05 | a lot to pine about

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trigger warning: miscarriage, blood,  please don't read if any of these topics tend to trigger you, thank you <3.

1323 words

taylor's pov:

the car ride back to our house is completely silent, other than my quiet crying. i'm thinking way to many things at once. i feel stupid for crying about loosing the baby when i didn't even want the baby in the first place. i just wish none of this has ever happened.

"baby, do you wanna talk to me about it? it's okay to cry tay"

"no. i wanna go home."

we arrive back at our house, and travis helps me get into our  house, and into bed. it's sort of late at night so i decide to just turn on a kids movie to try and take my mind off of everything just happened.

travis's pov:

"tay, you want anything to eat? i can order
something if you'd like."

"no, leave me alone."

i can tell taylor doesn't feel right. i don't want to leave her alone, she sometimes has a tendency to hurt herself when something doesn't go the way it was planned because she thinks it's her fault. but i decide to leave her alone for a little bit as she wished, and just make sure to check up on her often.

a couple hours passed by, she hasn't eaten or had anything to drink. i haven't even heard her get up to use the bathroom. it's only 10pm, so she probably isn't going to fall asleep anytime soon. the doctor told her to shower everyday to minimize the risk of getting an infection or something. i'm not too sure if she'd be in the mood for that yet, but i thought i'd ask

i'm walking back up to our bedroom and can hear the sound of her crying mixed with the sound of what appears to be toy story on.

"tay? can i come in baby?"

"fine. what do you want?"

i brush her gorgeous curly hair behind her ear and sit down beside her, resting my hand on the pillow.

"the doctor said you need to shower every day so you don't get an infection. i understand you probably don't want to right now, but i just don't want you to have to deal with an infection or anything."

"i don't want to."

"i know baby, but you need to. but it can be quick, we don't even have to wash your hair. do you want me to help? i don't want you to get hurt"

"fine. just don't look at all the blood, it's embarrassing."

"i won't, i promise. plus it's just some blood, it's not gonna kill me tay."

she scoots to the edge of the bed and i help take of her clothing. i slowly walk her into the shower and turn on the water so it's nice and warm for her. she quickly cleans her body, while i stand by just in case she needs help with something.

i notice a small blood stain around the spot she had been laying in. i decide not to tell her, she's been self-conscious about things like this before, and i don't want to make her feel any worse about herself especially right now. so i decide to change the sheets quickly.

i found one of her favorite pairs of pajama pants and a nice oversized hoodie for her to wear after her shower. i also set up her underwear with a new pad. i figured she didn't have much energy so im trying to do everything i can for her. i grab a warm fluffy white towel for her to use after her shower and hand it to her once she turns off the water.

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