Logan, you're not going crazy

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Logan's POV :

As I walk down the paddock I see Oscar and Lando laughing like no tomorrow

Having their hands on each other, having a laugh attack and Lando being able to put the cheesy smile Oscar has

I feel a wave of jealousy rise. I only wanted to be the one to make Oscar smile like that, laugh until he couldn't breathe, having my hands on his waist or his shoulders

Oscar notices me and gives me a wave, I wave back before quickly going to my drivers room

I didn't know if I was angry or anxious but whatever it was made me want to hurl

As I open my phone I go on TikTok to distract myself and come across a video of Oscar saying, "I'm probably the closest with Lando"

Holy shit that stung, after years of knowing him. After the photo on his family fridge, and being placed 2nd


I just wanted to scream. It hurt, it fucking burned that he didn't think we were as close as I thought we were

For fuck sakes, we grew up together

I had tears welling up in my eyes and I threw my phone across the room

Suddenly, I had tears running down my cheeks

All I knew was that I was head over heels for a guy who honestly couldn't care if I was in his life anymore

Fuck, I'm the one who's always reaching out to him now

Ever since we got to F1 he's distanced himself, more and more

I ball even harder when I realised that he's probably in love with Lando

Suddenly, it feels like there's something in my throat so I coughed to clear my throat but flower petals came out only a few, like 5

Although, it managed to freak me out when I coughed again and there was now 8 petals in front of me

My eyes widened, surely I'm not insane and this is just a dream

Wake up Logan, wake the fuck up.

I look up to see a photo of Oscar and I laughing, I feel even more tears coming in

We haven't laughed like that in almost a year or even really had a conversation

He's been to busy with McLaren..

My phone start to buzz so I quickly go over to get it and it's an incoming call from..


I pick up

"Hey man" the Aussie says

"What's up, dude"

He sighs, "I have no idea what to get Lando for his birthday"

"Ohh.." I say, "uh I have no clue man. I'm not really close with him, ask Carlos"

F1 Hanahaki diseaseWhere stories live. Discover now