04 | bigger than the whole sky

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trigger warning: blood, miscarriage, please don't read this if any of those topics tend to trigger you, thank you <3

1615 words

taylor's pov:
me and travis haven't announced our pregnancy to anyone yet, tree is the only other person who knows. but i'm starting to show a little bit now, but i just look like really bloated,  but we are planning on telling family and friends later on this week

today i'm having a girls day out with selena and blake, i need to get my mind off of this whole pregnancy thing, but im planning to tell both of them today, since they're some of my closest friends, and i want them to be the first people to find out.

we're going out to dinner and shopping after, and im going to announce it to them during lunch, im very exited, its been hard keeping it a secret from them for this long.

*at the restaurant*

i order some chicken tenders with fries, i dont feel like eating anything fancy right now, im just craving chicken today. about half way through the dinner my stomach starts to cramp up and it hurts really bad, like period cramps but worse. i coughed it up to the food i've been eating recently though, i haven't been eating the healthiest lately.

selena's pov:

something is off with taylor tonight. i'm not quite sure what, but something isn't right. she seems very tense and isn't acting like her normal self.

i don't want to jump to conclusions or anything but could she be pregnant? i don't want to assume  anything obviously, but she hasn't had anything to drink, she's holding her hands around her stomach. she just isn't herself tonight.

taylor's pov:

"i have pee. anyone wanna come with?" i ask

we all go as a group of course, the bathroom is empty, and i head into the big stall. fuck. fuck. fuck. no no no. this can't be happening. my underwear is covered in blood. this can't be just spotting. am i miscarrying? what the fuck. tears start rolling down my face, i don't know what to do.

"tay? are you okay? what's wrong?" selena asks from outside the stall

"im bleeding." i said, but it had completely slipped my mind that i hadn't told them about the pregnancy yet, my brain was still processing everything that just happened.

"you're a girl taylor. you've had your period for what, almost 20 years? it's not that big of a deal babe. i can get you a pad from your bag if you'd like?" selena says

"no, no it's not like that." i'm realizing i'm going to have to tell them i was pregnant, this certainly isn't the way i wanted them to find out.

"did you fall? are you okay?" blake asks

"if i tell you guys, you cannot tell anybody. promise?"

"we promise" both of them say

"i was pregnant. i think im miscarrying or something."

"oh my goodness tay." selena says

"tay, let's call an ambulance, it'll all be okay" blake says

i click open the lock on stall door, and selena give me a long hug while blake is on the phone with the ambulance i needed it.

"i called the ambulance, they'll be here any minute." selena says.

"taylor, im so sorry" blake says as she gives me a long comforting hug

i dont respond, i dont know what to say. i'm starting to get blacked out, i cant tell what's happening or what's going on, im scared.

blake's pov:

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