Chapter 5: Death

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After Firefly showed Y/n her secret hideout, they continued to chat until they decided to head back when Y/n got messages from his crew to gather. On the way back, Y/n told Firefly some stories he had while visiting other planets.

"So then I told her, 'Don't be in the kitchen, I swear to god, I already have to deal with one that can't cook' to her." Y/n said. "And you know what she did?"

"Did she go into the kitchen?" Firefly asked, already thinking she knew the answer to his question.

"Actually, she did stay out of the kitchen." Y/n said. "The others were surprised that she listened to me."

"What happened in the kitchen when she was there?" Firefly asked, curious as to why Y/n's friend couldn't be in the kitchen.

"Hm... one reason was that she set the water on fire by using jet oil." Y/n said. "Another one was when her squadmates forced her to make a bunch of sandwiches."

"Yikes... is it that bad?"

"According to Bronya yeah." Y/n said. "She's also one of her teammates."

"I see..."



"... So why are you holding my hand?" Y/n asked his question that he held back. On their way back to the Clockie statue, he felt that Firefly held his hand, which he didn't comment on because he was in the middle of telling a story.

"A-Ah, is it annoying you? I'll stop..." Firefly, flustered, was about to let go of his hand but was stopped by Y/n's squeezing his hand.

"I never said I wasn't against it, just wondering why." Y/n said. 

"W-Well, it's because I just wanted to make sure you wouldn't wander off randomly." Firefly said.

"Hm... Sure, whatever you say." Y/n said as they continued walking.

"..." Firefly glanced at him before looking away, a blush on her cheeks. 'D-Does he know...? Am I being too clingy? Should I maybe hold his arm instead-'

"Something's off." Y/n said, causing Firefly to snap back from her thoughts. "Where is everyone?"

Firefly looked around, seeing that they were already by the statue, but no people were visible. The eerie silence only amplified the situation. "Wait, yeah... where is everyone?"

"...Firefly, stay close, and don't let go of my hand." Y/n said. "Something's wrong."

"Mh..." She nodded in agreement and held his hand tightly as they looked around.

After looking for some time, Y/n saw a familiar person standing where he and Stelle landed facing away from them. "March?"

"Is that someone you know?" Firefly asked after seeing the person Y/n saw.

"Yeah, she's one of the crewmates of the Express." Y/n said. "Let's go to her." They walked up to the platform March 7th was standing on and called out to her. "Hey, March. Do you know what's going on?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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