06 || what should've been you

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trigger warning: mentions of miscarriage, blood and eating disorders

923 words

travis's pov:

it had now been 4 days since she miscarried. i haven't heard her much at all since the short conversation we had the other night. she hasn't been eating much, i've only gotten her to eat about twice this whole time. she's just been laying in bed all day either sleeping, crying, or just laying there.

i haven't really talked to her either. she's been super quiet and i'm starting to get really worried about her. the only times i've spoken to her was to offer her food, drinks, and help her shower, use the bathroom, and other things like that. i know she wants to be alone, but i don't think she's doing well.

yesterday i heard her on the phone with selena, i didn't want to interrupt their conversation or anything. but i'm glad she's at least talking to someone, but i really hope she knows she can also talk to me too.

taylor's pov:

i feel so shitty right now, in every single way possible. i feel awful because i'm basically being a bitch to travis when he's just trying to help, he keeps saying he's very worried about me, but im starting to worry about him.

i think my bad mental health or whatever is starting to have an impact on him. i'm dragging our relationship down because i can't function like a normal human being right now.

i hear a knock at our bedroom door. is it travis? i should probably apologize to him.

"tay, do you want anything to eat or drink? you haven't eaten much today and i don't want you to get sicker baby"

"i don't know, maybe some juice?"

"got it." he says while starting to step out of our room and into the hallway

"wait, travis"

"what's up baby?"

"i know i said i wanted to be alone, but can you stay? i'm also really sorry, i know i've been kinda ignoring you lately. but it's not you, im just kinda sad i guess"

"tay, it's alright. don't apologize for being sad about this, you have every right to be. you lost something that was very important to you, and you don't need explain why you're sad. i love darling. i'll be back in a minute, im grabbing your juice."

"i love you. thanks"

even after apologizing to him i still feel bad, but i know things will get better soon.

travis returns back with a cup of orange juice and meredith had followed him back into our room.

"here you go babe" he says while handing me the glass

"so, what've you been up to lately? sleeping?" he asks me

"basically yeah, it takes my mind off of everything, especially these stupid cramps but they are getting better so that's good."

"i got an idea that might help them go away"

"spill. anything to get them away"

"so lie back for me"

"woah travis, not yet, the doctor said not until the bleeding stops"

"not like that! i'm gonna massage your stomach taylor, don't worry."

"oh. well thank you travis"

i don't know what magic he does with his hands, but it eases the pain a ton. it still hurts obviously but it's feels so so much better than earlier.

after my relaxing massage, travis helps me use the bathroom. the bleeding is finally starting to get a little bit lighter, and it kinda just feels like a heavier period now. but the doctor said the bleeding can last for like a month. which sucks because i'm scared of blood, which isn't ideal considering i'm a girl. but i've definitely have gotten used to it over the years.

i decide to change out of my clothes, i haven't showered today but im gonna do that later tonight. since im not going out anywhere i just change into a pair of comfortable fleece pants and one of travis's old t-shirts, it's huge on me but i don't mind.

"travis? can i ask you a question? but you have to actually answer me."

"what's up?"

"do you want kids? yes or no. none of the 'whatever you wanna do' bullshit, just answer me"

"i mean, i could see kids in the future, i just think right now might not be the best time, but again, it's not my choice."

"okay. so let's say we aren't able to conceive a child the 'normal' way. should could maybe try IVF, we could look into adopting?"

"that'd be cool, and you do actually wants kids taylor, right? i dont want to force you into having kids or anything."

"i promise, i do too. kids are adorable."

travis's pov:

i'm glad i was able to get taylor to kinda open up to me again, it wasn't a super deep conversation, but im happy she isn't bottling everything up inside her mind.

but im still very worried about her food intake, i know she has had some problems with eating disorders and things like that in the past, i dont want her to starve herself.

i didn't want to turn the conversation about food, but if she didn't eat something soon im gonna start to question her.


this chapter was kinda just a filler, not to much happened. and sorry it was kinda short. but trust me, the sad stories will be taking a pause for a little bit soon. thank you so much for reading!

love you to the moon and to saturn <3

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