
837 17 2

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3rd person :

Coughing up flowers on a daily basis or ever wasn't normal everyone knew that

But saying it out loud sounded even crazier.

If you looked around the paddock you wouldn't even think anyone had it considering the diseases was so unpredictable but also the fact that they managed to hide it well

In fact, if you actually knew how many people had it or have it in the paddock it might as well be a contagious disease

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Yuki's POV :

I look over to my right to see Pierre he's laughing with Charles and they're being all touchy

A pang of heartache hits me and I feel like I somethings stuck in my throat again so I quickly rush to my drivers room

Once I shut the door I start coughing uncontrollably and flower petals come out, there's a ton all over the floor

More than ever before. I have tears in my eyes

I had been diagnosed with Hanahaki disease and I'm currently on medication for it but it's gotten worse recently

After Pierre's moved to alpine I distanced myself from him. I thought it would've been good to get some type of distance from him and maybe my feelings for him would go away

I was wrong. Oh so so wrong I was

In fact, I feel for him even harder and I even got a deadly disease because of it

Could my life get any worse ?

Hiding it from everyone hasn't been easy considering coughing attacks come out of nowhere, fuck I've even rushed out of interviews before

I think I few drivers have caught up that I'm hiding something but they thankfully haven't figured it out

Although, Max has asked me a few times what's wrong but I've either just simply ignored him or lied my way out of it

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Max's POV :

Yuki suddenly rushes out of the room

"What up with Yuki?" Lando asks curiously

I sigh, "I have no idea. I've been worried about him he's been doing that a lot and he usually looks really sick before he leaves"

"Is he sick?" Carlos asks

I shrugged, I honestly didn't know but I wish I did. He's like a brother to me

"Okay well I'm going to go check up on Yuki" I say before heading to the Japanese drivers room

Once I get there I hear him in a fit of coughing

So I opened the door to see him coughing up flowers

I shut the door and locked it

"Yuki!" I said panicked

If I was being honest it was probably the most shocking thing I've ever seen in my life

I ask. "Are you alright?"

But he's still coughing and I just sit there whilst rubbing his back

After a minute he stop coughing, I gave him water and he gladly accepted

"Thank you" he says

I nod before saying, "what was that? Why did you cough up flower petals?"

"You promise to not tell anyone, not even Danny I know he's your best friend but I'm serious"

"I promise I won't"

He sighs, "I have Hanakahi disease.."

"Which is?" I say utterly confused but it sounds bad

"Where you fall for someone but it's unrequited love.. but I fell way way way too hard for them and that's where I got here"

My eyes widen. "Wait is it Pierre you love?"

Now his eyes widen and his jaw slightly drops. "I..I how the fuck did you know!?"

"Finally, gosh thought you'd never admit it" I said

He hit me as I laugh at him

We sit down on his couch as he explain to me more about the diseases

"Wait so how long have you had it for?" I asked

He looked down. "A few months but I'm on medication so it's not spreading as fast"

"So is there a cure or ?.."

Yuki takes a deep breath before nodding. "There's a surgery or.."


"If the person you love, loves you back and proves it. It'll disappear. But with the surgery there's a catch, you'll lose all memory of the person and I'm just not willing to do that"

I looked at him in shock. "But this disease isn't deadly right?"

"If i don't do the surgery or Pierre doesn't love me back which he never will. I'll die"

I was listening for words

"Yuki." I said sternly, "you can't be serious. You seriously aren't going ahead with the surgery, you could die! And Pierre probably does love you back"

He shook his head. "Max, please. I won't go ahead of the surgery nor does Pierre like me that way, he just sees me as a friend"

I roll my eyes. This kid

"Promise me something"

"What is it"

"Promise me, you'll at least consider the surgery if it goes too far" I say more like demanding it

He sighs before nodding hesitantly. "I promise I'll take it into thought if it goes that far"

I hugged him. "It'll be okay"
"Thank you Max"

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Word count : 839

F1 Hanahaki diseaseWhere stories live. Discover now