Chapter 1: Journey Throughout The Stars

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"... Well this is awkward." Y/n sheepishly smiled as everyone on the Astral Express stared at the tied-up Y/n with a slap mark on his cheek. "Can you guys please let me go?"

After having been gone for weeks after helping with the Herta Space Station emergency and gaining a new Nameless, he has finally returned to the train, Astral Express. 

"This is the fourth time Y/n!" March 7th said, holding the towel around her blushing. "Can you stop teleporting to the damn bathroom!"

"I can't help it!" Y/n exclaimed. "After I teleport I always subconsciously always teleport to the exact same position I first did it!"

"I was showering!"

"So?! It's not like you've also walked in on me but naked!" Y/n retorted. "Besides, all you have are mid-boobs with no cake while I have an entire damn bakery!"

"EXCUSE ME?!?" She looked down behind her before aiming her bow that she summoned at him. "Do you want me to shoot you!?"

"You don't even have the balls to shoot, figuratively and literally!" Y/n shot at her.

"Alright, everyone! Settle down." Himeko calmed the two down. The others were just sweatdropping at the sigh of the two idiots of the Astral Express arguing once more. Himeko turned to Y/n with a motherly disappointed expression. "Where have you been dear? You've been missing for a couple of weeks."

"Ah, I went to visit some friends." Y/n explained. "It's been a while since the last time I've seen them."

"Please, before you go tell us so we know in advance." Himeko said. This is not the first time Y/n has done something like this. Like that one time when he was gone for an entire month only for them to discover he was exploring planets far beyond their reach. 

"I will. But I'll probably forget." Y/n sheepishly smiled.

"Y/n..." Himeko had her arms crossed.

"Okay! Okay!" Y/n said. "I'll tell you before I explore."

"Good boy." Himeko patted him much to his embarrassment.

"I'm not a kid..." Y/n muttered.

"Why were you gone for a couple of weeks?" Dan Heng asked, his arms crossed as usual.

"... Apparently I have a girlfriend." Y/n blurted out much to everyone's shock.

"YOU WHAT?" March 7th screamed in shock. There was no way he could've gotten a girlfriend when he's a damn rock!

"HA! YOU DAMN THOUGHT!" Y/n grinned as he had successfully pranked March 7th.

"...Listen here you little piece of shi-"

"I will not say it twice... Settle down." Himeko said, her arms crossed getting the two to instantly stop. "What really happened there?

"Uh... I decided to revisit the old places I explored with my friends."

"Does it really take a couple of weeks though?" Stelle asked. "I mean, it's not like you're going around the world."

"About that, I did in fact go around the world." Y/n confessed. 


"I used my teleportation to teleport to old places I've been to, quite the journey." Y/n awkwardly smiled.  "Did you take any pictures?" March 7th asked, hoping she could get some more for her collections.

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