Chapter 4: Firefly

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"Uh, what's going on? Who are you-?" Y/n was cut off by the two stranger making their way towards them. "Um excuse me, can someone-"

"Look! She has an accomplice!" Person A said.  

"... Excuse me?"

"Ha! Good work! Now we can nab them both in one go!" Person B said.

"Wait, I'm not included in this-" Y/n was cut off by Person B trying to get ahold of him which didn't work since he just backed up. "Hey, hey, hey! I'm a fucking tourist you idiot!"

"That's a damn lie!" Person A came from behind and was about to grab both Y/n and the girl before they suddenly disappeared from their sight. "Huh?!"

"Oi, you shits." Person A and B turned to the voice to see Y/n holding the girl close to him while pointing two fingers at them. "Enjoy a fucking piano." Y/n brought the two fingers down before a portal opened up above them and a piano dropped on them. To say the least, they were in pain after having a piano falling on top of them.

Y/n let out a sigh before footsteps could be heard walking towards them. He turned and saw the person who looked like a tired middle-aged man. "That's enough boys." He sternly said.

He glanced at the girl, the girl looking back before he turned to the other two

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He glanced at the girl, the girl looking back before he turned to the other two. 

"A-Ah, sir!" Person A reached out to him. "A little help? We're trapped here."

"What the hell has gotten into you guys? Open your damn eyes and take a good look." He gestured to the girl that was in Y/n's arms. "Is this lady the stowaway we're looking for?"

"Huh? Wait, who's this?" Person B asked Person A.

"Don't you know him? Look at his brown hair and gray vest. He's the officer sent here by The Family to maintain order at the Charmony Festival. 

"I-I see... W-Well! Sir, the thing is, we're trying to apprehend a stowaway, and that young lady looks very suspicious." She was pointing at the girl. We're Sure she's the one!"

"That's nonsense." He walked closer to them. "Take another look. The witness report says the suspect is a lad with silver hair, and you guys are going after a girl with silver hair. Does that even make sense? She's our guest!" He let out a sigh. "Well, just get out of my way and I'll take care of this..."

"Sir... we're stuck."

"...Right." Y/n swiped his hand to the left, teleporting the broken piano somewhere unknown, releasing the two people. They quickly scattered away before the important person turned back to them. 

"Sorry for all the trouble you guys went through back there." The person said before introducing himself. "I'm Gallagher from the Bloodhound Family, and those idiots are some young Bloodhounds I've been training." 

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