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Yuki's POV :

Logan & I decided to go out for lunch before our meeting with the whole grid

I didn't really know what the meeting would be about since we don't normally hold those kind of meetings anymore but they said you must be there and on time

The American and I have become more closer throughout the weeks

He's actually a really funny guy

We go to a café nearby and eat something there before heading off to the meeting

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Pierre's POV :

As I drive past a cafe I see Logan and Yuki exiting it, laughing and having a good time

So he has time for Logan but not for me?

I asked if we could hang out before we go to the meeting but he said he already had plans

I'm better than Logan, so much better. I'm sure of that

He isn't Yuki's type anyways. Well at least he better not be.

Or else I slam his fucking head in the wall

There's some rumours online about Yuki and Logan dating

I laughed at it but now seeing how close they are.. I don't know, but I don't like it

What about him and I ?

We looked better as a couple then them 2

Wait what the fuck am I thinking

Stop Pierre, Yuki is just a friend. A friend who's straight

Plus, doesn't Oscar and Logan have a thing or something?

I pull up to the hotel, my best friend is staying at we decided we would go there together since it was easier

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Charles POV :

"bonjour mon ami" I say, "how are you?"

He smiles, "bonjour, I'm fine, you?"

"Amazing!! Guess what!" I said excited


"Max finally asked me to go on a date tonight!!" I happily told

He laughs. "I told you he liked you back, Charlie!"

"Yeah well thank you! He told me you said something to him and he finally realised to ask me out"

He grins. "Good. I told him to either stop leading you on or ask you out finally. Or else I'd get Arthur involved"

"Is that a joke?" I laughed

"Nope!" He says, "you should tell Arthur and Lorenzo they'd be happy for you"

I shook my head. "Not yet, soon. If everything goes well and it's just one date"

He gave me a look and said, "and? You really don't think you'll go on more? How long have you two been mooing over each other again ?"

After we pulled up at the place where the meeting was now being held and it started in 10 minutes but we needed to find the room

As we walk through the hallways, we bump into Max

The Dutch man smiles brightly at me before giving me a hug. He greeted us

"Hey, do you know where the room is for the meeting?" I asked

He shook his head. "No Christian and I split up to find it. This bloody building is a maze"

- time skip

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Third person :

"Alright is everyone here?" Toto said, standing up with Christian

Everyone was so they got started

Christian says, "so you're probably wondering why we're holding this meeting and it's because most of yous have petty grudges against one another and soon someone will get hurt"

"So you needs to stop your pettiness on track and start growing up. Because this whiny bullshit is unacceptable." Toto adds

"But that not the only reason you're here today." Christian says

Toto says, "You will be roommates with another person, who's not your teammate. Starting from next race onwards"

All the drivers groaned and hoped for a person who didn't get on their nerves

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Roommates -

Oscar and Logan

Alex and George

Yuki and Pierre

Charles and Max

Carlos and Lando

Daniel and Checo

Lance and Esteban

Fernando and Lewis

Valtteri and Kevin

Nico and Zhou

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The room was filled with groans by a few unhappy drivers not having it with the new roommates thing

Yuki, and Logan looked at each other knowing they were royally fucked

Max was looking at them both, concerned. He knew about the disease and he knew that this will most likely make the disease less manageable for them since they'll be constantly around them

Although Max got lucky with his roommate but only if he doesn't fuck the date up

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I swear if the rumour about Danny being replaced by Liam if he doesn't preform within 1-2 races I'll sob

(Love Liam tho but always gonna be rooting for Danny)

Word count : 751

F1 Hanahaki diseaseWhere stories live. Discover now