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Charles POV :

As I finally got back to my hotel after hearing Pierre talk my ear off about Yuki

I see the time and it's 7:18pm


I quickly hop into the shower, to do an everything shower

All I could think is how Max will probably show up early because he hates being late for things

But I would probably stand at the door, not even ready

I get out of the shower and put on some light grey trousers and a white button up which I left a few buttons undone with a silver chain and a couple of my favourite bracelets and rings

Putting on my favourite cologne so I smelt good and fixing up my outfit when I heard a knock at my door

Shit, I hadn't even dried my hair yet

Checking the time again, it was 7:45pm now

I opened the door to see Max holding a bouquet of roses and my favourite chocolates

He didn't even say anything he just stared at me and was looking at my body

"Uh hey Maxy" I say, trying to break him out of his trance, "just let me go dry my hair and I'll be ready to go"

He shook his head slightly, snapping out of it. "Oh sorry, Schatje. These are for you. Take your time." He handed me the bouquet and chocolates

I kissed his cheek

"Merci" I smiled, "how do you know my favourites?"

He smiles, "I asked Pierre, anyways are you going to let me in"

"Oh sorry" with that I step aside making enough space for him to walk into my hotel room

I quickly go to the bathroom to grab the blow dryer to dry my hair

"Schatje!!" He shouts

I stop the blow dryer for a second, "yes, what's wrong?"

"Do you want me to help you with your hair?" He says as he walks into my bathroom

I shook my head. "No it's alright, I've got it thanks though"

Before I could turn back on the hair dryer, the Dutch man snatched it off me

"Excuse me?!" I said stunned

He grabs just grabs my waist with one hand and the other he starts drying my hair for me

At this stage my jaw was practically on the floor and my cheeks were as red as a tomato

"Max, you don't need to" I said, "I can do it"

"But I want to do it" he says and continues drying my as hair

After he's done he just kisses my forehead and lets me style my hair before we go

F1 Hanahaki diseaseWhere stories live. Discover now