. i can't do this."

"tay, it's okay. we can discuss options, you don't need to have this baby, if you don't want too, it's going to be okay"

travis wakes up due to all of my commotion, i need to calm myself down.

"taylor? what's wrong?"

"travis. i'm pregnant"

"oh, well uh, do you want to keep them?"

"i don't fucking know. i've only known about this for like 3 minutes"

"okay, well if you wanna keep it, that is completely fine with me, but if you don't, that's also okay. it's your body, and if you don't wanna have a kid right now, or ever, you shouldn't have too"

"thanks babe."

"okay, how about we all get some sleep, we can discuss more about this tomorrow. get some sleep." tree says
okay so this is my first fanfic/book ever, so please feel free to leave any advice or tips, thanks!

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