Doctors appointment

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3rd person :

As Lando left the hotel room so he could catch a flight back home

Accidentally, the Britain left his phone in the room, it bings

Carlos went to go put it on silent when he saw what the text said

"Morning baby ❤️ . Hope you had fun last night, dinner tonight?" The message read -from Jay which had a white heart next to it

The Spaniard now had tears in his eyes and switched it off

"Why?" He wondered, "what if he had asked him first, or if he asked at all. Would've Lando said yes?"

The door suddenly, swinged open

"Shit I forgot my phone" the curly haired man said

Carlos points to it but doesn't dare look at the Miami gp winner

"Thanks, see you next race" he says

The Spaniard glances at Lando as he sees him smile at the message, as Carlos assumed

This hurts Carlos more than he already was, which everyone including himself would've thought was impossible and god did he have a killer headache

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Max's POV :

Today I'm driving Yuki and Logan to their doctors appointment to get their monthly check in and I've just picked them up

It's 3:45pm

"Hey you nervous?" I ask as I drive to the doctors

Yuki shrugs, "a bit, ever since we've been having to share rooms I see him more often and I keep coughing"

"Same" Logan sighs, "I'm just a bit tired hearing about Lando all the time, don't get me wrong he's a good dude but fuck me"

I laugh, and nod. "Yeah mate I understand" I said as I park

We get out of the car and I let the yak to the receptionist before the doctor came to collect us

"Okay who first?" The doctor asked

Yuki raised his hand and he got a chest scan first

Logan and I were looking over the mans shoulder to see the x-ray

"Okay Mr Tsunoda" he says, "so I've got your results and it looks like your diseases has spread further a little bit but it will be manageable if you take your medication twice a day from now on. And If you can, the person you love this dearly, distant yourself away from them unless you confess to them so it possibly doesn't spread quicker. "

Twice? Yuki has trouble even sneaking one pill a day with racing and bring around people all the time

And how the fuck is he going to avoid Pierre? we're in Miami for a gp which just finished and they're sharing hotel rooms again, AND for the rest of the season

Yuki nodded and they talked a bit before Logan had his x-ray

I gave Yuki a worried look

Knowing that Logan has a way harder time controlling this disease

Logan reminded me of Arthur when he had it, he still keeps it secret from his family and friends that he used to have it, but I caught him coughing in his drivers room once

Luckily Dennis found out quickly enough and told him his feelings and now they're engaged, thank good it didn't go far enough

Charles will kill me if he ever finds out, I knew and I never told him or Lo

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