If you love me, you'll cut them off

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Alex's POV :

Logan was walking back into his drivers room, I knew he was overthinking even more so after he saw Oscar with another girl

I knock on his door, and he opens the door

"Hey, you okay?" I ask entering his drivers room

The American sighs in defeat, "last as always.. god I'm losing my seat"

I frown, "don't say that"

"All the rumours, the whispers. Everyone knows it" I said, "fuck I'm so stupid"

I pull him into a hug, "you're not stupid"

He hums before I let go off him and we start talking about George and I

"So what's with you and George hm?" He grins

My eyes widen, "nothing"

"Nothing?" He questions, "those hickeys say otherwise"

"HUH!?" I say loudly as I quickly go to the mirror to be revealed there was in fact a few hickeys on my neck, "shit! Help me, Logan!"

Fortunately, I found a Williams hoodie although it wasn't the best weather for it but I can use it when I'm around other people

"So you guys a thing yet?" Logan questions

I smiles, "okay fine I'll tell you. We're not offical yet but we are going to dinner Austria"

He says, "mate that's amazing, I'm happy for you guys!"

"Thank you, I'm happy we're finally going somewhere" I said, "but anyways how about Oscar hm? I saw you eyeing him and the chick he was with"

He shook his head, "it's nothing, we're just friends"

"But you wish you were more"

"Yes.. but you can't tell anyone" he said

I nodded, "of course but it's kind of obvious?.."

Logan's eyes widened and he looked almost scared

"Don't worry Oscar's oblivious, maybe even delusional like Lando" I sigh

He chuckled, "fuck, if only I could confess to Oscar but why would he ever be with me?"

"Why wouldn't he be?" I ask

"There's one hundred and ten reasons not to be with me. One of them being we've been best friends since go-karts" he says, "it'll ruin our friendship, and even so he would never bat an eye for me. The Australian is perfect!"

I nod, "I understand. I worried the same thing with George before he confessed to me but wouldn't you rather no then it eating you alive? For you quite literally"

The Americans eyes widen. "What did you say?"

"You don't think I've noticed running to the bathroom to go cough your lungs out, petals here and there? Logan, I know you have Hanahaki disease"

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