02 | the choice

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trigger warning: mentions of miscarrying & abortion, eating disorders

disclaimer: i don't know all the medical things when it comes to being pregnant, so a lot of it may be made up and completely wrong.

feb 27th 2024
1272 words

taylor's pov:
i was able to sleep in this morning luckily, i just got woken up by the blinding sun. i didn't wake up until 11-ish, but i needed some sleep, especially after finding out that i have a fetus growing inside of me.

"good mornin' tay" travis says

"did that actually happen last night?" i ask, i knew it did, but i just couldn't believe it, it didn't feel right.

"the whole pregnancy thing? yeah."

"fuck. i was hoping it was just a dream, im gonna go ask tree if i should like call my doctor or something"

"alright, let me know what she says"

"i will."


she's already up and reading some random article on her phone, she's so productive, i feel like an idiot asking her so many questions about everything.

"what's up, tay?"

"so about last night- should i like call my doctor now? i don't know if i want to have the baby, but i still wanna discuss the whole thing with my doctor"

"i'd give her a call soon, maybe you'll be able to squeeze in an appointment soon, or even later today"

"okay, thanks tree. sorry for bugging you about literally everything this week"

"that's my job tay, don't worry about it"

i search around the hotel for my phone, and finally found it in between the couch cushions, i do not remember leaving it there, but whatever, since we are in australia right now, i can't go to my usual doctors, so i found another place, just for the first appointment. i dial the number into my phone and wait for them to answer

"hello, what can we help you with today?"

"uh hi, im not a usual patient around here, but i just found out im pregnant last night and won't be able to go to my regular ob/gyn for another two weeks, so i thought i would try to get an appointment elsewhere"

she asks me about a million questions about myself, and explains how their company works and all the insurance things for like 5 minutes

"alrighty, we have an available spot today at 1:45, does that work for you?"

"uh yeah, that should be good."

"okay great, see you then!"

i hang up the phone and go tell travis to get ready, we have to leave in like an hour since it's not super close to us.

"trav!!!" i yelled up stairs

"yeah baby?"

"be ready at 1. we have an appointment"

"okay, i will!"

i have about an hour and a half to, shower, get dressed, do my hair and makeup and find something to eat. i gotta hurry up.

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