Chapter 2: Welcome to Penacony!

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After the jump, the train went full speed towards Penacony, the Planet of Festivities where the crew was gonna be for a couple of weeks. It didn't take long before they arrived at Asdana, the solar system where Penacony was located. 

Y/n opened his eyes and was amazed at the sight of Penacony. To say the least, he was very excited and was having problems not just teleporting right into the hotel. Suddenly, Stelle gasped as if she woke up from a nightmare which concerned Y/n.

"Stelle, what's wrong- Why are you crying?!" Y/n realized that Stelle had tears running down her cheeks. She then suddenly squished Y/n like a stuffed animal wanting to get some comfort. "S-STELLE, MY RIBS-"

"I... had a dream where I lost my trash..."

"...What..." Y/n turned to Pom-Pom for help. "Pom-Pom, help me."

"I-It seems like she had a nightmare. We just arrived in Asdana and... it seems like your tolerance to memorial isn't the strongest."

"What's memorial?" Y/n asked.

"Pom-Pom thinks it's the stuff they use for the dreamscape." Pom-Pom answered.

"Oh, right, forgot the main attraction was in the dreamscape." Y/n remembered. "Wait, how are our luggage gonna work then?"

"Pom-Pom suggests you ask someone who works at Penacony, Pom-Pom isn't a Wikipedia page!"

"Sheesh, calm down, I only spiked your juice twice these couple of months."

"You what?!"


After holding Pom-Pom's forehead to not get hit by his tiny arms, Y/n and Stelle began to prepare to board the hotel lobby where everyone else excluding Dan Heng was waiting for them. On their way, Y/n was listing stuff that Stelle couldn't do.

"Alright, so first of all, no swinging the bat or lance like a madman, second of all pay respect for the workers, they're already dealing with my shit so none of your shit is allowed, and third of all... the hell... why does it say, don't let Stelle near trashcans?" Y/n was reading off stuff that March 7th and Dan Heng had to stop Stelle from doing. "Have you been going through trashcans?"

"Hey! They're precious to me!" Stelle retorted. "You guys just don't understand the ways of the trash!"

"... Are we sure that Stelleron isn't affecting her mind..." Y/n muttered. He shook his head. "Anyways, we're approaching the lobby now, don't mess around, that's my job."



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Once they exited the transporter, they were met with endless rows and levels of hotel rooms, with flying transporters working as intended with people from different solar systems in the lobby, chatting, checking in or out.

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