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    Man, I look even more like an idiot now. Yume hands me a weird magic phone thing and leads me to the main city to meet the god of this nation, Baal. This universe is so weird. First I see giant mushrooms then I see a flying cat! The scenery is beautiful though. There are so many blue and pink trees! They kind of look like the trees in the Lorax. Next thing I know, I will probably find an orange creature defending the trees.

    "See not so bad right?" Yume says. "Shut up, you annoying rat. I'm tired of hearing your voice." Yume made a dramatic gasp and rolled her eyes.
We finally make it to the city and meet the god of electricity, Baal. She has long purple hair and dark purple eyes. She gave me the power of wind and set me on my journey. I'm guessing the goal is to "get to the end and be free" or something along those lines.

I decided to test out my powers on a couple of valkeries. I'm surprisingly powerful. I one-shotted all those enemies! I see a tiny little gem and pick it up. It's a purify gem! I'll save it for later since I don't need it that much right now.

"Hm. It's good but it can use some work. Let's try going to the blacksmith and find a new weapon." Yume says. She is right though. Even when I killed all the valkeries I still feel like that I can do better. Yume leads me to the blacksmith to get myself a weapon. After a while, the blacksmith hands me a shiny sword. It has a white handle and little red detailing on it. He tells me about some type of training facility that I can train at. It's called the "Idol grounds." He lended pme a map and gave me directions to the place. Walking out, I accidentally run into someone.

"Oh! Sorry, are you new here?" A woman with short black hair and a popstar outfit ran into me. She's probably the most normal looking person in this universe. She seems in quite the rush. "I'm Kronnii, and you?" she says, helping me up. Her voice is monotone and deep, it's quite beautiful. "Chara." I murmur. I've never noticed how unique people's outfits were in the universe. For example, Kronnii has white and blue idol clothes, many checkered belts, and heels that look unwalkable in! Like how does she fight in high heels that have a gap in the middle of the heel! Another example is Yume! She literally has a fairy outfit and a crescent crown! They look like magical beings while I'm here looking like your average joe!

    "Man, you need a makeover!" Kronnii says. "Wait what. Why do I need a makeover?" I asked. Even if I stand out from everyone else in this universe I still wanna keep my clothes! "C'mon," Kronnii says. She starts dragging me to a weird shop. There aren't even clothes here! It's just magic wands....wait...WAIT! Am I gonna become a magical girl?! Kronnii gives me a wand. It's red and white, and has a star in the middle of it. "Go ahead." I'm guessing I'm supposed to press the star button. From what I heard after I press it it will start glowing and I'll have a cool transformation. I take some deep breaths. Inhale, exhale. It can't be like one of those weird transformations right? I press it and... nothing happened. What a disappointment. The only thing that happened was that I changed clothes. I look like Kronnii now but instead my outfit is red and white. Wait, did it cut my hair! Now I have a Furina style haircut. I also now have red highlights in my hair. I look in the built in mirror on the wand. My left eye has a sort of star in it? It's the same with Kronnii too. I glance at my side and see a weird number on my left shoulder. "178..." I whispered. What could that mean.

"Now that is so much better!" Kronnii says. "You're not so much of a plain jane anymore!" Yume speaks. Cheerfully. I look down to look at Yume and see... my tits had gotten bigger.

Out of shock I step backwards and fall on my butt, red all over my face. "W-What is this!" I whimper. "Uncomfy huh? You'll get used to it." Get used to this?!?! I just got fanserviced for god's sake! I try standing back up but fall right over. I look at my feet and see that I have the same heels that Kronnii has. Small white heels with a gap in the heel. How would I walk in these? "Here, I'll help you." Kronnii taps my shoulder and mouth some words. Probably cursed at me in another language. Suddenly I'm able to actually stand up normally. It seems that Kronnii's power is to be able to control space and time or a what not because I think she manipulated the space between my heel and made it so it was like a normal heel.

Before I could say something, Kronnii dragged me out of the store and to a different place again. We have a little conversation along the way.

"So, favorite color?"


"Uhmm. How's the weather?"

"It's literally pouring."

"Off to the point, you want to get stronger right?"

"Well, obviously. I want to at least survive long enough to make a friend."

"Am I not your friend?"

"No, more like acquaintance."

Kronnii frowns. "You're such a meanie!"


Kronnii's face becomes more serious and composed. "Enough with the jokes. I want to invite you to my idol team!"

"Wait what. Why? I have no experience with idoling and I'm a terrible singer."

"No, no, no! We don't do actual idol stuff, we just have that as a self proclaimed title! We really are just a bunch of nobodies who are trying to find different ways to escape the virtual reality together."

I think for a moment. It would be a pretty good idea to join them. My main goal right now is to get stronger and escape the reality. I'll just manipulate them into trusting me and leading me the way. I'll backstab them and leave by myself. "I'm in."

A smile curls on Kronnii's face. Too bad she's just gonna be gaslighted.

Kronnii leads me to a secret underground place. Or well not much of a secret. The entrance to the hideout is inside of the big tree at towns square. Me, Kronnii, and Yume are just silently waiting on the elevator. This is a very long elevator ride. Every minute or so we would glance at each other. And in the time between that we would stare at the ceiling. The lights suddenly shut off and the elevator stops. Shit.

"Hm. Must've been the weather." Kronnii says, breaking the silence.

"No shit sherlock." Yume responds.

I pressed the emergency button and told the others to wait five minutes and we'll be saved. It's been about fifteen minutes now. Yume is currently banging on the door and Kronnii is sitting in the corner sleeping. I decided to wake her up and tell her that we're taking the emergency exit.

After Kronnii woke up, I grabbed both her and Yume's wrist like I was a mother making sure her four year old child won't get lost. We climb up the emergency exit and finally realized what was happening. A fire. Turns out the tree was struck by lightning and caught on fire, causing the elevator to stop. I'm surprised that we didn't die though. We decided to go to the training grounds using the stairs. There are about seventeen flights of stairs.

"...fifteen, sixteen, sevent-" I faceplant on the floor. It smells nice. Finally done climbing the seventeen flights of stairs. Kronnii and Yume didn't have to walk since they can just float so only I had to suffer. I opened the door in front of me and see a familiar face.


"Welcome, Chara."

word count: 1370
i am definitely not living by my schedule.

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